Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 319: Bull Demon God's Entire Cow Goes Numb

【Ding! Your health has been emptied, and you are now in the "absolute confinement" state of the Bull Demon God and True God]

【Ding! You have been instantly killed by God Nirvana, God God Nirvana has given you the "Puppet SS" skill, and you have recovered 1‰ life form]

[Bull Demon God True God] The whole cow is numb.

Mom, when did my huge bull demon body become so small?

And, moreover, why did I suddenly have so many auras of confinement?

This Nirvana master should not be underestimated at all~

Now the God of Bull Demon God finally knows how powerful this terrifying Nirvana God is.

If the heavens gave him another chance and let [Bull Demon God True God] choose again, he would definitely choose to raise his hand and surrender.

With only 1% of 1% of blood remaining, the Bull Demon God really panicked.

After all, Xiao Ming is directly in the opponent's hands.

God Nirvana can kill whenever he wants, and he can't let the bull god in the bull demon domain.

"God Nirvana, God Nirvana, slow down!"

"Hey, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago. How could I leave you with 1‰ of blood."

Fang Han said lightly.

"Then God Nirvana, what do you mean..."

"Bull God, listen to me, because you have changed from a Boos to a human race, and you have cultivated from a human race to become a god. I am willing to let your life go."

The Bull Demon God immediately cupped his fists under Fang Han's iron fist to thank him.

Fang Han continued what he just said: "But..."


The Bull Demon God repeated Fang Han's words, feeling that this Nirvana God is really a bit unpredictable.

With his strength, he can be proud of the Nine Layers of Gods.

The other party spared his life, it is estimated that there is some kind of arrangement.

What should come has finally come.

"However, you have to be my subordinate. Whichever plane I tell you to attack, you can attack that plane. Never say no!"

This condition?

Should it be said to be superior, or disabled?

With the personality of [Bull Demon God True God].

If it were someone else who dared to raise such a condition to him, I'm afraid they would have already [struck forward]!

But now, does the Bull Demon God still have a choice?

So what if he is the master of the [Bull Demon Domain]?

So what if he is the owner of the Bull Temple Guild?

In the face of absolute strength, is it still being manipulated by others~

"God Nirvana, God of Bull Demon God, I have great admiration for your strength. I swear in the name of the God of the Bull God Palace. From now on, God Nirvana of the Bull Demon Realm, you are the ruler. How about I be a deputy?"

Fang Han nodded in satisfaction.


As soon as the magical power full of all kinds of dazzling brilliance was absorbed, the existence formed by gathering magic into fists had disappeared.

[Bull Demon God True God] jumped out of the pit.

Huge immediately.

Then, the half-mountain-high cow's shoulder blade fell down, knelt down in front of Fang Han, and honestly called out "God Nirvana!"

"Yeah!" Fang Han was very satisfied, but seeing that the Soul Seizing Fork of [Bull Demon God True God] was still at level 55.

Immediately took out a few top-notch upgrade props, and asked the Bull Demon God to upgrade the Soul Seizing Fork.

The Bull Demon God True God was overjoyed, this mountain is not worshiped in vain!

As soon as it was shot, it turned out to be a top-notch upgrade consumable.

This reward, a proper heavy reward, made him more excited than winning the grand prize.

"Take it, and go to Misty City to find the 'mysterious old man' to upgrade your weapon. Count the time, the mysterious old man is out and about, and he should probably be back."

[Ding! You have received the "Absolute Black Concentrate" from Nirvana]

[Ding! You have received the "Bottom Flow Knife" from God Nirvana]

[Ding! You have received the "Compound Eye Spider King Silk" from Nirvana]

【Ding! You have received the "Weapon Repair Spiritual Water (God)" from God Nirvana】


According to Fang Han's instructions, 【Ox Demon God True God】quickly drove to Misty City with a package of top-notch upgrade props.

But as soon as he entered the city, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Come and see, come and see. There is a cow that broke into our city-state alliance forces."

"My God, what a big guy."

"Is this a cow? It's clearly a bull demon."

"It's a Boos, hit him."

"Kill him, kill him."


If it wasn't for God Nirvana's instructions, [True God of the Bull Demon God] would really want to crush these nasty guys with one foot.

No matter how you say [Bull Demon God True God], he is also a handsome guy in the demon world.

After transforming into an adult form, she is also so naive and cute.

Why are there so many short-sighted guys mocking the existence of your Grandpa Niu~

"Go, let me go."

"I am [Bull Demon God True God], not a bull demon!"

"Speak nonsense again, be careful that I will trample you to death."

"I am your friend and subordinate of Nirvana God. From now on, we will be a family. The city-state alliance forces also have a part of me. Get out, get out!"

It is also a miracle that such a huge Bull God entered the city, but did not cause any fights and riots in the city.

The iron-faced city lord has already received news from Nirvana.

He knew that God Nirvana wanted him to entertain the Bull Demon God True God.

"That big man with long horns standing there, you are the [Bull Demon God True God], we really don't know each other!"

"Hey, who are you? Do you know this god?"

"I know you, we have a lot of brothers from the city-state alliance. They want to peel your skin and eat your meat. Do you remember the plane magic city? You indulged your subordinates and killed the city-state alliance forces. This blood debt was originally for blood. repaid."

"But now, I have suddenly become my own, and God Nirvana has confessed, so we can only compete in another way. If you don't accept it, see you in the battle between the planes! See who attacks and kills There are many powerful enemies in the plane, let's see who makes the most contribution to the city-state alliance!"

What Tie Miansheng said was very level.

The face of the Bull Demon God True God was also taken care of.

The meaning to be expressed is also clearly expressed.

This made Niu Demon God Zhenshen very willing to accept him as a new friend.

After all, Tie Miansheng also has the halo of "city lord" above his head.

Levels, realms, and cultivation bases are all comparable to his Bull Demon God and True God.

"Hahaha, if we can't launch a new war between the planes, how can I, the Bull Demon God, willingly join the City-State Alliance! Hey, Tie Mian Sheng, wait until I upgrade the Soul Reaping Fork. Let's go have a good drink. Follow me more Tell the story of Nirvana Great God. It is best to tell those stories about how Nirvana Great God subdued a powerful enemy and how majestic he is, my old cow loves to hear it most!"


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