"Yeah, I'm ready for this excitement. I just bought some good equipment near Death Star City, and I'm looking for a place to sell it. It's Misty City. The city lord is so domineering, and his city-state managers will definitely give it A fair price... this time I'm rich."


In the city lord's hall, Fang Han, who had been busy all day, finally had time to chat with a few of his friends.

Ji Yanyun broke her leg in the past few days, and Nirvana became the lord of the city, and she brought the entire guild into Misty City.

The strength of Misty City has increased, and the Lixianguan Guild has also obtained a better strength ranking than in Yixing City.

"God Nirvana, ahem, I should change my name to Nirvana City Lord." Ji Yanyun brought a few Warriors into the hall of the City Lord in a hurry, and stood in front of Fang Han, joking with him.

Behind her, even Tie Miansheng followed.

This is also something that can't be helped, who made Ji Yanyun look so beautiful, plus she is the leader of the club, and she has the guardian task assigned to him by Fang Han.

Tie Miansheng happily enjoyed the time of guarding the guild master, followed up and followed up, and after busy work, he heard that his legs were running thin.


"Congratulations to City Lord Nirvana, others are queuing up to give gifts during the day, I was afraid of disturbing City Lord Nirvana, so the gifts had to be delivered now."

Fang Han looked over curiously, and said, "You kid, what kind of tricks are you playing on me again?"

【Ding! You received a Necklace of Tie Mian Sheng Dao Xin Qingming...]

This necklace is good, but it is not suitable for Fang Han, it is suitable for masters of planes lower than him.

But Fang Han accepted it with a smile, and returned a heavy gift to the other party.

When Tie Miansheng opened it, his eyes widened all of a sudden.

【You have received a gift from Nirvana, the Misty City Lord: The Shield of the Hob】

【Shield of the Hob】

[Equipment level lv48]

[This shield requires 300 wrist strength to assemble, provides 2500 defense, 1800 magic defense, and 25% movement speed bonus, and has a 6 chance to resist team battle skills, ignores the opponent's attack power for 30 seconds, and reflects 34% of unit damage. Team battle damage 26%...]

This... is definitely a divine shield!

As the iron-faced student of Shield Warrior, he ran away on the spot.

He was so excited that he hugged this [Hob Hand Shield], gnawed and gnawed, kissed and kissed, laughing wildly for a while, and crying for a while, with the expression like a child who has received a peerless gift.

The people in the city lord's hall all laughed happily at this moment.


As if he had been infected by Tie Mian Sheng, Fang Han laughed and said, "I'm happy to see you kid, but then again. As your main weapon, this shield is a perfect match for your current status. What do you think?"

It wasn't just Fang Han who was happy, Ji Yanyun was also so happy that her heart blossomed.

After all, Tie Miansheng is such an angel guarding existence, coupled with such a shield whose attributes are so powerful that it explodes, the Lixianguan guild will form a group in the future, and this large shield will stand on the battlefield to ensure that the enemy guilds will be killed when they see it. big!

After all, its defense and anti-injury are too strong!

Any master of the plane who is a profession of [Shield Warrior] will probably see this shield, envy and hate, and ask why he didn't get such a good main equipment.

"Master City Lord, I am one of the deacons of Misty City, and now I am here to ask for instructions on the planning of the main urban area."

[clothing store] x? ?

[Consumables store] x? ?

【Pharmacy store】x? ?

【Weapon Shop】x? ?

【Mystery Shop】x? ?

Fang Han glanced at Ji Yanyun beside him, Ji Yanyun can take care of things like this.

As soon as she raised her hand, she quickly gave orders.

"[Clothing store] x87 is enough. Although Piaomiao City is big, there are more than 80 clothing stores in the whole city. Whether it's for picking clothes or selling clothes, it's enough."

"This [consumables store] x50 is enough. But the special consumables must be concentrated in the main urban area, showing a multi-point flowering distribution, not too concentrated."

"[Pharmacy store] x4 are enough, but remember, we must let the pharmacist have more disciples, and those errands and miscellaneous things are left to the disciples to complete, and you can spend less and earn more, um, just arrange it like this .”

"[Weapon shop] 8, after all, next to [weapon shop] is a blacksmith shop, where blacksmiths forge weapons, and the weapon shop sells and recycles weapons, 8 shops can fully handle it."

"[Mystery Shop] x??"

Ji Yanyun encountered a little trouble, and quickly asked Fang Han for advice: "Master Nirvana, how do you arrange this mysterious store?"

Fang Han pointed her out and said: "The mysterious store is directly connected to the city owner. No matter how big the business is or how important the mission plot is, let the person in charge of the store owner execute it according to my authorized will. If the branch store can't solve it, let the main store solve it. If the main store can't solve it, Leave it to the deacon, if the deacon can't solve it, leave it to me!"

This arrangement was orderly, and many subordinates who worked in Misty City admired the arrangement of Nirvana City Lord, and the eyes were the best expression.

"Tell your city lord to come out and meet me!"

Several city guards came in and reported a strange thing to Fang Han.

Some strong men with unknown identities and occupations broke into the core area of ​​Misty City and forced several mysterious store owners to pawn equipment that they could not be masters of.

There was a lot of commotion, and many new players in Piaomiao City knew about it. Now the hall of the City Lord's Mansion is full of people.


【Green Poisonous Dragon Scale】!

Facing many onlookers, that arrogant figure with a mysterious identity threw a piece of equipment on the square.

Many of the onlookers were masters of cultivation and powerful in the plane, but when they saw this weapon soaked in green poison, they all backed away subconsciously.

"Be careful, everyone, don't get close to this voodoo equipment."

"Once poisoned, I'm afraid I will die immediately."

"Its level is so high, I scanned it, and I can't see the level of this equipment at all."

"Probably the equipment that goes up from level lv100. I don't know how this guy got it."

"He brought this [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale] to Misty City, he didn't mean to test the Lord of the City, right?"


For a while, the crowd of onlookers were talking about this matter.

Soon, a path was cleared from the crowd.

Fang Han rushed to the square with his men and several mysterious store deacons.

He glanced at the voodoo equipment stuck in the square, a light flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"You are the owner of Misty City? What a big show, are the Wu people so unpopular? Why can others eat and drink for free for ten days, live in a practitioner's apartment for free, and buy [pharmaceuticals] in the city at half price, but the Wu people can't ?”


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