The original handsome face of this mermaid has swelled into a pig's head.

It's the point where you can ugline yourself to death.

And when doing this breakthrough trial, you must either win or die and go offline!

Fang Han doesn't even give it a chance to commit suicide~

Ice Soul Phoenix Staff and Necromancer Scepter alternate.

A cane on the left cheek, a stick on the right cheek, and finally two throws with the tail hanging~

Under the absolute crushing of Fang Han's attributes, each stick can do more than 60,000 damage.

Other races have an advantage over Humans in health.

But no matter what, I can’t stand Fang Han’s violent pumping~

"Don't slap me in the face, hold back Dalian huh~ Let me die, I want to get stones!"

I have to say, this guy has quite thick blood.

After a few seconds, it still turned into a spot of light...

Well, just being whipped to death.

Only the last echo of the ancient sea tribe "Haizali" remains:

"Ah!!!!!! I'm not reconciled!!!!!!"

"The human race is terrible, I want my mother..."


[Ding, the player "Haijili" died, the current remaining number is 9/10]

All 9 players including Fang Han received this message.

"Ha ha ha, what Hai Zha Li Hai curry, it's really ugly!"

"The last person must be me, La Baba."

"I didn't say that, everyone here is scum!~"


And Fang Han here.

He seemed to have accidentally cast a psychological shadow on this ancient sea tribe.

Tsk tsk tsk, what an ancient sea clan.

As a member of the main civilization that invaded Blue Star, Fang Han will not let anyone go!

When facing them, Fang Han can even say confidently:

"The ancient sea tribe is here? I, Fang Han, am the devil!~"

[Ding, you have plundered the equipment of "Hai Ji Li": "Sea Magic Wand"]

[Ding, you triggered "Theft" and got items: "Colorful Rainbow Scale", "Deep Sea Tail Ring", "Dance of the Sea"]

Fang Han: Your death still counts!

When the ancient Sea Race player returned to his own plane.

Just dumbfounded, where is my weapon? Where are my props?

"Ahhhhhhh, my beautiful colorful scales!!!!"


"Sea Magic Wand" and "Colorful Rainbow Scale" are both gold-level equipment.

The boy's original development seemed to be good.

It’s just that here at Fang Han, it’s a small thing~

To his delight, the prop "Deep Sea Tail Ring" was of great use to him in the future.

Thanks to this dear friend who came all the way to send Lyon!

[Deep sea tail ring] (props) (merman race only)

[Characteristic entry - tail force: can be worn directly on the fish tail, permanently increasing the movement speed and strength by 50% in the seawater environment (intelligence attribute adaptively changes, fish tail attack is a physical attack)]

[Characteristic entry - flow ring; after active opening, a waterspout rises from the tail, and then splits into 4 to attack in 4 different directions, cooling time is 12 hours]


The nature of this prop is the same as that of "Red Hat".

Carrying doesn't inspire traits, it has to be worn.

In the future, if Fang Han turns into a merman royal family, he can wear this object on the tail of the fish.

Earlier, the tornado that that guy set off was inspired by this thing.

It's a pity that Fang Han's water spells are even more terrifying!

Ancient Sea Clan: Are you the Sea Clan or are we the Sea Clan? ? ?

And the skill "Dance of the Sea" can increase the attack power again, use the skill book decisively!

[Sea Dance lv1: (Can only be used in the sea) Pray to the sea with a special guided dance. After guiding for 10 seconds, it increases its attack power by 30% and defense power by 30%. It can be superimposed with other skills and lasts for 50 seconds. Consumes 500 mana, cools down for 300 seconds]


Who is Fang Han who has [Instant Casting].

So in the same way, it can be opened directly without any guiding action!

Because of [Rapid Cooldown], the continuous cooldown was shortened to 30 seconds.

Therefore, easy and seamless connection~

Fang Han guessed that if the max is reached, it is likely that the value of the increase will reach 50%.

"The special wild monsters in the sea may have this skill!"

If you encounter it, you must not miss the plunder to the upper limit.


After Hai Zali's death, the Tianhu scene has been completely occupied by Fang Han.

The reason why he chose this place was actually the same as that ancient Sea Clan thought.

Under the addition of "Heavy Rain".

As long as a tsunami is set off, it is unbearable for other players to squawk in various scenes.

This is a large-scale technique that can destroy a group with one blow!

"Tick, tick, tick..."

"Tick, tick, tick..."

"Tick, tick, tick..."

Fang Han's attainment of water element is not comparable to that of Hai Zheli.

As a result, the skies over all venues suddenly changed.

Invokes the "Water" element domain bonus of the Elven Ring.

Fang Han was amazed by the terrifying boost effect of the 4 "Rainstorm Jade Beads".

In just a short moment, dark clouds enveloped the entire arena.

All the venues started to rain.

Of course, it was the same as in the funeral grove.

Because the scope of this skill exceeds the normal situation by several times.

So instead of man-made "prayer for rain", the first thing everyone thinks about is natural disasters - rainstorms!

The alien players in the remaining 8 planes glanced at the sky suspiciously.

But they didn't take it to heart.

Anyway, it must be the arena again.

"Little rainstorm, can it kill us?"

"Hahaha, God has chosen our frogmen, the trash from other planes should die!"

"Hehe, let's watch my rainstorm turn into ice, the ice rain and arrow array!~"

"Frostbolt, shoot me!!!"



"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."


"Huh? No! Damn, I was frozen


Why do they freeze when the rain falls?

"Damn it, is it the ability of which player? No, it's impossible!"

"Even though they are all only level 30, it is impossible to use such a terrifying technique."

"Damn help, is it possible that we can only hide underground?"


The aliens who were supposed to be fighting fiercely in several major venues suddenly withered.

Still playing? Damn it, it's all over!

"I don't believe that players can do this. With Yunding Tiangong as a witness, I, Yinhui, make it clear here: If a player of lv30 can do it, I will shit on my head!"

Nunu below looked disgusted: "You are so ugly, who would look at it?"

Yin Hui: "You are looking for death!!! It seems that you are still excited if I don't kill you?"

Nunu: "Yo~ you can only talk, your wings are not as stubborn as yours!~"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...


The fierce water rose suddenly, and the Tianhu Lake soared into the sky.

A tsunami feast sweeping everything is about to engulf the entire arena, come on!

Players of different races: "Fuck!..."

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