Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 126 Freeze Everything For Me! Kill The Orc Army In Seconds

"Jie Jie Jie, weak human beings, welcome to the rule of our great orcs!"

"Huh? Why did the temperature suddenly drop?"

Many orc Mage noticed that the magic essence in the air was soaring sharply.


And Huaxia's troops were also in a daze.

You must know that the current season is late summer and autumn.

The average temperature in the Taklamakan Desert can only be described as hot.

The temperature did not rise in the morning, but it is impossible to make it snow in the desert, right?

There was a strong wind and a blizzard.

Many people muttered to themselves: "How do you feel that you have seen this scene?"

"Wait, isn't this the blizzard of [Nine Layers of Gods]!!!!!! Nirvana is one of the signature domain skills..."

Above the sky, between the fields of blizzard.

Suddenly, a group of figures surrounded by endless darkness appeared.

The magnetic sound reached everyone's ears.

"Everyone in Huaxia backs off, let me solve it alone!"

Fang Han's voice was devoid of emotion.

It's like a master aloft, about to destroy everything below.

No one knows how Fang Han appeared in the sky out of thin air.

And no one saw Fang Han's face through the shadow that eroded everything.

Even if [Stealth] is removed, the "Dark Sky" can still hide itself.

Just, such an obvious feature.

It can make it easy for everyone in Huaxia to guess who is in the shadows.

"My eyes are right, right? It appears in front of us like a teleportation."

"Domain skills!!! There are only a few people in the world who possess domain skills?"

"Is other people's domain skills so terrifying? It can only be that person..."

"Blizzard...and this shadow is 'Dark Sky'? Oh my God, this is the real body of Nirvana God! Nirvana God is like a god descending from the earth, so handsome!"

"My mother, God Nirvana is here, the living God Nirvana!!!"

"I knew Nirvana could not just ignore Huaxia, I love you Nirvana!"

Soldiers are also players, why not excited?


As the head of the Northwest Special Department, Lin Fuqiang certainly knows the weight of Nirvana.

That is a god-like character in [Nine Layers of Gods]!

"If it's really Nirvana, we may be saved, everyone retreats 100 miles, hurry up!"

He knew that other players would return to reality.

Physical fitness will be improved in all aspects, but the increase is still not comparable to these large orcs.

But, Nirvana is definitely more than that!

How strong will Nirvana be in reality?

Many experts predict.

I'm afraid he himself is a human nuke...

Unexpectedly, what he saw with his own eyes this time would only shock him even more.

Today's technology can't even find the opponent's trace, and there is such a terrifying desert snowstorm.

Is it possible for humans to do it?


The scope of the blizzard is getting bigger and bigger.

This is Fang Han's fully realized third skill - "Blizzard"!

Paired with "Frozen Ray", it is a perfect group kill combo.

"Orc army, it's great to come, don't come next time~"

4 complete "freezing rays" are like a punishment from God.

Shoot into the entire army from top to bottom.

The endless cold light is like an unavoidable blade, constantly cutting all living beings.

At this time, all the orcs were the fish on the chopping board.

Fang Han is an executioner with a sword!

"Hahahaha, this must be the illusion of the weak human race, just how could they use such a terrifying big spell...Hey, why can't I-move-ah!~"

"We orcs are most proud of their thick skin. You are just tickling us...Ah, it hurts! Is this true??? Ahhh!"

"Wow ah ah..."

"This is not an illusion! We have been deceived, and there is a legendary Mage in this world, help~"

"The Orc Mage is about to knock down the caster. Where's the Orc Mage?"

"The Orc Mage is frozen into ice, run away..."


The moment Fang Han erupted.

The momentum of the orc army changed instantly.

The disdain and ridicule in his eyes were all replaced by deep fear.

"This, this, this, can't be provoked, report to the master to withdraw!"

"Get out of my way, I'm going back to my mother..."


Fang Han watched all this calmly.

"It's all here, so there's no reason to leave, isn't it?"







"Short Puno, I wish your child has no asshole!!!"

They didn't know that Puno had already been easily knocked off by Fang Han.

So now the situation becomes:

The orcs on the other side of the passage squeezed their heads, just wanting to invade this tempting world as soon as possible.

The orcs who came here kept turning around and rushing.

There have even been countless tragic stampedes...

Many orcs were trampled to death by their companions before being continuously frozen to death by Fang Han~


"Do you fucking just want to take advantage of yourself? Hurry up and let me pass!"

"Grandmaster Bear, it's time for us to make our finale appearance, and your aura will be majestic by then!"

"I think the army of orcs has beaten the weaklings on the opposite side to the ground, hahaha~"


Then, the bear army division stepped into the passage.

"I will soon become Juggernaut's most powerful assistant!"



Are you reading that right?

The bear army division rubbed his eyes suspiciously.

Corpses, piles of corpses...

Nima is all from the orc army, how is it possible!

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Army Master Gou Xiong suddenly felt a breath in his chest, unable to get out.


Fang Han's smile surfaced again.

It's just that it's hidden in the shadows and no one can find it.

"Very well, all the orcs in this tribe have come, and the whole tribe must die neatly."

Without further ado, Zizizizizizi...

Bear Army Master: I tm......

The bear and the orcs around it were all frozen into ice cubes.

Cracked at last...

How about majestic? Can't survive 1 second? ? ?

Xiongjun: (wДw) (expression before splitting)


"Crack, crack, crack~"

Perfect solution!

With Fang Han's current strength, he can easily deal with the orc civilization.

The only thing worth noting is the "Orc Master"!

The space crack shrinks rapidly after a big expansion.

Therefore, the opposite side will not be able to come again for a period of time.

I'm afraid that the master who learned of the death of the army at the same time was stupid and dared not come again.

And the next channel will be two-way.

"Hey hey, young master of orcs, I'm waiting for your education from Master Fang Han!~"

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