The entire laser spider is two meters tall.

When it is in action, it is a head taller than Ye Mo.

It is called a spider, but it is actually a 360-degree turret supported by six legs.

However, the shape is too ferocious.

The six mechanical legs are covered with barbs.

This is probably to provide some defense when approached.

The turret on top is even more oppressive.

After the laser spider is created, the corresponding sound should also be heard.

"bite···Your innate skill Mechanical Sea triggers 5 times critical strike, you gain 5 laser spiders!"

What a beautiful voice.

It directly adds 5 laser spiders to Ye Mo.

This increase in number is addictive.


"Create a mechanical war dog!"Ye Mo was not vague. After the upgrade, the cooldown was reset. Then use it.

"bite···Your innate skill Mechanical Sea triggers 9 times critical strike, and you gain Mechanical War Dog*9!"



Ye Mo already has 60 Mechanical War Dogs and 6 Laser Spiders!

The attributes of the Mechanical War Dogs are: HP 320, Attack 72, Defense 28, Attack Speed 1.02.

The attributes of the Laser Spiders are: HP 360, Attack 81, Defense 31.5, Attack Speed 1.17.

And Ye Mo's attributes are:

【Sea of stars!】

【LV; 5】

【HP: 400】

【MP: 150】

【Occupation: mechanic!】

【Attack: 90】

【Defense: 35】

【Strength: 30】

【Agility: 30】

【Intelligence: 30】

【Constitution: 30】

【Growth coefficient: 5】

【Lucky; 2】

【Occupational Talent: Sea of Machinery LV1 (Mechanic's exclusive skill; when manufacturing machinery, there is a 50% chance of critical hit, and 1-10 additional machinery will be obtained!)】

【Special skills: None!】

【Skill tree: Combat LV2 (energy group, static field), Manufacturing LV2 (mechanical war dog, laser spider), Defense LV2 (equipment modification, mechanical array)】

【Items: Mechanical Repair Box. 】

After reaching the fifth level and unlocking the second-level skill.

For combat, Ye Mo chose the electrostatic force field, which can increase the combat power of the machines within a range. For the manufacturing system, he chose the laser spider.

For defense, he chose the traditional combat method of the mechanic, the mechanical array.

This is the beginning of the mechanic's awesomeness.

Mechanical array; with the foothold as the core, deploy a mechanical array with powerful firepower support.

Restriction 1: It takes 5 seconds to cast and cannot be interrupted.

Restriction 2: It continuously consumes MP and also consumes 100 iron ore.

It is extremely powerful, but there is also a price to pay!

"This profession really destroys the balance!" Ye Mo thought to himself;

"How long has it been since the game started? I already have the corresponding strength!"

"It's simply a human wave tactic."


Ye Mo looked into the distance.

He had a very strong plan in mind.

A very long-term route had been arranged.

Killing through the forest was only the first step.

At present,

Ye Mo had already felt the shackles of the mechanic.

That was iron ore!

Iron ore was almost the lifeblood of the mechanic.

It was not practical to buy it with gold coins.

Don't think that the supply in the store was unlimited.

If you spent money from outside, you couldn't buy much iron ore.


There is only one real solution.

That is to find a mine or a vein!

And this Novice Village No. 9520.

Ye Mo has memorized its map.

In front!

There is an iron ore mine!

"There is no limit to the number of mechanical dolls I can command."

"What really restricts me is resources!"

"In other words, as long as I find the mine and use the machine to mine continuously,"

"In a short period of time, the number of my mechanical dolls will grow by leaps and bounds!"

This is Ye Mo's development path.


Pile up the quantity.

When the quantity reaches a certain level, a qualitative change will occur!


Ye Mo turned over and stood on the head of a laser spider

""Let's go!" With a light shout, the team set out!

With a number of 60+, it was already a large team for pioneering.

They swept all the way! All the monsters that appeared in front of them turned into experience.

Ye Mo did not sweep to exterminate them, because there was no need. He just had to keep going deeper.

Killing monsters above their level would reward a lot of experience.

After passing through the forest, they entered the hilly area.

The laser spider was an all-terrain mechanical war doll, and would not be affected by the terrain at all.

Not to mention the mechanical war dog, it was as smooth as walking on flat ground.

"The information says that the mine is just below the highest mountain."Ye Mo murmured in a low voice;


After walking for a while,

Ye Mo noticed a mountain.

It was definitely the highest mountain on this map.

"It should be there!"

Ye Mo said affirmatively.···

An hour had passed since Ye Mo crossed the forest.

The skills of the manufacturing department had been cooled down for two rounds.

In other words, the number of mechanical war dogs and laser spiders had increased again.

The development of the mechanic was like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger!

"72 Mechanical War Dogs, 25 Laser Spiders"

"With such combat power, there shouldn't be any problem facing the guarding forces of the mine!"

Ye Mo knew.

The mine was not left there for nothing, and anyone could go in and mine.

It was guarded by indigenous forces.

And the ones guarding it were the dwarves!

In this world, there should be no other race that is more obsessed with metals than the dwarves.

The mine in the Novice Village was originally a gimmick.

It was not for people to mine.

It was just to show the perfection of this world.

Under this mechanism, the dwarves guarding the mine are extremely powerful.

Not only are all of them level 10 elite monsters, but there are even more powerful beings; mountain giants!

The mountain giant is the guardian boss and will not take away equipment.

It will only explode the ownership of the mine!

In other words, only by killing the mountain giant can you enter the mine to mine!

On the surface, the Novice Village is a place where the mine is not allowed to be mined.


For Ye Mo, this is not the case!·····

A mechanical team was running in the hills.

I don't know how many wild animals were startled.

A moment later,

Ye Mo came to the foot of the mountain and saw the group of guarding dwarves and the mine.

PS: Thank you"45667" for the monthly ticket.

Thank you very much"**"Thank you for the big reward. You are really my brother who has been following me all the way. You have been giving me rewards since the beginning of Rebirth Mechanic.

Thank you very much.

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