Swish swish swish····

Countless white lights lingered.

Ye Mo had already rushed into the group of players.

His attack was so powerful.

None of the players standing in front of him could withstand a single round.

All of them were killed instantly!

All of them were killed instantly!

The sword was swung, and several passives were triggered at the same time.

Directly dealing damage that could kill the players instantly.

At the same time···

Ye Mo will also be hurt by other players.

Although the damage in the single digits is funny, but it accumulates into a tower.

As long as Ye Mo takes enough damage, he will die.····

This is what the players think.

At least, that's what they think before they die.

This is the first level!


The people behind them didn't think so.

Every time Ye Mo attacked, in addition to killing the player instantly, he would also bring a green number.

This number was healing Ye Mo's injuries!

This was the second level.


The truth is not like this.

The damage done by the player did not even break the armor value of the colony suit!

The so-called bloodsucking is actually just a mechanism to replenish the armor value.

This is the third level.


There is a deeper truth.

That is, there are always mechanical war dogs following Ye Mo.

These are not combat power.

They are the blood bank of Ye Mo's armor value.

If in special circumstances, blood sucking cannot replenish it, he can also devour the mechanical war dogs to replenish it.

This is the fourth floor.


Ye Mo fought hard, not to escape.

He wanted to stay away from the wall.


This is the truly terrifying existence!

This is the fifth floor!

Players only think of the first and second floors at most.

And Ye Mo!

He is already on the fifth floor

"Opportunity opportunity!" Zhang Moxue shouted;

"Xinghai abandoned his position and weapons and rushed out!"

"Surround him to death!"

"He is just a man, not a god!"

"We can definitely surround and kill him!"

This was said on the radio.

Ye Mo also heard it.


Ye Mo is not a god.


The real God is behind!


"Go, go, go!"

"Die once, 5000! What a profit!"

"I am a white fish, I am here to make money!" the players cried····

They only wanted to kill Ye Mo, but they didn't even take a good look outside the wall.


This guy had already come to the wall.

He stretched out his fingers and gently stroked the invisible wall.

"Tsk tsk... it smells like hope!" Mello said with a smile;

"Nurturing hope?"


What a pity , I found it!·····

There was a slight sound.

A crack appeared in the invisible wall.

From a distance, it looked like a thin white line connecting the entire sky.

Ye Mo had been paying attention to the wall.

At this moment···

In the noisy battlefield, he heard this voice.

"WTF···Too much trouble!"


Ye Mo rushed faster.

Ghost weapon!

Ye Mo really wanted it.

But you have to consider the situation!

Saint-level boss, that is an existence that can't be defeated even with cheats!

The faster Ye Mo rushed, the happier the players were.

It was like money was about to hit his face.

"What a bunch of idiots!"Ye Mo laughed contemptuously.····

Suddenly , there was a cracking sound.


So everyone heard it.

Many players were stunned for a moment, turned their heads and looked.

Suddenly they saw a white screen!

The wall was already full of cracks, like broken glass.

Those cracks blocked everyone's thread.

No one knew what happened behind.····

"Oh shit...what is that?"

"Look, everyone! What is that?"

"The wall at the border of the Novice Village is breaking.···"

"Damn, can this wall be broken?"

"Is there a BUG?"

"I go···What on earth did Xinghai do? Why do I feel like something big is happening!"

Zhang Moxue also saw it.

She was stunned.


She retreated!

This was a commander's sixth sense.

It was extremely accurate!

"Zhang Moxue?" Poseidon asked doubtfully.

"Mo Xue, what's wrong?"Li Shao asked

"Back off! I don't feel good!"

"How could there be······"


The Sea King hadn't finished his words yet.

The wall exploded directly!

Countless fragments flew around like mirrors.

These mirrors all reflected a face!

Mello's ugly face!

"Ha... a new world, it really makes people want to destroy it!"Mello laughed!

His words spread throughout the battlefield and everyone heard them.

At the same time···

Everyone saw the scarlet letter on Melo's head.

【Boss! Saint level! Ghost weapon owner! The best necromancer!]

That's right, it's that long, that eye-catching.

That awesome!

In an instant, this line of words spread everywhere.

People don't understand too many things.

But there are two affixes that they understand best.


Ghost weapon owner!

These two affixes can instantly arouse some greedy desires!

"That's a...boss!" Zhang Moxue asked curiously

"Ghost weapon? Ghost weapon!"The Sea King first murmured in a low voice, and then his face changed drastically!

"Ghost weapon! They are the owners of the ghost weapon!"Li Shao was also excited.

It was obvious that these two guys knew something about the ghost weapon.

"I finally understand why Xinghai came here!" The Sea King said with narrowed eyes;

"Defeat this boss! Grab a ghost weapon!"

"Ghost weapon! It is a numbered equipment, unique!"

"Every ghost weapon is different and has its own abilities!"

"Obviously, this unique numbered weapon is the reason why Xinghai came here!"

""I can let go of the hidden profession! But this ghost weapon!" Li Shao said with a frown.

This was for the Sea King to hear.

They didn't explain the hidden profession so clearly.


The ghost weapon!

This must be made clear!

"It all depends on your strength!" said the Sea King.


"Okay!" Li Shao replied.···

Do these two guys still think that the ghost weapon is there, waiting for you to take it?

Maybe in the next second, they will feel stupid for their own thoughts!


A cool breeze blows···

In an instant, it brought countless coolness!

PS: Thanks to"Jiang Qin" for the monthly ticket·····

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