Li Shao's self-restraint was collapsing bit by bit.

He roared from time to time.

It was nothing but impotent rage.

Players were not at level 10, so they could not derive other professions, let alone fancy skills.

Slower than others, just fucking slow.

So slow that you couldn't catch up even if you tried your best.

Ye Mo was flying a kite.

Actually, it was a bit inappropriate to say flying a kite.

It was more like the cavalry charge in ancient times.

Relying on speed is the ability to quickly concentrate fire and kill instantly.

Easily carve a bloody path in the group of players.

Just like a red-hot knife cutting on cheese.

Easy and freehand!

The players were really complaining.

This one million is not easy to earn!

As the fight went on, the players couldn't stand it.

Who can stand being treated as a living target?

"I'm so mentally broken!"

"Please be a human being!"

"Play a post! Withdraw!"

"I'm not a sandbag, whoever wants to play with me, play!"

"Damn it, my mentality has exploded! I'm leaving!"

"Report it, someone is cheating!"

The players dispersed.

Their mentality collapsed, and no one wanted to continue like this. It was just like a fool, being teased!

Suddenly, at this time, Ye Mo's name instantly turned black and shiny.

This is a malicious PK!

Killing more than a thousand players' IDs will be judged as malicious PK!

"bite···Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden achievement of killing a thousand people, and you will be rewarded with a blood badge!"

A sound from the system made Ye Mo's mouth raise.

This is an extra reward.

Hurry up and claim the reward.

Blood Badge; This is a badge made of blood, it represents killing and blood!

Wearing effect; Bloodsucking effect 5%! (You and your summons have the ability to absorb blood!)

Wearing effect; Never blacklist! (You have used a huge amount of blood to build your reputation.)

Good stuff!

Absolutely good stuff!

Bloodsucking effect.

It is extremely rare in the new era!

Because this game will eventually become a reality.

Bloodsucking effect, a few simple words, but in reality it involves a very high level of power.

If the bloodsucking effect appears in reality.

People can touch a higher level of power according to the structure of this power.


In the New Era game, no equipment has a blood-sucking effect.

Unless it is a few artifacts that have never been obtained by anyone!

Only some skills or some special items can have blood-sucking properties.

For example, badges are special items!

Ye Mo never thought that he would get an item with a blood-sucking effect so early.

This is really a surprise.

Let's not talk about the distant future.

Let's talk about now.

Ye Mo directly put on the blood badge.

Then, his blacklist instantly returned to normal.

Under the effect of the badge, Ye Mo will not be blacklisted no matter how many people he kills in the future!

Then, the effect of absorbing blood occurred.

It was almost a miracle.

When the mechanical war dog and the laser spider attack the player, a green number will appear on themselves;



As these numbers appear, the health bar of the mechanical doll will rise a little bit.

"I myself feel that this is a bit too much!" Ye Mo said in a low voice.

The only hidden profession of the mechanic slowly opened up its edge.

It became more and more transcendent.

Using a large amount of resources, it can fight against the players one by one.

This is still understandable.

After all, using resources can also be understood as krypton gold.

But now.

From the moment of getting the blood badge.

It is no longer krypton gold that can explain the problem.

This is really strong!

The scene that the mechanical doll can absorb blood was soon discovered by the players.


Scatter like birds and beasts!

The last bit of tenacity of the players was cut off, and they ran away!

What the hell is this?

The only thousands of players left just slipped away.

Some returned to the city, while others watched the show.

Anyway, they couldn't make any money.

What's more, some started taking screenshots of Ye Mo.

It would be a pity not to spread such an amazing scene?

They were beaten half to death, so they let others feel the despair of facing the emperor of Europe!

Regarding Ye Mo's strength.

As long as they are not stupid players, they have some idea in their hearts.

That is the hidden profession!

Too strong.

It's like cheating.

One person, beat thousands of people.

Damn it.····

"No, we must report it!"

"That’s right, even if it’s a hidden profession, it can’t be so strong!"

"There must be an official explanation!"

"After defeating us, he is going to fight the gold-level boss alone!"

"This game is unplayable!"

The players were talking about it.

At the same time, there was a very creative player who was frantically sending private messages;

"Come, coordinates 6547.6514! Come and see God!"

"The gold-level boss of the Novice Village has been challenged, come and see!"

"I found a hidden profession, it's awesome! Here are the coordinates, come and check it out!"

""A hidden profession of the European emperor appeared and fought against the krypton gold boss, come and take a look!"


The 9520 Novice Village was boiling. Oh my god... a hidden profession!

Awesome!... Single-handedly challenged the only gold-level boss!

I heard that he could fight against thousands of people, and he won!

How long has the game been played, and such a big boss has appeared, go and take a look····


People came in droves like a flood.

Some of them had two dollars in their pockets and bought some temporary buffs to see the boss.

Ye Mo controlled the mechanical army.

After a while, he finally cleared all the players around the boss who still had fantasies.

Under this crazy slaughter, a cordon was set up in people's hearts.

They knew that the area belonged to that person at the moment.

No one could enter.

Whoever entered would be prepared to die!

This was the reputation gained by killing.


Ye Mo let out a long sigh.

Finally, he could fight the boss.

The blood-blooded lion still maintained its blood-red rampage posture.

In order to prevent its hatred from being lost and entering the recovery period, Ye Mo also paid the price of several mechanical war dogs!


Ye Mo ignored those who were watching the show.

He began to arrange his troops.

To attack the boss, there is a formation to attack the boss!

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