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Mochen was almost speechless with excitement.

This was the first time that Ye Mo, the super lone wolf player, stated his position.

He was on the side of Dragon Country.

He knew the situation of Dragon Country.

He knew how many enemies would come to deal with Dragon Country after the second version was updated.

But... he did not retreat, nor did he stay out of it.

He was quietly doing what was most beneficial to Dragon Country.

In this case.

How could Dragon Country not support it?

Li Mochen almost did not report to his superiors. , directly responded;

""Guarantee to complete the task!"

This is the iron discipline.

Once this sentence is spoken, there is no possibility of evasion, delay or discount!

"Qu Jing, you are also selecting and organizing new player teams."Ye Mo continued;

"This team will become your core, you must choose it well"

"even···Spare no effort in manpower and resources to interview them face to face in real life!"

"If you have any problems with funds, I will support you."

Ye Mo is not bad in reality, and he can still withdraw more than 1 billion yuan of funds.

It's too easy for a reborn person to make money!

"I see, I can do it, money matters... are trivial to me."Qu Jing said with a smile.

Tsk tsk... Red family.

The girlfriends are all from the red background.

Would such a person be short of money?

"Okay, let's act quickly."Ye Mo said;

"On the other side, you also watch and bring in some trustworthy people"

"That's right!"

Ye Mo suddenly thought of someone;

"Zhang Moxue! That's the Zhang Moxue who uses her real name in the game. We want to bring her in."

"Zhang Moxue?"Li Mochen's face was a little strange.

This girl was very famous in the imperial capital.

To put it nicely, she was innocent.

To put it bluntly, she was cold and cruel!


Her IQ is terrifying.

Plus the terrifying red background····

Born a monster!

That's the kind of guy he's talking about.

Ye Mo won't leave this kind of guy hanging around.

She's a star general!

The ability she possesses is an unparalleled talent.

This kind of talent can't be acquired through learning.

"Okay, I know, but she may not come back. Li Mochen said

"She will come."Ye Mo affirmed.

Lacking an emotion, she needed some challenges to support her life.

Tianxing Pavilion!

The top organization in the Dragon Country player camp.

This alone can attract her!

Perhaps she herself can't compare to Ye Mo in terms of understanding herself.

Li Mochen and Qu Jing immediately started working.

The establishment of Tianxing Pavilion did cause quite a stir in the player group.


I haven't heard of anyone joining.

However, following the actions of Qu Jing and Li Mochen, more and more people saw the suffixes on the heads of these two people.

【Guild President, Tianxing Pavilion Member]

I Nima···

The players were immediately furious. Do you have to be the guild leader to join?

This is too high a standard.


There are many intelligent players among the players.

They quickly thought of some questions, and then various posts appeared on the forum;

"The only qualification for membership of Tianxing Pavilion is to be the president? Xinghai is about to change the situation in Dragon Country!"

"On the composition model of Tianxing Pavilion, a system above the system!"

"The ultimate command system is established, a super organization with the only hidden profession!"

"Facing the upcoming national war, the boss’s preparations are embarrassing!"

"Why was Xinghai able to break away from the guild and establish the Tianxing Pavilion? The real use of NPCs!"

"Perhaps, we should look at NPCs in a different way. Xinghai has already shown us a way!"

"I want to blow up the galaxy, and no one can stop me!"

"The blessing of the Dragon Kingdom, the ultimate influence of a player!"

"Xinghai League! Invincible!"

The influence of the dark invasion continued.

However, without the six dark bosses, and after the players slowly caught up with the level, the power of the monster tide became smaller.

Many players began to team up to level up and pushed out frantically.

As for the dwarves, now is the most exciting time.

Several large guilds bought up all the beer in the city.

The dwarves drank it heartily.

They were having a bonfire party under the city wall.

Everyone was busy.

Qu Jing and Li Mochen were almost busy.

And the members of Tianxing Pavilion were also slowly increasing.

That Zhang Moxue.

As expected by Ye Mo, she joined Tianxing Pavilion

"I heard you specifically asked me to come in, what's wrong, aren't you afraid of my retaliation?" Zhang Moxue said to Ye Mo


"bite···Server-wide announcement: America has officially cleared the dark invasion, and version 2.0 is in the works! Three days later, version 2.0 will officially be here!"

"bite···Server-wide announcement: America has officially cleared the dark invasion, and version 2.0 is in the works! Three days later, version 2.0 will officially be here!"

"bite···Server-wide announcement: America has officially cleared the dark invasion, and version 2.0 is preheating! Three days later, version 2.0 will officially arrive!"

Three server-wide announcements sounded.

America has actually cleared the dark invasion.


How is this possible!

Ye Mo's face was full of disbelief.

Dragon Country had the help of the dwarves to push back. How could

America clear it so quickly?

""Brave heart?" Ye Mo murmured.

The only possibility was this player.

Could it be that···

Has she already got her adventure in advance?

"Brave Heart?" Zhang Moxue repeated curiously, and then said;

"America has cleared up the dark invasion, this is normal, I have news"

"Braveheart is the apocalypse, she is the saint of the elemental race"

"The entire Elemental Clan is working for the American country. It is normal to purge them in advance!"

Ye Mo's heart trembled.

Sure enough.

She had already got her adventure in advance.

The Elemental Clan is just a bunch of fucking licking dogs.

The Apocalypse can control the four elements, and the Elemental Clan licks it up.

"Oak!" Ye Mo yelled.


Oak came over staggeringly after drinking

"Young elder, what’s the matter?"

""Let's get to work!" Ye Mo said.

In three days, these dark monsters with super high experience, don't give up!

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