Chapter 343

The first evil god is gone.

He did not expect,

Why knowing it is a trap,

The top powerhouses of the human race,

Jump in without hesitation!

The first evil god suddenly realized one thing.

If He never wants to understand this question,

Even if you take refuge in Human Race,

The first Cthulhu didn’t have a few days to live well!

He returned to the moon,

Started thinking hard,

Why do these top powerhouses of the human race do this.

With the deepening of substitutional thinking,

He didn’t realize it,

A trace of humanity in the kingdom of God is being born!

“Erosion, impulsive.”

After the first evil god is gone,

Only in the dark domain did he speak, it was so utterly eroded.

There is also a degree of bullying fools,

A fool will do it if he is impatient!

The dark realm said,

“Even if you want to go, even if you don’t plan for thirty to fifty years,

There must be some in three or five days, right?

Also set off tonight.

When your monster enters the village, you must do it at night? ”

What the dark field said is reasonable and well-founded,

Everyone nodded.

Go, definitely go.

Just leaving tonight, it was too hasty.


Yan Eclipse slapped it on the table,

“With a word from Xeon, it’s hard to chase a horse!”

“Since Laozi said to leave tonight,

Then the sun will not set before setting off! ”

Everyone: …..

So it’s called tonight!

As long as the sun does not go down,

It was 11 before night.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of the eclipse!

Seeing everyone’s reaction,

Yan eclipse makes the glass of wine stuffy,

You all thought Laozi melon peel,

In fact, Laozi is a witty batch!

Since we are going to start,

Terran’s top combat power will receive relevant news.

In this strategic event,

There is no need to cover up.

And this time it was a temporary motive,

Many arrangements are rushed.

Fortunately, the dark space is still there,

He controls everything,

There will not be much controversy.

“The rift guards the crypt,

Yan Eclipse guards the periphery of the Fallen Mountain. ”

Two veteran strong men guard their homes,

This is the old tradition of the human race.

Do not forget to stay home!

Anyone who tries to change house with Terran,

Will meet and bleed.

“Shen Huayun sits on Earth.”

Facing this command,

Shen Huayun is not convinced!

“The first invincible human race requested to go to war!”

Dark Field: “No, you don’t want to.”

Shen Huayun was anxious.

“This is something related to the recovery of the Xeon in the Dark Territory!

How can I not make a move,

Is there someone stronger than me?

Come out, everyone makes gestures! ”

“Luo Cheng, go!”

Shen Huayun: …..

Don’t talk about martial ethics,

The strongest attacked me, the invincible master!

This time,

Dark Domain will bring Luo Cheng with you!

It is also the only strongest person dispatched by the duo.

Ye Su has other tasks!

Shen Huayun wanted to go for a simple reason.

This trip is doomed to be dangerous,

crucial moment,

He can break through directly without scruples!

Not let him go,

It is equivalent to strangling Shen Huayun’s hope of promotion!

The Dark Domain sent Shen Huayun away with a word.

“I’ll come back this time, and I will allow you to break through level 900.”

Shen Huayun was happy first.

Then I realized something was wrong,

“You won’t stop coming back, will you?”

Darkfield laughed without saying a word, very ugly.

Shen Huayun was anxious.

“Let me tell you, I have a bad stomach.

If there are not three or five strongest people pressed,

On the day I became the strongest, I rebelled against the flag…”

“My son is the strongest.”

Shen Huayun: …

The chat is over, goodbye!(Read more @

The meaning of dark space is very simple,

Even if he is not in Earth, he is even exiled and perishes in the long river of time.

Ye Su is here,

What are you afraid of?


Ye Su is the number one invincible of the human race,

Shen Huayun is the second invincible of the human race.

The gap between the two,

It’s like a galaxy!

You know, this is still Shen Huayun who is infinitely suppressing strength!

In the experience of the two playing against each other,

Ye Su has never used talent!

The Thirteen Apostles,

Ye Su’s biggest ultimate move!

Shen Huayun also knew a secret,

The weakest among the strongest is Luo Cheng!

How much is the difference between Ye Su and Gou Sanjia?

no one knows!

What Shen Huayun knows is,

Once the third card has a problem,

What Human Race should count on is not Tyrant, not Luo Cheng.

But Ye Su!

“By the way, why did your son go?”

Shen Huayun suddenly spoke.

A shameless posture, relying on seniority to take advantage of Ye Su.

The dark realm returned casually,

“Save the world.”

Shen Huayun: …

“Boy, are you sure you want to do this?”

Yan Eclipse asked for the last time.

Ye Su nodded.

“Yes, I hope Sanshu will make it happen.”

“Laozi say it again, Laozi is your uncle!”

There are not so many things in the eclipse.

Now that Ye Su made his own decision,

Then do it.

In case you make a mistake, do it badly,

It’s not enough if they have the bottom line!

“let’s start.”

The two stood on the edge of the forbidden sea,

“Thirteen Apostles!”

Ye Su’s talent was activated,

Thirteen phantoms appeared!

They now have the strength of a god-level powerhouse,

Hold at least two powers!

Relying on devouring and fusing the devil,

Forcibly mastered the power that was not his own,

The price paid is extremely huge!

Ye Su pointed to the second apostle,

Cold voice,

“You should be the second evil god,”

The body of the second apostle swelled instantly,

His authority swallowed him!


Belongs to the godhead of the second evil god,

Slowly condense!

The new second evil god is about to be born!

For hundreds of millions of years, the Eternal Continent,

Cthulhus emerge in endlessly.


Once there is a vacancy,

Immediately someone couldn’t stand the temptation of strength,

Bow your head to authority and become an evil god!

Ye Su has been thinking about this issue a long time ago.

How to prohibit people from becoming evil gods?

Enlighten the world?

Relying on love and peace?


This is not realistic.

Ye Su changed his mind:

Take the path of the Cthulhu, let the Cthulhu have no way to go!

If the twelve evil gods are all me,

In the world, no one can become an evil god!

This is not killing one person and saving hundreds of millions of people in the world,

It’s not like feeding tigers by the body of Buddhism,

Ye Su is not that stupid!

He is confident enough,

Confident enough,

I can resist the divine pollution of the Thirteen Evil God’s Apostles!


Ye Su’s combat power will increase exponentially!

He is alone,

There are fourteen super strong god-level powerhouses!

Li Kong had already seen Ye Su’s thoughts.

He disagrees, but does not stop it.

Because Split Air is more confident,

If the divine nature pollutes Ye Su,

Splitting the sky is a big deal, returning Ye Soda to level 1!

The eclipse is even simpler,

Are you contaminated by divinity?

Catch it in the sun and bake it.

What about the out-of-control Thirteen Evil God’s Apostles?

Arrange in a row and directly grill Cthulhu on skewers!

It is precisely because of being confident enough in strength,

Ye Su dare to do this!

Rift and Yanzhe dare to watch him do this!

Even if the two have grievances,

Will also go to the dark field to teach children nowhere.

“Fusheng Unscrupulous Tianzun!”

While Ye Su transformed the apostles,

Taoist shot,

To wash away part of the divine pollution for Ye Su,

700 The sun in the eternal sky is also a bit bigger.

The golden sunlight shone on the second evil god’s apostle,


While purifying each other,

Did not hurt the strength of the second apostle at all!

The Yan Eclipse hand opened the eyes of the invincible Taoist priest!

Worthy of being the strongest!

Misty Town,

Su Bai looked at the final departure list:

Dark Domain, Luo Cheng, Su Bai, monk and apprentice, Zhao Zizhen.

“I understand when I take others.”

Su Bai is very strange,

What are you doing with Lao Zhao?

“Zhao Zi really has the style of a master,

You can’t underestimate the younger brother. ”

Elno offered a cup of tea,


Su Bai looked at Erno.

“Brother, is this really necessary?”

On top of Elno’s head,

With three golden characters: I, invincible!

There are punctuation marks.

“Little Junior Brother, everything is for authority!”

After treatment in a lunatic asylum,

Elno accepted the authority of [Joker],

No demons were created.

This is a good thing.


Elno was not as crazy as Gotham’s Joker.

He just accepted it from the bottom of his heart,

The fact that I am a clown!

and so,

When he became the invincible master,

Elno is online again!

The two are communicating how to further enhance their strength,

The loudspeaker outside the window played loudly:

“Warmly celebrate the eighteenth day and 21 hours of the Saint Elnor becoming the invincible grandmaster! There is no discount for the whole audience in Misty Town!”


Su Bai insisted on not letting himself laugh.

“Brother, where did we talk about?”

“Oh, about the feasibility of turning the ravenous swarm into a forbidden curse…”


(Fifth, rushing!).

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