Chapter 329

“Xeon has orders to close three bronze doors!”

The golden streamer flashed across the sky,

Shen Huayun shot,

Use money to completely block the entrances to the three caves!

The invincibility of the human race is strong,

The restrictions are also great,

Liu Wanlou’s foundation is too shallow,

Really on the battlefield,

Not as useful as monks and Taoist priests.

Shen Huayun was almost reaching the limit.

The next time he shot,

It will definitely break through to above level 930 in one breath!

After blocking the three bronze doors,

Shen Huayun cursed,

“Don’t the Xeon have any brains?

I don’t know how to block it sooner,

The evil demon avatar escaped into Earth! ”

Judging from the previous battle reports,

At least fifteen demon gods,

Broke into Earth!

Once let them lurch down,

The potential threat is not small!

Top priority,

Hide these demons in the crowd,

Find out and kill!

Shen Huayun, Master Traveller Ma Ke, Su Bai,

Three people are responsible for this!

“Tyrant authority holds 59%!”

Wiped out more than thirty avatars of demon gods,

For Su Bai,

There is also a lot of pressure!

Among them are the two most powerful demon avatars,

I want to pass authority and skills before I die,

Come and change the limit with Su Bai!

He was at level 699,

In front of the veteran strong,

The background is as shallow as a puddle.

Su Bai decisively activated the [Negative Sword Around the Column] effect of the authority [Emperor Sword]!

Eliminated 2 death attacks!

for exchange,

The tolerance of authority has also been reduced by 10%!

After the previous bloody battle of Wushuang Iron Cavalry Camp,

Su Bai’s tolerance for the Emperor Sword is as high as 80%!

Even if it fell 10%,

70% capacity left!

For Su Bai,

If the emperor sword’s authority reaches 100%.

He can rely on the power of the Emperor Sword,

Break through to become a master!

Millions of people have worked so hard,

Exhausted the threshold that could not be crossed in a lifetime.

It’s like flat ground in front of Su Bai!

Although the emperor sword ranks 186,

For Su Bai,

Still too weak!


According to Su Bai’s experience dealing with invincible masters and demigods,

The effect, use, and collocation of authority,

More important than Level!

The demigod powerhouse who died under Su Bai,

There are dozens of them!

Put away the emperor sword,

Su Bai summoned Tyrant’s scepter.

As Su Bai accommodates Tyrant’s authority, the degree of authority increases.

Authority appears,

There are a few more tricks than before.

Su Bai now has an extra crown.

Tyrant crowns,

The shape can be changed at will.

Since ancient times,

It is the identity of the user to give value to the item.

This is especially true for the king!

Even if Tyrant wears a straw hat,

Then he is also the crown of Tyrant,

Instead of becoming the One Piece.

Su Bai turned the “Tyrant Crown” into a piece of hair.


He actually wears the Tyrant crown,

It is difficult for others to find out!


Tyrant crown: resist all mind control skills, resist death skills, resist all prophecy interference!

Cost: Divine pollution, unable to equip other helmets

Divine pollution,

Su Bai didn’t care at all.

On the contrary, it is impossible to equip other helmets.

Su Bai was a little tangled.

The helmet is a good thing,

Fighting, fishing, cycling, etc.,

The best to bring!

“You have something to do with it. “!”

Su Bai can only comfort himself.

Except for the scepter and the crown.

Tyrant authority also unlocked two new effects:

[Independent husband], [Changsheng].

Independence: If [Tyrant] falls into combat alone, the effect of urging authority will be increased by 59%, and pollution will be reduced by 59%!

Cost: Reduced attractiveness of the same sex, increased attractiveness of the opposite sex.

Su Bai:? ? ?

Is this price serious?

It really is the price,

Instead of rewards?

Who wants to attract the same sex, fencing?

young people,(Read more @

It is not advisable to be warm in the old way, and I absolutely know that this matter must be practiced.

The advantages and disadvantages of an independent husband are obvious.

Advantage, this thing is single-handedly invincible!

Especially when Su Bai singles out a group.

Disadvantages, usage restrictions are too big!

The strength has reached the level of Su Bai,

If you can gang-fight your opponent, just gang-fight.

Don’t talk about martial ethics,

Don’t take risks alone,

What a lone hero!

Shake people, not ashamed!

Even the strong like the dark domain,

If you want to kill an evil god, you have to shake people.

Even if it is a scorching eclipse,

It’s also a good idea to join in the head!

There is no way to open a LOL without five people!

This is doomed to the effect of [independent husband],

Very few times can come in handy.

Su Bai looks at the second new effect [Changsheng].

Longevity: Longevity and Tianqi

Cost: Unable to die naturally

“Ah, this…”

No matter how you look at it,

This effect and cost are a bit tricky.

Lone husband, longevity.

Since ancient times,

Which emperor is not an independent husband?

Who can not pursue longevity?

to date,

59% [Tyrant] authority to accommodate progress,

Total effects: Invincible, Boon, Kingly, Overbearing, Independence, Longevity.

Six effects,

There are still five effects that are not unlocked.

After Su Bai solved his opponent,

Xeon Order uploaded a message,

“Return to Earth, hunt down the demon avatar?”

Su Bai feels that things are not that simple.

From his point of view,

Many things can be seen more thoroughly.

If it’s the old Su Bai,

He rushed to chase and kill the demon avatar in a hurry long ago.

I’m afraid I will be late,

Will the devil cause major disasters?

Su Bai now,

Has a new understanding of the strength of the third strongest player.

Su Bai is deeply aware,

As long as the third card is there,

At this stage,

There is no human race that can threaten Earth!

The three of them are not Dinghai Shenzhen at all.

It is a baby diaper with no dead ends and side leakage prevention!

Although comparing the old third card with this filthy thing,

Something is wrong.

But very apt.

Will not leak!

The closer the strength is to the strongest,

The understanding of this matter is getting deeper and deeper!

Take the Devil’s invasion of Earth as an example,

Can’t Ye Su make an interception?

Can’t I tear it directly?

Even if the two strongest men have something,

The duo who cares for the elderly on the Shadow Island, Yanzhe and Luo Cheng,

Can’t draw one person out,

Swallow these demons in one go?

If the dark field did not choose to do so,

That means one thing:

Darkfield is confident,

These demon gods are pollution-free!


Let them into Earth,

It’s also part of the dark space project!

Figure this out,

Su Bai only needs to cooperate with the dark domain,

Slowly chase and kill the demon avatar.

In case Su Bai exerts too much effort,

Kill all the demon avatars directly.

Maybe it will destroy the plan of the dark domain!

I can think of this step,

Explain that Su Bai’s analysis of the overall situation,

Great progress!

“I just don’t know, what the hell does Dark Domain want to do!”

Su Bai thought left and right,

There are only two possibilities:

The ancient existence of Hanging Mountain,

Ninety-nine Heaven of the Demon Race.


Being stared at by the dark realm, their ancestral tombs have already begun to emit black smoke.

Su Bai wandered out of the crypt,

Return to Earth.

From the gold medal to the workers,


Limited edition·fishing skin!

“…Today is a day to get paid by paddling and fishing!”

Su Bai stretched.


“Under the Pope’s crown, the big thing is not good!”

Deep in the crypt,

Near the grassland.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters gathered here.

They all follow the thirteenth evil god,

Believe in the demon god Amon!

Schmidt is their pope, and Shura is the envoy.

It is said that Tyrant is also an envoy,

It’s just that no one dared to ask Tyrant this question.

Think from another perspective:

Tyrant has never denied that he is not!

“What’s the panic?”

Schmidt looked indifferent,

During the period of entering the crypt,

As the number of believers increased,

His strength has risen!

Now he has the power of Master Ao Shi!

In the bald flame sect,

Schmidt is not the strongest,

But it is indeed the fastest increase in strength!

For believers,

Schmidt is a miracle of walking, a gift of God!

A monster who came to send a letter,

Dancing hands and dancing gestures,

“Under the Pope’s crown, the red moon, a lot of streamers flew out on the red moon!”

Schmidt was not surprised at all,

It seems that everything is in his expectation,

“The Lord’s awakening must have a vision.”

The monsters bowed their heads,

It turns out that this is the Lord’s awakening!

As expected to be Pope Schmidt,

So easy to interpret the Lord’s will!

“But, but…”

The messenger shouted,

“A badly wounded Demon God smashed from the world!”

Schmidt’s expression freezes for a moment.


Did he hear me wrong?

A demon fell from the sky?

Why didn’t you say that Sister Lin? !

Suppress the shock in my heart,

Schmidt has long been used to big scenes!

“The Lord’s guidance, I will follow!”

Schmidt looked indifferent,

There was a bit of detachment in the silence of the voice,

“Lead the way and let the Lord’s humble servant serve the Lord again.”

“Follow the pope’s dictum!”

A large group of master-level powerhouses,

There are human races, there are monsters,

To the place where the devil fell mightily!

Schmidt looks like no wave in the past,

But my heart is full of waves.

He knew that he had encountered the biggest crisis in the Pope’s career!

He is going to face a real demon!

Schmidt kept reading in the bottom of his heart,

“Amon bless! Amon bless!”

“If… the Lord really exists, delete it!”

“Bless your most sincere servant!”


(The third thing is more!).

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