Chapter 242

“Splitting! You are so deceptive!”

The sea of ​​clouds rolls,

The huge body of the demon god emerged.

Split empty and disdain,

“Deception? You are also human?”

“If you don’t accept it, hit it, until you do it!”

The words of Split Air are very domineering,

He also has this qualification to domineering!

The strongest of the human race,

Each has mastered more than two powers!


It’s not the weak chicken-power of the Demon God of the Caverns.

The authority of the demons of the crypt,

It’s like a sheep intestine trail in the countryside.

The authority of the strongest,

It’s a sixteen-lane highway!

It is for this reason that

The strongest can have more enemies with one enemy,

At the same time stop the Eternal Evil God and the Crypt Demon God,

Two-line combat.

The most terrifying thing is,

Even the demon gods who have been fighting for many years,

I don’t know what authority Riskong has in the end!

They only know one of them:

Painful authority.

these years,

Separation relies on the authority of pain,

All the demon gods who just hit were out of breath.

“Split, Su Bai’s strength is beyond the contract of the year!

Must sit down and talk again! ”

“The contract you signed with Darkfield, find him!”

The attitude of Separation is very simple,

He doesn’t care about the things that Human Race takes advantage of.

Want to make people suffer, no way!

The sea of ​​clouds calmed for a moment.

The demons quickly reached a consensus,

Can’t let Su Bai go on like this!

Unlike the eternal evil god,

There is not such a strong competitive relationship between the devil gods,

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold,

When the catacombs are gone, their authority will lose its support!

Su Bai’s strength,

Broke the balance between the two sides,

Terran doesn’t need to send out a large army or a pinnacle at all.

Su Bai alone,

Can continue to conquer cities and land.

Although the crypt is big,

There are only ninety-nine cities.

Two cities will be destroyed today, and three cities will be killed tomorrow,

The day when the crypt will die is not far away!

As the demon god of the crypt,

Their authority is closely related to the prosperity of the demons.

The upside-down situation in front of us,

Must change!

No matter what the price is paid!

After reaching a consensus,

The sea of ​​clouds skyrocketed,

Instantly engulfed the cracked air!

All the demon gods shot at the same time!

“Splitting, as you said!”

“Today we wait until you are satisfied!”

In the sea of ​​black clouds,

Countless wounds were torn,

Splitting the air with one enemy and many, without fear on the face.


Hurt each other!

There are torn wounds,

There will never be a loss!

Under the siege of three demons,

The blood shadow undulates,

Constantly devouring the tide of magic!

Even so,

There is no better way for the three absolute tops!

“Trap him!”

Gods Twilight!

Control is invalid!

“Damn it, go on like this…”

The three demons never said anything,(Read more @

In the following words, everyone knows the answer.

The 100,000 demonic wave simply couldn’t support the blood shadow several times!

“Teleport away!”

An outstanding man freed his hands,

Singing for super large group transmission,

Take away the remaining demons!

The other two extremes continued to entangle with the blood shadow.

So as not to cause more casualties.

Countless white lights flashed,

All the magic tide disappeared.

The three absolutely never looked back and fled!

Su Bai did not choose to continue pursuing.

This time,

Successively won the City of Souls and the City of Zhilan.

For the Federation,

It is already a value-for-money result!

To know,

Excluding the top combat power,

The total force of the Federation is only 3,000!

Originally intended to disrupt the situation,

Who would have thought,

Su Bai solved two cities in one go!

So far,

Terran’s nine crypt defense lines,

Three cave cities have been broken and occupied!

In just a few days,

The Federation has achieved great victories one after another!

The price paid is extremely small!

The supreme master who took over the defense of Zhilan City,

He rushed to Su Bai’s side and said nothing.

The three raised their heads at the same time,

Look to the sky.

The sea of ​​clouds in the entire cave is violent!

Nine Heavens,

The demons are fighting fiercely with Rift!

Can the Terran retain the fruits of the battle between the two cities,

It’s not the absolute peak,

Not in Su Bai,

The real battlefield…. Always in the sky!

“A bunch of idiots!”

The nine heavens of the crypt,

The sea of ​​black clouds has receded,

All the demon gods are bruised and bruised,

The battle against the rift,

Let them all suffer a lot of trauma.

This is something that all demon gods are psychologically prepared.

The problem is… under the siege of the demons,

Rip Kong was not injured!

A huge green shield,

Resist the damage of all the demon gods!

“You, how could you have the authority to guard!”

· · Ask for flowers · ·······


The demons collectively shot,

As a result, only the second authority of Separation was forced out: Guardian!

no one knows,

Does Separation have more authority!

At the same time use pain and guard the two great powers,

Even if it is a cracked void,

Some are overwhelmed.

Even so,

He still mocked coldly,

“Fools, don’t you know that the Federation has a famous saying?”

“I can warm my heart and guard.”

“Put the answer in front of you,

Idiots who don’t know how to copy! ”

The guardianship is withdrawn,

Just a battle,

Splitting the air is not as easy as it seems.

The key is,

If it is not a last resort,

He will not easily use the guardianship.


Guarding the use of authority,

It is likely to touch someone’s demon!

…… … …….

At the same time that Rift uses the guardianship authority,

In Baichuan Cemetery,

Luo Cheng’s kerosene lamp suddenly turned green.

Revolving around Luo Cheng,

It seems to want to fly out.

Feel the restlessness of the kerosene lamp,

Luo Cheng’s face was gloomy,

He kept whispering in his mouth.

“You were forced to use guardian authority?”

“What a waste!

It’s still a waste that no one can save in those days! ”

Qin Lin passing by,

Suddenly said,

“Master, why are you green?”

Luo Cheng: …..

Qin Lin is not only dead and alive,

Made another cut,

“If you are like this, will Green Lantern sue you for infringement?”

Luo Cheng’s grievances were suddenly swept away.


He just wanted to beat up his closed disciple.

The green kerosene lamp slowly fell,

Luo Cheng, who almost fell into the demon again,

It was so easy to pass.

Looking out of the cemetery,

Luo Cheng suddenly felt,

As long as you want,

You can go out anytime.

Only the three strongest humans know a secret,

Guarding authority,

It’s not that it’s a split mastery from the beginning!

There used to be someone,

On this road, we go farther than splitting the air!


Every battle,

He is all guarding the Rift Sky!

Under the light of the light,

The same age in the rift,

But he was once the defender of the rift!

at this time,

Ming Deng Luo Cheng is working on another major event:

Beat Qin Lin.


(The third one, there are five more.) A few.

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