Chapter 239

“Sura, you dare!”

A burst of drink seemed like thunder,

It blasted over the city of Reaper.

The moment Su Bai started,

Two great masters who have been locked on him,

At the same time shot, trying to stop him.


They were horrified to discover,

All his attacks were avoided by Shura!

Crimson Pool!

Cannot be selected!

Su Bai who opened the blood pool,

Without any politeness, coming up is a big move.

The Plague of Blood!

This is not to compete, but to test each other’s hole cards.

He came for the sake of City of Souls!

It doesn’t matter whether the monsters in the whole city are slaughtered or expelled.


The City of Souls will be broken!

6 seconds of non-selectable time,

Su Bai is not wasting, and constantly uses the void to walk.

Countless life and death fights,

Let Su Bai develop a good habit-go all out at all times!

Hundred Battles Buff, Conqueror, Twilight of the Gods…

All buffs that can be superimposed,

Su Bai is not stingy!

Under the blessing of multiple damages,

It’s just the damage of the blood pool,

Can kill martial artists below Rank 6 in seconds!

Wherever the blood pool goes,

Only with death!

Before they were dying,

Can’t even make a wailing!

“Stop! Shura! These are my equivalent clan!”

The two extremes were shocked and angry,

What was shocking was that Shura’s shot turned out to be so cruel!

On killing monsters,

They can also achieve the same result.

It’s just that the efficiency is compared with Shura,


Just like in a certain show,

They are artificial teams,

Shura is the machine team.

It’s still a fully evolved robot team!

Angrily, under the eyelids of the two extremes,

Shura didn’t give the slightest face and wanted to slaughter monsters!

Hearing the words of the two great masters,

Su Bai snorted coldly.

If he doesn’t understand the demons,

Almost believed what the other party said.

Demon? It’s a race that only kills one’s own people.

Su Bai, who once spent a day in the City of Souls,

I know too much about the nature of these monsters!

His attack speed did not slow down,

6 seconds,

Walking on the void, the pool of blood red,

He killed one-tenth of the monsters in the city!

More monsters,

After discovering the abnormality, immediately fled outside the city!

Even if there are two superb caretakers,

They still have no sense of security at all!

“Sura! There is a kind of fight against me!”

Unable to attack Shura,

This feeling is too bad,

Let the two super heroes not be able to use them!

“as you wish.”

The blood shadow turned into a human form,

Su Bai holds the Purgatory Rakshasa gun and takes the top!

If he comes up and fights against the best,

It must be at a disadvantage and can only barely support it.

at the moment,

The Hundred Battles Buff is full, the 36 layers of Conquerors are superimposed, and many Buffs are in the body.


Laugh at you and wait for the first sale!

Seeing that Shura really killed him,

The two Jue Ding did not panic at all.

One of them had fought Shura two days ago.

At this moment he smiled heartily,

“Don’t be afraid, Shura is no more than half a step!”

“You and I joined forces to kill Shura and go to the Emperor Xuan to receive your work!”

By now,

There is no need to cover up the two extremes.

They appear to be the people of the Emperor Dove,

In fact, he was controlled by Emperor Xuan a long time ago!(Read more @

Emperor Xuan has been enthroned for so many years,

Can you let the old subordinates of Emperor Jiuhuang go away?

these people,

The real name contract has long been cracked at a price,

Loyal to Emperor Xuan!

The Emperor Jiu didn’t expect them to be successful either.

if not,

Shura, who was called the imperial brother by Emperor Hao,

There will be no killings in the City of Reaper!

Looking at Shura, he didn’t know what was good or bad, and tried to fight one against two.

A superb laughed wildly,

“Sura, remember, you are the one who kills you…”

“Fuck, what kind of damage is this!!”

Shura just appeared from the void,

Then stabbed out with one shot!

Two moves caused nearly 200 million damage!

Among them, there are nearly 100 million real injuries!

Even if it’s a great master,

The blood volume is also at stake!

Shura, two strokes are severely injured!

Just now is the ultimate hero,

Turn around and run!

What Xuanhuang, reward, achievement invincible…

He doesn’t want it anymore!

Survival matters!

“Want to run, have you asked me?”

Su Bai did not hesitate.

Ancient Dragon Soul!

Walk in the void!

Catch up,

Step on the opponent’s blood volume to the kill line with one kick!

And then stabbed out with one shot,

Reap the opponent’s life easily!


Four strokes to cut the top!

The other person who watched the best was stupid!

One trick below Rank 6,

Four great moves,

When was Jue Dian so weak?

There is no room to fight back,

There is no chance to release the hole cards,

So easily killed by Shura! !

Of course he knows,

It’s not that it’s too weak,

But… Shura is too strong!

He made a decisive decision,

Give up half of your health, activate the Forbidden Curse, and escape directly from here!

He can’t fight,

Escape first place!

Su Bai didn’t even have a chance to interrupt.

Just let the other party teleport thousands of miles away!

Su Bai regretted,

“Next time I want to kill the top,

There is no such good opportunity. ”

This time, he still took advantage of information.

The other party can’t think of it,

Shura who hadn’t seen him for two days,

From the half-step Jue Ding to the point where it is easy to kill Jue Ding!

after that,

Any great master of the demons meets Shura,

Will turn around and run!

Don’t give Su Bai any chance!

Absolutely able to run,

The City of Souls can’t run away!

Su Bai uses the void to walk again.

He doesn’t even need to take the initiative to cause harm in the city,

Going back and forth at the four gates,

Kill all the monsters who want to leave the city!

The monsters of the entire city of Souls,

Su Bai was stuck in the city alone!


There is no such thing as leaving the City of Souls alive!

“Quick! Don’t love war! Go ahead!”

The overlord commanded the army of warriors,

Go crazy!

After the ancient trees of war rose from the ground,

The movement speed is too slow.

If the warrior legion advances too fast,

The two sides are easily out of touch,

The old war tree that finally lost the protection of the warrior legion,

It’s a living target!

It’s easy to be burned by the demons!


Since it’s a war,

Any means must be considered!

Su Bai set off with 3000 low- and medium-grade warriors.

Just let them come in handy for 157 at this moment!

A group of 300 people,

Directly carry the old war tree and run forward!

You don’t even have to push,

Put the huge old war tree on your shoulders and walk like flying!

How fast they are going,

Faster than a jeep.

The ancient tree of war is also the first time to enjoy,

The emperor treatment of 300 people carrying coffins.

After consuming physical strength regardless of the cost,

3000 people finally arrived in front of the City of Souls!

“Wushuang, Fireworm, Pathfinder!”

The City of Souls is quiet,

Nothing happened.

Overlord will not rush into the city.

First send someone to investigate the situation in the city.

The two most mobile players went out one after another.


The two came back with weird faces.

I didn’t want to say what I saw.

Just say everything is safe in the city.

The war is urgent,

Overlord didn’t care about asking too much, and ordered directly.

“Into the city!”

3000 people, carrying 10 huge ancient war trees,

And 4800 elemental elven archers.

Nearly ten thousand troops,

Flocked into the City of Souls!


They saw horror scenes that they will never forget,

The entire city of Souls,

Only blood and death!


It’s an empty city!

“How did Su Bai do it?!”

Under the guards of two superb guards,

Su Bai emptied the City of Souls by himself? !


Bawang and others thought of another question:

Where did Su Bai go? !


(To make up for the eighth update yesterday. It is still eighth update today, rushing!)

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