Chapter 163

“This time I was pitted to death by the old thing!”

There are nearly 200 masters behind Su Bai!

There was even a great master!


Su Bai has a variety of displacement methods such as crows, meteorites, and unstoppable.

Some powerful attacks were also resisted by Su Bai!

He is filled with buffs for hundreds of battles, and his lifeline is over 100 million.

Coupled with the powerful recovery of the monsoon,

It’s safe for the time being!

But this kind of security will not last long.

Su Bai tried to break through the encirclement several times and head to the southeast cave.

They were all stopped by Jue Dian!

The opponent is not good at displacement,

Can only rely on this stupid way to stop Su Bai!

There is a great master,

The defense line of the southeast crypt cannot meet Su Bai,

It’s just a matter of time to catch this crow!

“Damn it, even if the old thing takes care of me,

Where can I find him? ”

The sky is big and the earth is big, in the four directions of the southeast cave,

Who knows where Luo Cheng’s methods will come from?

Su Bai can only circle around 1,000 kilometers outside the Southeast Caverns,

The Grand Master Sightseeing Group behind him is chasing after him!

Great momentum,

The Catacombs have not been so lively for many years.

“Always give some hints, right?”

Su Bai ran while thinking about countermeasures.

Sitting and waiting to die is never his style!

The ceiling of the crypt is black.

There are heavy clouds,

It is said that the nine layers of heaven, deep in the sea of ​​black clouds,

Inhabited by countless indescribable demons!

There are also rumors in the Terran,

Say a strong man stares at the sea of ​​taboo,

A strong man stared at the devil god,

Su Bai looked up at the clouds.

If there are really strong people,

It’s time to react to such a big disturbance!

Su Bai almost howled.

“I am Eternal Tyrant, I am Wu Baichuan Crow, I am Su Bai, No. 5, yes…”

If Baichuan Crow is an identity,

It’s not enough to let the other party take a shot and save yourself.

Su Bai showdown all the trumpets,

Is this enough?

Of the four human geniuses, three are Su Bai!

Rescue Su Bai,

It is equal to three gold medalists,


Three more Xeons in the future! ! !

Su Bai held back.

He believes that only his performance this time.

It is enough for the Xeon to express!

In fact,

Su Bai didn’t know at this time,

Because of him,

In the entire crypt, the top combat power of the human race and the top combat power of the demons,

Full-scale war!

The two sides fought, and casualties have already begun!


It’s just a prelude to a total war!

If this intensity is maintained,

From the master down,

Sixth-rank martial artist, fifth-rank martial artist…

All will be put on the scale of a legion!

Times have changed,

Not out in Xeon,

Under the premise of absolutely restraining each other,

The legion built with the skeleton of low- and medium-grade warriors has become the main force!

Legion-scale operations,

The victory or defeat on the battlefield has a decisive factor!

Whether it’s Terran soldiers,

Or the demons and demons,

Once a scale of more than 100,000 is formed,

Even if it is Grand Master Ao Shi, you must avoid his edge!

If either party rushes forward,

Being caught by the opponent’s flaw, the advantage began to snowball.

What awaits them is a defeated ending!


The top combat power of both sides,

The fight is going crazy, I can’t wait for the dog’s head to come out.

On the other side,

Continuously improve the legion’s level of preparation!


Ready to launch a decisive battle!

These ones,

Su Bai didn’t know, and didn’t care about knowing it!

“Are you here again?”

“You have the ability to single out!”

The Great Master of the Cavern should be there,

“Okay, come heads-up!”

Su Bai: “I have no abilities!”


Su Bai’s figure reappeared more than ten kilometers away!

As we all know,

Unstoppable is an escape skill!

“It doesn’t matter, this kid won’t be arrogant for long!”

The ultimate master has a venomous vision,

Seeing Su Bai’s dilemma,

He looks like this, even if someone answers,

I’m afraid I don’t know where the respondent is!

In this desperate situation,

How does the crow come back?

The strongest can never make a move!

As the best,

He knows very well,

If Rikong dares to rescue the crow,

What a terrible price the Human Race will pay!

…(Read more @

“The little guy has a lot of resentment?”

Splitting the sky on the Nine Heavens,

Overlooking the battle below.

Everything was in his eyes.

He knew the crow’s predicament well.

How to break the game,

It’s just a matter of time.

Everything is within the grasp of the great cleverness.


Watching a huge lantern fly out of the Southeast Catacombs,

A trace of remembrance flashed across Crack Kong’s face,

Things are wrong.

Now that the time has come,

Don’t let the little guy continue to complain,

Leaping Kong pointed at the sea of ​​clouds below, flicking his fingers at will,


The sea of ​​clouds rolls, the devil roars constantly!

Invincible will make every effort to change the world,

Xeon strikes at random,

The world is different!

Masters who are chasing crows,

I noticed the abnormality for the first time,

They all raised their heads and looked at the sea of ​​clouds!

Is Xeon going to save the crow?

Violating the real name contract,

The cost of backlash is huge! !


A scene that shocked them appeared!

Black clouds in the sky,

It was hit in the shape of an arrow: ‘→’!

“Shameless! Isn’t it a violation of the contract if the Xeon makes such a move?!”

The Master of the Cavern was incompetent and furious.

Xeon said it’s not a breach of contract,

Not a breach of contract!

In this world,

Su Bai is not the only one who likes card bugs.

Splitting the air is obviously also a good player to exploit the loopholes in the rules!

The crow also saw the sky vision,

I noticed the reminder that the cloud layer gave me,

Turn the direction immediately and follow the arrow of the clouds!

The Great Cavern shouted loudly,

“Don’t panic, the crow just knows the direction!”

“We blocked his place, the crow can’t escape!!”

Before the crow relied on high mobility,

Take everyone in circles.

It’s been a long time since I was able to take him down,

right now,

Everyone has a direction,

Raven’s play space has been compressed!

The demon master only needs to build a dam,

Stubbornly blocking the crow’s path.

The crow still can’t escape the net!

The Great Master laughed and said,

“Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness.

Terran is strong, but so! ”

A thunder fell from the sky,

The Great Master split all over,

All the injuries suffered in the battle broke out at this moment!

SSS-level talent, tear the wound!

The Demon Race’s absolute top, one move is dead!

Nine Heavens,

Likong looked at the rolling sea of ​​clouds,

Said seriously,

“Xeon must not be insulted.

You can’t blame others for being killed by juniors! ”

Yunhai calmed down a bit.

Since there is no backlash from the contract,

Explain that the behavior of splitting is recognized by the rules!

The demons could only smash their teeth and put them in their stomachs.

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

“Idiot, deserve to be killed!”


The eyes of the demons are once again on the ground!

Crow, still at large!

The crow flickered,

Everyone thought he was going to fight to the death,

Break through the encirclement of the master!

Who ever thought,

The crow actually changed direction and ran!

“Is this guy so scared that he doesn’t know the direction?!”

Many catacomb masters laughed in unison.

Give each other courage!

Their leader,

The Great Master has just died tragically before his eyes.

This critical moment,

Everyone’s spirit is tense to the extreme!

The crow’s figure drifted away,

And the direction pointed by the arrow, completely deviated!

The master of the cave sank,

Is something wrong?

They looked up at the sky again,

The huge arrow formed by clouds is in the right direction.


“Why is there a crow drawn beside the arrow?!”

This? !

The direction of the arrow is false,

The crow formed by clouds, the direction that guides, is true! !

And Su Bai only took a look.

This key information was captured!

“As expected to be the strongest of the human race, old coin, I like it!”

Su Bai relied on a single-handed idiot,

Cooperated with Xeon,

Successfully opened the distance with the chasing soldiers behind!

Also stepped in the right direction!

The dawn of escape,

Just ahead!

“Chong Chong Chong!”

In front of Su Bai, is a huge kerosene lamp.

Usually held by Luo Cheng, it is his usual weapon.

did not expect,

It turned out to be a weapon for his own escape!

Lanterns-this moment became Su Bai’s only hope for survival!

“Where to go!”

Behind Su Bai, another two great masters came! !

Still a great master who is good at speed!

Seeing that the other party is about to catch up with him,

And Su Bai is still a long way from the lantern!

Pick up the lantern, you can’t pick it up!

Su Bai yelled:

“Luo Cheng, don’t you want me to help you beat the air?”

In the Nine Heavens, the cracked empty face that had originally smiled, his smile instantly solidified.

He suddenly felt,

The clown is myself?


Su Bai didn’t know it, and Li Kong was watching him.


“I’ll add it one more time to help you beat up the cracks twice!”

The huge lantern shook for a moment, and then stood still.

Su Bai:…

Luo Cheng must be deliberate!

His meaning is clear: to add money!

“Ten times, I beat ten times to split the air!”

The lantern began to move, slowly like an ant moving house.

“I saw the rift once, and the rift once!”

The lantern is like a car,


The great master behind Su Bai has already arrived!

Next second,

Maybe it was the moment when Su Bai died!

Su Bai threw his last bargaining chip,

“I will beat the rift to the disabled, let you beat up to vent your anger!”

The lantern accelerated sharply,

Instantly ran into the ultimate master who was chasing Su Bai,

It was just a blow, and severely injured!

There is no more power to pursue.

Su Bai took advantage of the situation and grabbed the lantern,

A huge force came,

Pull him back quickly!

Even if it is the top, it can’t catch up with Su Bai!



If you can’t pick up the lantern,

Just let the lantern move by itself! !


(Receive the monthly ticket and flower evaluation ticket, thank you brothers,

Xiao Xu is here to give everyone a fist, rushing! )corpse.

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