Chapter 132

An ordinary day,

Opening his eyes, everyone thought there was no difference between today and yesterday.

They don’t know that the world situation has quietly changed in their sleep.

Peaceful morning,

Be exploded by a nuclear bomb-like news!

Everyone’s mobile phones, computers, QQ groups, WeChat groups, live broadcast rooms…

All were swiped by this message!

The Federal Information Agency used an extremely plain tone,

Distribute news to the outside world:

[Kill 11 Cthulhu running dogs last night]

In the beginning,

The major newspapers and headlines that received this news,

Very hoodwinked.

They even somewhat resisted publishing this news.

This is also news?

It just killed 11 people,

Is it worth sending a piece of news?

The Federation really went back and forth,

Look at the federal posture,

People who didn’t know thought they killed 11 grandmasters!

Until…. The Federation announced the identity and strength of 11 people.

All seven-rank martial artists! !

After a brief brain downtime,

Everyone is crazy!

It turned out to be 11 great masters!

That’s the master!

It even cut 11 people overnight! !

Cthulhu running dog hides extremely deeply on weekdays,

It takes a lot of effort to find a master.

It takes ten or even twenty years and countless human and financial resources to do it!

not to mention,

Once the master’s lackey identity is revealed,

Will often choose to escape to the crypt!

The success rate of 650   is extremely high, and many evil god running dog masters have escaped like this!

This makes the Federation cast a rat avoidance device,

Only when the layout is properly arranged, can you dare to do it!

Killing a grandmaster head-on is like going to the sky!

The Grand Master puts power on either side,

They are all mainstays of existence!

One night,

The Federation has even cut eleven masters in a row!

Countless people are discussing,

How did it do it?

Who, where, how, the 11 masters killed?

These three questions trouble everyone.

In addition to the ten years of darkness, the era of the rise of the Xeon,

The Federation has never had such a brilliant record!

It has been a long time since the Federation has had such news to boost morale! !


More information will be decrypted to the public!

People’s doubts are also solved a little bit,

The truth of the matter is restored before the eyes of the public:

“The Crow and Bai Chongshan have joined forces to design the 11 masters of the layout!”

“The crow cuts down two masters in a row!”

“Luo Cheng deceived his death, and turned his hand to destroy the five masters!”


A thrilling battle,

It is like a magnificent, magnificent picture scroll.

The picture scroll was pushed away a little bit,

Restore the truth to everyone.

People are caught in extreme mood swings:

The crow’s phrase “Arrow comes”, even cut the master,

Make countless people excited.

This is the strength of the patron saint of Baichuan City at night!

This battle,

Forged the supreme name of the crow assassin grandmaster!

One person, to blaze a trail, is to be a pioneer!

Under the siege of the five masters,(Read more @

One sentence: ‘Today, I will enter the Invincible Grandmaster again! ’

The scalp of the smeller was numb, and the goose bumps were all over.

Veterans never die, never die!

A veteran of ten years of darkness,

It seems to have returned to the era of screaming and shouting!

In my eyes, there are full of shadows of the year!

kill! kill! kill!

Kill all these evil god running dogs, and return a bright future to the future generations!

Bai Chongshan was deeply encircled and was seriously injured and dying.

A very tragic sentence before dying:

‘Heavy mountains will sleep here, I hope that in the future, the prosperous times will be picturesque! ’,

How many people’s tears were deceived, and countless people were worried about it.

When I see this,

How they hope that this old master can survive!

Even if the strength is not there, you must survive!

The most passionate, the most exciting, the most exciting,

Count Tyrant!

Tyrant, was the only protagonist last night!

In front of him, all the crows in the rivers, the lanterns of the underworld, and the mountains, all lost their light!

Just like when the sun appears, the light of the stars will be obscured.

When Tyrant comes on stage,

Between heaven and earth,

An extremely domineering sentence echoed,

‘You can’t help it, it’s up to me, Tyrant! ’

The grandmaster is alive and dead, Tyrant is determined!

If you turn your hands and die, you have no jokes!

Tyrant’s magical soldier is in general,

Easily rescued Bai Chongshan from the five masters,


Outrageously shot five grandmasters in seconds! !

At last,

Tyrant even personally enlightened Bai Chongshan, breaking through the extraordinary, and becoming the proud master!

Bai Chongshan swears by his real name and will always follow Tyrant! !

Master Ao Shi, easily subdued, willing to do the best of dogs and horses!

If this is not the strongest style,

In this world, who would dare to be called the strongest? !

Tyrant understands the righteousness even more,

Send the Baizhong Mountain to the Demon City Caverns,

Order it to kill a million enemies within ten years and establish the name of invincibility!

Tyrant, it must be invincible and cannot be followed! !

This surging echoes in everyone’s heart!

It is like raising a lot of pride and generosity,

The strongest, so be it! !

Tyrant is the fourth strongest Terran!

Su Bai walked on the street in the early morning with a calm face.

He was surprised to find that

Everyone’s face is full of enthusiasm and excitement!

Everyone is discussing the battle last night,

Everyone seems to be in the middle of the storm!

I don’t know who started and shouted: “Crow NB!”

“Crow NB!” ’,

Sounded in Baichuan City.

Finally, it gathered into a huge and incomparable sound!

“Crow NB!”

Above Baichuan City, endless!

Similar scenes are constantly being staged in the whole Earth.

However, except for Baichuan City,

Most cities shouted ‘TyrantNB! ’

In this regard, the citizens of Baichuan City also have their own unique knowledge:

Tyrant is the world, but the crow is the only one in every river!

Even if

Baichuan Crow is the name of the assassin’s master,

A killer with countless blood on his hands,

It does not prevent this city from going crazy for him!

When the federal message goes out,

When the people of Earth fell into a carnival,

Continuous new news,

Make waves in the crowd again:

[Assassins Alliance announced the cancellation of Tyrant’s reward! 】

[The Assassin Alliance claims that it has no intention of being an enemy of Tyrant, and hopes that the two sides can reach a settlement on the previous misunderstanding! 】

[The Assassin Alliance handed over 198 people who released Tyrant as a reward, among them one was a seventh-rank martial artist, and a sixth-rank martial artist…]

A behemoth bowed its head to Tyrant alone! !

This is the first time in history!

To know,

Tyrant has so far, only made two public shots!

Once, Tyrant killed the level 99 evil boss in 21 seconds and saved Baichuan City!

For the second time, Tyrant descended from the sky and blatantly killed five grandmasters, enlightening the extraordinary grandmaster Bai Chongshan to break through the proud world!

Only twice, the Assassin Alliance was defeated!

They are begging for mercy, revoking the reward, and handing over the master-level powerhouse, just to calm Tyrant’s anger! !

They… are scared, persuaded, and surrendered!

Just when everyone was immersed in shock,

Did not even fully digest the meaning of this news.

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen!

Today is doomed to continue turmoil!

There was a new response from the Federation.

A middle-aged man with a crown mark on his eyebrows,

At the press conference, Tyrant’s attitude was conveyed.

In front of countless cameras with long guns and short guns, under the gaze of over tens of billions of people around the world,


The original words of Tyrant are repeated word by word:

“never give up!”

Tyrant, do not accept the settlement!

What is it to destroy you? !

On this day,

In the hearts of all Earth’s people,

Assassin Alliance, it’s cold.

Some alliances are still alive, but they are dead!


(Sixth more sent, thank you brothers! Everything is said without saying, code words! Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

Note: “Never Compromise” comes from the famous quote of Rorschach in DC “The Watcher”

Destroying you, what to do with you, from the “Three-Body” by Teacher Liu, I hope you all know. ).

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