
Another big ball of magic bombarded over, but Zhang Yi dodged it.

Looking at the necromancer in front of him who was attacking him crazily, Zhang Yi was furious and pulled out the 25-level 1 big hammer that he had obtained at the train station before, but had not taken it to disassemble until now. He dragged the big hammer and rushed towards the necromancer.

Novice equipment below level 10 does not restrict professions, so it is not impossible for the mage to use the hammer.

This is the only weapon that Zhang Yi can use in his bag...

Quickly approaching the necromancer, Zhang Yi"bang" smashed the hammer down, causing 415 points of damage to the necromancer!

The 18 points of attack power of the hammer, plus the 30 points of damage added by the [Severe Injury] talent, the attack power is similar to that of the flame staff, so the damage dealt has not decreased.

It's just that after changing the hammer, Zhang Yi can't use the beastmaster skills, and can only use normal attacks to consume the necromancer.

Despite this, Zhang Yi, as a beastmaster, also killed the necromancer with a few hammers!

Picking up a piece of undead consciousness that looked like a ball of white light and a few copper coins that the necromancer exploded, Zhang Yi opened the status bar and found that he was only a few hundred experience points away from level 18! It was just a matter of killing a few more skeletons or undead.

So, just as Zhang Yi was about to continue to kill the undead, there was a sudden commotion in the back.

Looking back, I found that a large group of players were swarming in from the second-level area of the City of the Undead!

Guan Hao, Liu Xing and others who were about to go out were also surrounded by a large number of players who suddenly came.

Seeing the IDs above the heads of those players, Zhang Yi, who was calmly hammering an undead killer to death with a hammer, was not only not panicked, but also had a weird smile on his face:"Is it finally here?"

King of the world!

A large group of several hundred players from the King of Glory rushed into the City of the Dead with great momentum, scaring Guan Hao and the others, as well as some players who were leveling up in the Level 3 area.

Looking around, he found that the boss of the King of Glory, King of Glory, was also there, and he seemed to be well prepared. After rushing into the Level 3 area, he looked around and soon locked his eyes on Zhang Yi:"He's there!"

Sure enough, King of Glory brought so many people just to come for him, but how did he know that he was here? Could it be that the group of strong men who tried to embarrass Han Yarou when they first entered the City of the Dead had exposed his position?

Zhang Yi was not panicking at first, but he looked down at the hammer in his hand...

Oh my god, the flame staff exploded at this time. Was he going to use this hammer to deal with the people from the King of Glory?

Forget it, the hammer is the hammer. Zhang Yi can also beat the people from the King of Glory with a hammer!

In front, with the influx of the army of King of Glory players, the individual players who were leveling up in the level 3 area hurriedly fled, while the players of King of Glory, under the command of King of Glory, quickly rushed towards Zhang Yi.


As everyone approached, they picked up the weapons in their hands, and everyone looked as if they were going to eat Zhang Yi, scrambling to launch a charge.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: Are these people out of control today? On weekdays, they see me as a mouse seeing a cat, but today, they are all like they don't care about their lives. Is it because they rely on their numbers this time?

But Zhang Yi thought, it seems that every time they targeted Zhang Yi before, they had a lot of people!

In the end, the rapidly refreshing regional chat channel told Zhang Yi the answer.——

【Luo Ye] (male, level 16 archer):"Have you seen the people from the King's World? There are at least several hundred of them, and they look aggressive. Where are they going and what are they doing?"

【Gray avatar] (Male, Level 16 Knight):"Are you going to the City of the Dead? I heard that you are going there for Yinuo Qingcheng. King of Glory has long said that you will seek revenge on Yinuo Qingcheng. Now you are finally going to fulfill this promise. In addition, there were dozens of people in the previous times, but they were killed by the enemy. This time you are bringing so many people, it seems that you are determined to kill Yinuo Qingcheng!"

【Xiaojiji] (Male, Level 17 Assassin):"What are you still standing there for? Let's go to the City of the Dead and watch the fun! The top boss on the Heavenly Ranking versus hundreds of troops from the King's World, this is definitely going to be an exciting duel!"

【Charm] (Male, Level 17 Magician):"I'm in the City of the Dead. I just saw that the people from the King's World have really arrived. There are so many people! They look so enthusiastic!"

【Meteor Shower] (Female, Level 16 Priest):"Really? Wait for me, I'll be there right now. I want to see this epic showdown with my own eyes!"

【Charm】:"Come on, if you are not in the City of the Dead, don't come. This is not a team battle. Yinuo Qingcheng is just one person. No matter how powerful she is, can she beat the entire Wangzhe Tianxia team? I'm afraid the battle will be over before you even get here. Yinuo Qingcheng, you are really dead this time!"


It turns out that this time, almost all of the King's troops were dispatched!

Such a big battle really made Zhang Yi feel a little flattered.

What's funny is that the King's army actually stopped 50 meters away from Zhang Yi and lined up in a row.

Obviously, they also knew that with the damage of"Yinuo Qingcheng", it would be easy to kill any one of them in seconds, so no one dared to approach Zhang Yi's effective attack range, for fear of being killed by Zhang Yi directly.

Of course, they didn't know that Zhang Yi now has lost his long-range attack ability and has become a melee mage who can't use any skills.

At this time, the level 16 archer King of Glory squeezed out from the crowd of King's World.

"Yinuo Qingcheng, this time, let me see how capable you are!"

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, nor did he rush to take out the hammer. Instead, he stood in front calmly, looking at King of Glory who was only level 16, and said:"Is it because I killed you a few times that your level can't go up? As the captain of the King of Glory, your level of 16 is really unacceptable, right?"

King of Glory was furious:"Damn it, I'm here to seek revenge on you today. You have repeatedly opposed my King of Glory, and last night you killed more than a dozen of my brothers in the King of Glory. All the accounts will be settled at once today!"

"Okay." Zhang Yi said casually:"Then let's just call it quits. I'll have fun today." He must not lose in terms of momentum. Even though Zhang Yi knew that he had a huge advantage in equipment, he could not be a match for so many people in the King's World with his own strength. He was not afraid at all, because the final result would be death.

With three chances to revive, Zhang Yi was not afraid of death.

The most important thing was that even if he was killed, the top-grade equipment on Zhang Yi that had been strengthened to level 25 and bound by the system would not be exposed. At most, he would lose a level, but if the people in the King's World wanted to kill Zhang Yi, they would have to pay a hundred times the casualties!


The black hammer fell heavily to the ground. Zhang Yi held the hammer handle and said to the King's World players 50 meters away in front of him:"Come and kill me. I'll give you one more chance."

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