Online Games: Add Unlimited Entries! Start Eternal Life

Chapter 75 Baptism In The Divine Spring! 20 Times Increase Buff!

The ancient humans who were still guiding the forbidden spell saw this scene.

The whole person was instantly struck by a thunderbolt, and he froze in place.

And the forbidden spell he hadn't completed also lost control and was interrupted directly.

He couldn't believe it.........

When I was chanting a low-level forbidden spell, others had already cast a dozen intermediate-level forbidden spells.

Before the singing was over, the evil god was kicked to death.

"One swing of the sword makes the gods kneel..."

"One kick directly ends the gods..."

"A mortal's body can be compared to a god, what kind of power is this..."

Just when the ancient humans lost their minds and murmured.

A series of announcements suddenly sounded throughout the copy space.

[Dungeon Announcement: The human camp "Human Emperor-Chongguang" defeated all the evil spirit titans in "Resisting the Evil God" alone, and successfully killed the 100-level god boss "Ancient" 810 "Evil God", the player level of all races +1 , All attributes +20%. 】

["Human Emperor-Chongguang" contributes 100% to this task, and the human race is the race with the highest contribution value to "resisting evil gods" in this task. Attribute +500, free attribute point +200. 】

["Human Emperor-Chongguang" is the player with the highest contribution value, and additionally obtains all permissions of "Shenquan Baptism" and race dungeons. 】

[Dungeon Announcement: Since race points cannot take effect, all players' race points will be automatically converted into plane coins. 】

[The dungeon will be closed after three minutes, and all players except "Human Emperor Kuguang" will be forcibly teleported out of the dungeon space. 】

The barrage of announcements has yet to fall.

Announcements that resounded throughout the chaotic world floated above the territories of all races.

[Chaos Announcement: The human race "Human Emperor-Chongguang" killed the 100-level god boss "Ancient Evil God" alone in the "race copy ①" in 3.9 seconds, becoming the first player in the chaotic world to kill a god alone. This event will be permanently recorded Chronicles of Chaos. 】

[As the first player to slaughter a god alone, reward "Human Emperor-Chongguang" with 50,000 points of four-dimensional attributes, 20,000 points of free attributes, and "Mark of Chaos" X1. 】

[Chaos Announcement:.…………]

After the Dungeon Announcement and Chaos Announcement are completely down.

All races were in an uproar.

To kill a god alone, maybe some players of the super race and the god race can do it after their talents and skills have fully grown.

But at this moment.

A player who has just been promoted to a high-ranking race.

It took less than five seconds to complete the single-player slaughter.

This is extremely shocking for players of all races.

And for the players in the racial copy.

This announcement was more like a forbidden curse that exploded beside them, making them all stunned in place as if they had lost their souls.

"Did I hear you right? It takes less than five seconds to kill a god alone?"

"The chaotic chronicle records that the ancient evil god has nearly 30 billion health points!!! That guy from the human race killed the god boss in 3.9 seconds?"

"The human race has received this wave of rewards, and their strength has increased a lot. I hope that the human race will not start a war with our Wanxiang clan in the future."

"This ancient evil god must have exploded his artifact, it's really sour."

"Artifact? All the permissions of the dungeon are more valuable. This dungeon has not been developed yet, and all the resources have fallen into the hands of that human being."

[Ding, as the first single-player player in the chaotic world, you get 50,000 points of four-dimensional attributes, 20,000 points of free attributes, and "Chaos Mark" X1. 】

[Ding, your level is +4, all attributes are increased by 70%, four-dimensional attributes are +500, and free attribute points are +200. 】

[Because you have not completed the job transfer task of "Chaos Controller", you cannot upgrade your level temporarily. 】

[Your level rewards have been turned into the experience required for your current upgrade, which is automatically stored in the experience pool. 】

[Ding, your racial points have been exchanged for 375,480 plane coins. 】

[The player with the highest contribution value for this dungeon will additionally get all the permissions of "Sacred Spring Baptism" and racial dungeons. 】

[Shenquan baptism will start one minute later. 】

After a series of system prompts fell.

Gu Han couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

This wave...

Just a 70% increase in all attributes, so that his double attack skyrocketed to more than 9 million points!!

It is only one step away from the tens of millions of attacks.

Under such terrifying attributes.

Today's Gu Han, a single triple-level god descending spell can instantly kill a level 60 monarch boss!!

In addition to the skyrocketing attributes.

This wave is also blessed by the buff of five times the loot, and got a total of five artifacts!!!


That is a treasure beyond the reach of countless players!

Just when Gu Han was about to look at the artifact in his backpack 0.

A light array suddenly floated above his head.

His whole body was completely enveloped within a breath.

next moment.

The swirling light array suddenly turned into streaks of fluorescent light, which quickly landed on Gu Han's body like water droplets.

When all the fluorescence flooded into Gu Han's body.

Gu Han only felt that his body seemed to be undergoing some kind of qualitative change.

in the body.

A warm current is flowing fast.

Also at this time.

A halo of divine power surrounded him, and finally melted directly into his body.

And this time......

A series of prompts suddenly sounded in his ears.

[Ding, the baptism of Shenquan was successful. 】

[You have been blessed with divine power, and all your gain effects have changed. 】

[Your experience bonus, loot bonus, plane currency bonus, reputation bonus, and reward bonus have all been integrated and advanced. 】

[All experience, props, loot, reputation, and rewards you get will increase by 2000%. 】

[You have been blessed with divine power, and your physical strength has been greatly improved. 】

[Your perception range is expanded by 1000%, and all your skills, magic, forbidden spells, and selectable target ranges are all increased by 1000%. 】

After the prompt tone falls.

Gu Han instantly felt an indescribable sense of relief flooding his whole body.

Feeling the changes in her body comfortably, Gu Mei couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This wave of divine spring baptism.

Directly integrate all experience and loot buffs to advance to 0.9 by 20 times!

this means.

In the future, not only killing monsters can get the bonus of this buff.

Even the rewards of the system can be directly increased by 20 times!!!

If you kill another wave of god-level bosses, you will directly get 20 god-level weapons!!

Such an effect is not insignificant.

And besides that.

With the blessing of divine power, all of Gu Han's range abilities have been increased tenfold.

under a tenfold increase.

The range of his forbidden spell has directly expanded to 100,000 meters!

And the range of the triple-level god-adventure technique has also increased to two thousand meters!

Even the selection range of empty-handed and white-blade has been increased to 500 meters!!!

This kind of blessing is enough to make Gu Han's strength skyrocket by a large amount invisibly.

After standing where he was and calming down, Gu Han took out the Spirit of God in his backpack.


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