Online Games: Add Unlimited Entries! Start Eternal Life

Chapter 71 Instant Strike! Destroy The Ancient Orc Statues!

Damage to aliens is increased by 200%.

Such an effect is absolutely powerful enough for all players.

No hesitation.

Gu Han added an entry to it immediately.

【Entry added successfully!】

["Sura" has obtained a rare entry: Shura Field. 】

["Sura" has obtained a legendary entry: Shura's efforts. 】

["Sura" has obtained a mythical entry: Shura kills instantly in prison. 】

Entry Ⓤ: Shura Field: All targets within 100 meters of the player will fall into a state of fear, and the target can be selected freely.

Entry ②: Shura's all-out strength: physical attack power/magic attack power +100000

Entry ③: Asura Instant Prison Kill: All skills and magic will ignore any defense methods and attack the target instantly.

Three entries added in this wave.

The effects of each entry are powerful.

Everyone within 100 meters of themselves will fall into fear.

This means that no living beings can come close.

And the second entry directly added a full 100,000 double attack!

Compared with the 50-level emperor-level weapons, the additional attributes are not much better.

As for the effect of the last entry.

But Gu Han couldn't help being slightly surprised.

All skills and magic strike instantly.

This kind of effect, after matching with the tracking entry of the Venerable Master holding the sword.

Gu Han's skills and magic will explode directly on the target!!!!

With the support of such ability.

The speed of sudden death of the target will be faster!

After slowing down.

Gu Han closed the entry panel, and quickly glanced at the leaderboard.

【Personal Points Leaderboard】

[First Place]: Chongguang, Human Race, Level 109

【Current Race Points】: 475000

[Second Place]: Thunderbolt Thousand Army, Human Race, Level 56

【Current Race Points】: 680

[Third Place]: Lu Yinxue, Human Race, Level 57

【Current Race Points】: 510

[Fourth Place]: Barr, Demon Race, Level 45

【Current Race Points】: 220

After the burst rate of the human race has been increased by 100%.

Terran players already accounted for more than 70% of the standings.

This is still the case that many players have not found wild monsters.

over time.

There will be more Terran players on the list.

And in the top ten list.

Except for one Demon Race player.

All the rest of the players are all those who were boosted by Gu Han in the prestige instance.

On the entire leaderboard, except for Gu Han who has 470,000 points.

The highest points of the rest of the players have not broken the thousand.


It is only less than five minutes before the dungeon mission starts.

It is extremely rare for ordinary players to gain these points in such a short period of time.

And at this moment.

Gu Han's points have reached the mission goal.

The next thing to do is to go to the altar of the ancient race to restore the statue of the ancient human race.

Close the leaderboard.

Gu Han directly activated the active effect of Force of Destiny.

[Expectation: The location of the altar of the ancient race. 】

[Ding, the trajectory of fate leads to success, and the choice of fate has been revealed. 】


One after another illusory words floated in front of Gu Han.

【Choice of Destiny】

【Ⓤ: Coordinates (1298,654)】

[②: Coordinates (356,1275) (blocked]

No hesitation.

Gu Han locked the coordinates again and opened the space rift.

Leaping into it, Gu Han's body instantly disappeared in place.

Space switching.

Gu Han appeared on a plain that smelled of death.

In the edge area of ​​the entire plain, there are 10 huge altars.

The bottom of the altar is engraved with numerous runes.

And above each altar, there is a huge statue.

Flashing to the altar of the ancient human race, Gu Han immediately submitted the race points for the task.


Gu Han's points were directly reduced by one hundred thousand.


A ray of light shone from the bottom of the altar, and flew into the statue above the altar in an instant.

Also at this time.

A series of notification sounds kept ringing in Gu Han's ears.

[Ding, you have completed the task "clearing alien players" and gained 500 million experience, Wang Xuan's weapon "Purple Thunder Sword" X1. 】

[Ding, your level has been upgraded to 110, four-dimensional attributes +400, free attribute points +300. 】

[You get human bonuses: free attribute points +204, four-dimensional attributes +199. 】

[Ding, your job transfer task has started. 】

[Ding, the second phase of Tao's dungeon mission has started. 】

After taking a look at the upgraded property panel.

Gu Han clicked on the dungeon task of the second stage.

【Guarding the Ancient Human Statue】

【Grade】: SSS grade

[Task Content]: After the racial statues are revived, protect the human statues from being killed by alien statues.

[Task objective]: Wait for the race statue to wake up, and increase the power of the race statue by sacrificing race points.

[The higher the racial points of the sacrifice, the stronger the strength of the racial statue. 】

[Rewards for completing missions]: According to the sacrifice points, different ranking rewards will be obtained.

[Tips:] After the player receives the task of the second stage, for every race point sacrificed, 1 plane coin will be obtained.

Looking at the second phase of the task, Gu Han frowned slightly.

This task needs to awaken the statues of the ancient races and increase the strength of the statues of their own race.

To complete this task, you have to wait for other players to submit racial points to awaken the racial statue, and then you can sacrifice points for the statue.

After frowning, Gu Han looked at the awakening progress of the ancient human statue.

[The ancient human statue has earned points: 10w. 】

[Awakening progress: 0.5%. 】

Seeing the recovery progress of less than 1%, Gu Han instantly felt that his whole body was not well.

A total of 20 million race points are needed to awaken the race statues.

According to the speed of the players, this task will take more than six hours at least.

And during this time.

Gu Han is unable to complete the next task.

After standing still, he paused.

Gu Han directly activated the active effect of Force of Destiny.

[Expectation: Other methods for the recovery of ancient human statues. 】

[Ding, the trajectory of fate leads to success, and the choice of fate has been revealed. 】

Hearing the sound of success, Europe and the United States grinned slightly.


One after another illusory words formed by the power of fate floated in front of Gu Han.

【Choice of Destiny】

【Ⓤ: Destroy the altars of other races, and sacrifice the cores of five ancient race statues to the altars of the human race. 】

【②: Use the forbidden spell "`, the light of recovery". 】

Watch the way the Force of Destiny shows up.

Gu Han couldn't help being taken aback.

Can you directly destroy the altar?

In this case.

If all the altars of other races are destroyed, will the human race win at this stage?

Think here.

Gu Han immediately released the space system skills and flashed in front of the orc altar.

Focusing on the eyes of true sight, Gu Han immediately looked at the message.

【Ancient Orc Statue】

【Level】: Level 100

【Rank】: Unknown

[Life: 200 million, physical defense: 3000w, magic defense: 3000w. 】

[Life Recovery: Recover 5% of the maximum health per second. 】

[Introduction]: The statue of the ancient orcs.

30 million dual defenses, 200 million health points.

Restores 10 million HP per second.

With such attributes, even if players at this stage come to play for three days and three nights, they will not be able to cause any damage to the statue.


For Gu Han, this attribute is simply unbearable.

No hesitation.

Gu Han (Li Liao Zhao) directly opened the active effect of Zhu Shenjian and the realm of the triple descending magic.

at the same time.

A colorless space comparable in scope to a forbidden curse also unfolded instantly.

next moment.

A series of terrifying injuries erupted instantly on the body of the orc statue.

-1000w! (colorless space)

-1761w! (Zhu Shenjian)

-4112w! (Triple Seance)

Under the damage of nearly 7000w points per second.

The recovery speed of the orc statue seemed so weak.

Three seconds later.

Under the beheading effect of Zhu Shenjian.

The ancient orc statue shattered instantly.

Also at this time.

A series of notification sounds kept ringing in Gu Han's ears.

[Ding, you have destroyed the "Ancient Orc Statue". patrol】

[Your backpack world automatically picks up statue core X5. 】

The moment the two reminders fell.

An announcement suddenly sounded over the entire dungeon in an instant.

[Dungeon Announcement: The human faction "Human Emperor-Chongguang" has smashed the "Ancient Orc Statue". Orc players are no longer able to sacrifice race points. Ways to find copy activity. 】.

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