The picture returns to Chenfeng.

After solving the natural disaster licker crisis in Haicheng.

Chenfeng also commanded the space-time elves to release a spatial mark in place to facilitate future teleportation.

He was ready to release the space-time mark within as much of the Dragon Kingdom as possible, so that the support would be much faster.

After the space-time elf released the space-time coordinates, Chenfeng returned to the previous battlefield.

As soon as I returned to the battlefield, I saw countless seriously wounded soldiers and seriously injured survivors, all of them missing arms and legs, lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

"If these people don't get timely treatment, it is estimated that they may die in a short time." Seeing this, Chen Feng's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"The Holy Light Elf's healing technique should work."

After being stunned for a moment, Tatsumze decided to try whether the summoned could help humans heal their injuries in the same way as in his previous life.

"Summon-Holy Light Elf!"

The Tatsukaze staff was raised, after a short chant.

Ten golden six-pointed star arrays appeared above the ground, and ten holy light spirits with golden wings appeared around the battlefield.

"General Tatsume! What do you want to do? Led

by Senior Commander Li, he trotted all the way to Chenfeng's face, and when he saw that Chenfeng had released the summoned object again, he thought that the Natural Calamity Licker had not been completely eliminated, and his expression suddenly became nervous.

"Senior Li, right? Gather all the wounded around and I'll help them treat. Chenfeng saw the senior colonel officer running towards him and said directly,

"What... What the? General Chenfeng still has the ability to heal and save people? After hearing Chen Feng's words, Senior Li was obviously stunned, and although he was a little puzzled, he still did so.

"Hurry up and gather all the wounded here and be treated by General Chenfeng." Division Commander Li gave the order into the walkie-talkie.

The moment the order was given, the surrounding soldiers immediately began to get busy, and one by one figures carrying stretchers shuttled through the proud crowd, and soon thousands of heavy and light wounded were concentrated on the entire square.

Seeing this, Chenfeng did not hesitate, summoned thousands of holy light spirits, and began to start one-on-one treatment for the injured below.

"Brush brush brush brush! "

Thousands of holy rays of light continuously shone on the wounded around them, and the injuries of these wounded recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just tens of seconds, the thousands of injured people on the field miraculously all healed.

"Sure enough! As long as the person does not die completely, the healing techniques in the game will have an effect! Chen Feng muttered in his heart, looking at the slowly recovering Dragon Kingdom warriors in front of him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

The warriors and survivors who were resurrected with blood showed gratitude and adoration to the Chen Feng in front of them.

However, this state did not last long when a roar of planes landing came from the sky.

It turned out that Qing Ying saw that the monsters on the ground had all been solved, and it just so happened that there was also a clearing in this square for the Shenlong fighter to land, and he couldn't wait to control the plane to fall to the ground.

"General Chenfeng!"

Qing Ying ran up with little stars in her eyes, and her face still had a hint of flush from the worship of the strong.

"Why did you come down? Doesn't it make you stand by in the air? When Chen Feng saw that Qing Ying actually came down by herself, a trace of displeasure flashed on her face.

"Ah! Echen will I just want to come down and see if there is anything I need to help. Feeling a hint of displeasure from Chen Feng, she quickly lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

Seeing the little girl like this, Chen Feng was also a little embarrassed, and he actually didn't blame her much, but after he was treated, he had to hurry to other places and eliminate the natural disaster creatures in other places.

Just now, Shen Jianguo sent him all the distress coordinates sent by other countries, asking him if he was willing to help his neighbors solve this crisis.

Chenfeng agreed without saying a word when he saw the list sent.

Because, without exception, these countries are close to the border of the Dragon Country, and if the natural disasters of these countries spread, the Dragon Kingdom will never have peace.

Just like ⭐ when Jojo attacked Nanbang at that time, our ancestors joined the rescue plan without hesitation in order for future generations to have less war, and Chenfeng is now so that the future of the Dragon Kingdom will not continue to be affected by natural disasters.

It is also worth mentioning that among the many rescue requests, Chenfeng even found the Stars and Stripes Country's request for help.

It stands to reason that the ordinary natural disaster vanguard force is not the opponent of the technology of the Star-Spangled Country for the time being, how can the Star-Spangled Country in this world actually ask for help from itself?

Chen Feng also looked at it with great interest.

In the end, it was found that there were more than a dozen waves of natural disaster creatures that were now invading the Star-Spangled Country, and they were all invasions beyond the strength of the Dragon Country's lickers, no wonder the powerful Star-Spangled Country also began to ask for help.

However, Chenfeng was not prepared to run so far to the rescue, for two reasons.

First, not to mention that the relationship between these Western countries and the Dragon Country has always been deadlocked, and in the past hundred years, in order to hinder the rise of the Dragon Country, economic sanctions and technological blockades have been imposed on the Dragon Country from time to time.

However, with the efforts of several generations of the Dragon Country, the comprehensive military strength has long been comparable to the Star-Spangled Country, and in the end, they also fled with their tails between their legs in the face of the powerful military deterrence of the Dragon Country.

Second, in the early days of the game, in order not to let themselves develop, the Star-Spangled Country tried their best to kill themselves in the Demon World, and if it weren't for their strong strength, they would have been planted in the Demon World at that time.

Therefore, it is impossible for both public and private winds to help these Western countries because of a little profit in front of them.

As for whether they will be destroyed in this disaster, Chenfeng got the answer no.

Because now it is only the vanguard of the first wave of natural disasters, and the strength is just like that, they can still solve some of the corresponding costs themselves, but it depends on whether they wake up quickly enough.

"Let's hurry up and solve the crisis around the Dragon Kingdom first."

Since he thought so, he no longer hesitated, and looked at Qing Ying, who was still looking down and pondering, and said directly:

"Let's go, go to the next place!"

"Going to the next place? Haven't all the natural disasters in the Dragon Kingdom been solved by us?

Aoyama's face was full of doubt.

"The Dragon Kingdom has indeed been solved temporarily, but if the neighboring countries do not help solve it, it will still threaten us." Chenfeng said directly.

"Ah! Oh okay. Qing Ying suddenly realized.

"Let's go! I still need you to take me for a ride! Chenfeng said half-jokingly.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, it immediately rejuvenated Qing Ying, who was originally a little depressed.


After that, the two quickly returned to the fighter.

After a short start buffer, the plane flew towards the country of Baba Sheep at the fastest speed.

As for why the first to go to the country of Baba Sheep, the reason is because the location of Baba Sheep is adjacent to the Dragon Country, and the main reason is that their country is the only country that has written friendship with the Dragon Kingdom into its constitution, and when the Dragon Country is in trouble, they raise funds from the whole country and transport all the materials of their country to the Dragon Country.

This affection was remembered by all the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, so Chenfeng decided to help Baba Yang solve the natural disaster crisis first.

The fighter also quickly broke through the speed of sound after a short start of acceleration, and because it is powered by nuclear energy, there is no need to worry about the energy of the aircraft.


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