Just as Tatsumeze was waiting for a message from the commander-in-chief's side.

Spatial cracks in many places in other countries have been appearing for a long time.

Sakura Island Country.

Near the crater at the top of Mt. Fuji, before the global system warning fell, a powerful energy cut through the void, creating a space-time rift ten meters long and about five meters wide.

Immediately afterwards, countless undead creatures rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes, passed.

Hundreds of thousands of natural disaster armies descended directly on this land.

"Is this the world of that group of adventurers?"

At this time, one of the natural disaster creatures with an LV70-level ID called: The necromancer of Sugard slowly walked out.

"Back to Lord Sugard, according to the information given by several adventurers we have accepted, this should be an indigenous planet called Blue Star, and the indigenous creatures here can't even use magic to the extreme."

A death knight named Kyle next to Sugard reported with disdain.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to worry about, we, as the vanguard of the Lich King, must create a large territory for the large-scale natural disaster to come, and this small island seems to be a good choice!"

"Go! First control the supreme leader of this country, if they dare to resist, they will be killed directly!

Sugard immediately made a decision.

"Yes! Lord Sugard! "

Subsequently, the 100,000 natural calamity army launched a mighty attack on the city where the small life was still good.



Other countries also appeared several time and space cracks in various places, and countless natural disaster vanguard forces descended into the real world.

Although these countries are also prepared, the current strength of the vanguard force of the natural disaster far exceeds the player's current strength.

For a time, the casualties of various countries were very huge, especially some small countries whose scientific and technological forces were not very strong, and he could only rely on the meager power inherited by players in the game to fight against the invasion of this natural disaster, and in a short period of time, many small countries were attacked by natural disaster creatures.

And the big country standing at the peak of human scientific and technological civilization is not very good at this time.

The creatures of this natural disaster are endless, and the location and number of spatial cracks are not fixed, resulting in some spatial cracks directly appearing in densely populated urban centers, which has led to heavy casualties in their population.

In the end, several weapons of mass destruction were used to barely withstand the first wave of the crisis.

At this time, the White House of the Star-Spangled Country was under attack by the Creature Legion of Natural Calamity.

However, fortunately, the scientific and technological defense force of the Star-Spangled Country was still very strong, and it was not broken for a while, and their Tgtontrap had long hid in the Doomsday Fortress specially built for him.

He was in the Doomsday Fortress, hundreds of meters underground, holding an emergency meeting.

At this time, in the conference room were the leaders representing various forces.

"Fak! What exactly are these things, how could they suddenly descend on the land of our great Star-Spangled Country!

Tekp let out an angry roar, and his most beloved lover had died under the clutches of natural disasters not long ago.

"Mr. Terong, this may be related to the game [Source Universe], now this situation should be that the game is slowly coming to reality, and our strength in the game has been completely inherited, but it can't be resurrected infinitely."

The blonde female secretary in the conference room, Sosiah, analyzed.

"It won't help if the strength is inherited! The creatures outside are much more powerful than our soldiers, and if this continues, we can only use weapons of mass destruction. A lawmaker named Robot said.

This time, their country is very unlucky, there are five or six super-large space-time cracks alone, and there are four or five large ones, which can be described as decaying home.

"Is there no other way? Although the use of weapons of mass destruction can temporarily resist these terrifying creatures, if released in the city, our people will lose more! "Another female MP was opposed.

"Do you have a better way?" Councillor Robert said again.

After hearing this, the deputies fell into deep thought, and it seemed that in the current situation, only this method worked.

"I have a solution to this crisis without using weapons of mass destruction!"

At this time, Sosiah, who was standing next to Tgton Trapp, suddenly said.

Trump raised his eyebrows and looked at her and asked, "Tell me about it."

Everyone looked at her expectantly.

Seeing this, Sosia sorted out the hem of his clothes and said directly: "Since the strength in the game has been 100% inherited to reality, then who is the strongest person in the game at this stage, I believe everyone also knows that as long as you can get his help, the current crisis is nothing."

As soon as these words came out, the big guys below were in an uproar.

"We have also thought about this, but after all, we have offended the Dragon Kingdom's Heaven Killer before, can he help us?" Questions were raised.

"As long as the corresponding price can be paid, I believe there is still room for maneuver, after all, the creatures that have descended now are the public enemies of our All Blue Star, and the fall of our country is also a great harm to them." Sosia continued.

Everyone fell silent after hearing this, how much does it take to pay the corresponding price? And who will pay? They are all old capitalists, and none of them want to take out their assets for no reason.

Seeing the high-level officials of the Star-Spangled Country present, they all lowered their heads and did not speak.

Trapp then looked at everyone with a sneer, he had expected this situation for a long time.

I saw him stand up, the goblet in his hand fell heavily on the ground, and then angrily said to everyone below: "Fak, you bunch of waste, still thinking about yourself, if the whole Star-Spangled Guo falls to your fart!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of heavily armed black-clothed Fopole members suddenly appeared around the conference room, and they did not do anything after they appeared, just stood quietly in place and looked at the people in the conference room, the meaning is self-evident, now everyone in this underground fortress no one can get out, if they don't come up with something to help the country through this crisis, I'm afraid they won't be able to get out of this conference room.

"Did anyone take the lead?" Trapp asked again.

"I am willing to donate 10% of the oil energy from overseas oil companies."

A consortium patriarch was the first to stand up and said.

"I heard that the Dragon Kingdom has been very short of steel recently, and I donated 10% of our family's steel reserves." Another consortium boss spoke.

"I am willing to donate ten trillion Blue Star coins."

"I am willing to donate the super lithography machine technology that my family has mastered."

"I donate..." For

a while, the big guys present expressed their positions one after another.

Trapp nodded in satisfaction after hearing everyone's statement.

"Next, I will get in touch with the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom, it has been too dangerous outside recently, you all live in the fortress for the time being!"

After that, Trapp left the conference room with the beautiful secretary.


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