Sure enough, after summoning it, most of the audience expressed doubts, but fortunately, there were many people in the live broadcast room who had seen the undead magician-Nicholas released when Chenfeng attacked the demon world.

These players act directly as narrators on the spot.

"Oh, it turns out that the undead summoner, no wonder it looks so oozing."

"How did the Heaven Killing God release ten necromancers, this wave of monsters is estimated to be tens of thousands, can it be with ten summoned objects to fight tens of thousands of heavenly calamity carrion?"

"It's incredible."

"Maybe the Heaven Killing God will also send other summoners to support, otherwise tens of thousands of carrion corpses will be gnawed by one person, and these ten necromancers will have no bones left."

"Yes, yes, it is estimated that the Heaven Killing God will still have a back hand to prepare."

Everyone in the live broadcast room expressed disbelief when they saw that Chenfeng had only summoned ten summoned objects, just like fighting against tens of thousands of natural disaster carrion.

However, Chenfeng is ready to let ten necromancers fight against tens of thousands of heavenly calamity carrion, so that everyone in the live broadcast room understands that when encountering a necromancer on their side, they must be eliminated at any cost, otherwise even if he only has one now, in just a short while, thousands of undead creatures will appear to level the base you guard.

At this moment, I only saw the carrion not far away, and the soldiers rushed towards the necromancer Nicholas, who was at various intersections.

There were only two undead magicians guarding each intersection, and Chenfeng's other summoners retreated to the rear, and he himself only watched the scene below lightly in the sky.

"What's going on? Why didn't the Heaven Killing God release other summons?

"There are only two necromancer summons at each intersection, what is the Heaven Killing God trying to do."

"I'll go! I always feel that I can see shocking scenes again.

"Looking forward to it!"

"Expect +1!"


Seeing Chenfeng, he released the necromancer to guard this wave of monsters, and the audience in the live broadcast room expressed doubts, but at the same time, they began to look forward to the next live broadcast screen.


Inside the replica.

Just as countless carrion corpses approached the necromancer at great speed, only ten neat neat magicians raised their skeleton staff and began to chant undead magic.

In just a few seconds, a blue-green spatial crack suddenly appeared in the space of the copy.

Immediately afterwards, a huge green palm at the spatial crack grabbed the outer wall of the spatial crack.

"Roar! A

loud roar came, and a monster with a body length of more than five meters and a body full of green muscles appeared in front of the group of carrion.

[Abyss Corpse King

] (Legendary Level) [Level]: LV99 (God-level 100 Upper Limit)

[HP]: 9.99 million

[Attack]: 99,000 [Defense]: 66,000

[Attack Speed]: 3

attacks per second[Release

speed]: 20%

[Movement speed]: Normal movement 20 m/s, extreme speed 40 meters per second.

[Skill] 1: [Body of the Dead] (passive): Immune to most of the negative effects, (poisoning, bleeding, etc.) greatly increases the speed of blood return in corrosive lands.

[Skill] 2: [Split Attack] (Passive): The Abyss Corpse King's normal attack has a split effect, and when attacking a unit, it will deal 50% damage to all enemy creatures within a 5*5 meter radius of its own attack.

[Skill] 3: [Death Charge]: The Abyss Corpse King locks the target and charges forward, which will deal 100% physical damage to enemies in the path and 300% physical damage to hit targets and stun surrounding enemies for 5 seconds. The skill cools down for 60 seconds.

[Skill] 4: [Devour]: The Abyss Corpse King can devour flesh and blood lives below the legendary level, causing a second-kill effect on it, and restore a certain amount of blood according to the number of devouring and the grade, the amount of devouring is related to the size and grade of the monster, and it takes a day to digest a certain amount before it can be devoured again.

This is exactly the necromancer's big move 'Summon the Abyss Corpse King'.

"I'm Nima! Is this the Hulk?

"It's so long! So big! The

audience in the live broadcast room saw such a shocking scene and were shocked and speechless.

At the same time, the second wave of carrion corpses also exchanged hands with the Abyss Corpse King summoned by the necromancer.

I saw that hundreds of carrion corpses surrounded an Abyss Corpse King in front of him, constantly gnawing on its rough flesh.




Hundreds of painless injuries appeared above the head of the Abyss Corpse King, and some carrion corpses even clenched their teeth and could not break through the Abyss Corpse King's defenses.

But the Abyss Corpse King was different, I saw him wrapped in a machete with iron chains, and when he swung it, a carrion fell. (Splitting effect.)

Some even grabbed several carrion corpses and stuffed them directly into their mouths, chewing wildly, making a "Katskats" sound.

Immediately behind him, the necromancer condensed a spell, only to see the red light in the eyes of the head of the Abyss Corpse King, and the bloodthirsty and violent feeling permeated out.

"Roar! "

Blessed by the fanaticism of the necromancer's skills, the frequency of attacks of the Abyss Corpse King has become even higher.

"Brush brush brush brush!"

In a second, five consecutive knives were swung, directly cutting all the carrion corpses in front of him to the ground, and countless stump internal organs flew in the sky.

Moreover, under the bonus of the necromancer's blood-sucking aura, the Abyss Corpse King's blood bar did not drop at all.

In this way, with the blessing of the auxiliary skills of the necromancer, the Abyss Corpse King slashed all the way from the starting point of the monster to the door of the monster refresh point, and he was still wielding a big knife.

This bloody scene directly made the audience in the live broadcast room almost vomit out the overnight meal.

"Zizizi, the live broadcast screen of [Source Universe] is also too real."

"Indeed, this picture is so immersed that I have already been substituted into the live stream."

"The Hulk summoned by this necromancer is also too strong, all the way from the South Heavenly Gate to the North Heavenly Gate, what brand is this machete?" I also want to buy a handful to use to shoot garlic. "

Heaven Killing God, the summoners in the summons are so strong, it is simply incomprehensible!"

"Today really opened our eyes, relying on ten summoned objects alone can defeat tens of thousands of undead carrion corpses of the same level, it is really awesome!"

The audience in the live broadcast room praised the power of the Chenfeng summoner.

Soon after, the Abyss Slashing King kept slashing, and finally only ten Abyssal Corpse Kings, ten necromancers, and the remains of corpses in one place were finally left on the ground.

"Dingdong, you have successfully destroyed the second wave of natural disaster creatures in the copy, and the third wave of natural disaster creatures will arrive in 30 seconds, please be ready."

The system prompt sounds, and the next thing that will be faced will be the third wave of natural disaster creatures.


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