However, something that embarrassed Chenfeng happened.

He searched the entire Chamber of Commerce warehouse, and legend has it that there are countless silver grades, except for whiteboard, black iron and bronze grade equipment!

"I'll go, such a large equipment warehouse doesn't even have the lowest level of equipment." Chenfeng silently complained.

But think about it, the current white, black and blue three-piece set has long been eliminated, and no one will hoard these equipment.

Players who hit these grades of equipment either lost it directly or sold it to equipment buyers after returning to the city for a few copper and silver coins, who will keep the backpack grid.

"Hey~ without these equipment, I can only fight a few pieces myself."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng got up and prepared to go to the nearby leveling point to play a few pieces.

Just as Chenfeng was about to leave, he seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly stopped.

"No, I have [Hundred Times Reward Increase] The whiteboard equipment will become bronze, and I can't hit the whiteboard and black iron equipment by myself."

"I can only command the NPC to go."

After muttering a word, he gave an order to the ten thousand soldiers of his Stormwind City to start collecting a thousand pieces of whiteboard, black iron, and bronze equipment each.


Not long after, an NPC sergeant appeared in front of Chenfeng with a space ring.

"Heaven Killer Side by Side King, the white board, black iron, and bronze equipment you need have all been collected."

The NPC City Guard knelt down on one knee and handed the space ring on his hand to Chenfeng's hand.

Chen Feng nodded with a smile and took the space ring.

"Well, not bad! You stand down. "


Immediately, the sergeant retreated.

"What does the king of side by side want these useless equipment for." The sergeant was a little puzzled, but did not ask more.

Chen Feng brought the space ring up, checked the items inside, and sure enough, three piles of classified equipment appeared inside.

"Hmm~ Let's start upgrading your equipment now."

Chenfeng directly launched the [Soul Devouring Mask] skill devouring.

The moment the equipment skill was activated, I only saw a small vortex appear at the interface of the equipment.

Chenfeng, who had had an experience once, directly took out a hundred pieces of whiteboard equipment in the space ring and put them into the vortex.

As the equipment entered the vortex, the vortex on the [Soul Devouring Mask] equipment began to rotate, and after tens of seconds, the equipment that entered the vortex disappeared, followed by a system prompt.

"Dingdong, your special equipment [Soul Devouring Mask] (Whiteboard Level) has successfully devoured 100 pieces of Whiteboard-level equipment, and the distance has been increased to 100/1000 for the Black Iron level."

"One piece only increases the progress by 1 point! After that, wouldn't it cost a thousand pieces of legend-level equipment to upgrade to myths and legends? Chen

Feng couldn't help but gasp, if it was really the same as he imagined, this equipment would burn no less money than the price of buying several cities.

"Hopefully, the money can wait for the corresponding attributes."

Chenfeng continued to throw the remaining nine hundred pieces of equipment into the vortex, even if you were at least a few stages of equipment Chenfeng didn't care.

With it, the whiteboard equipment that kept flashing white light disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was still ten seconds, and all the more than nine hundred pieces of equipment that Chen Feng put in disappeared into the whirlpool.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded.

"Dingdong, your special equipment [Soul Devouring Mask] (Whiteboard Level) has successfully devoured 900 pieces of Whiteboard-level equipment, and the distance has been increased to 1000/1000 for the Black Iron level."

"Dingdong, your special equipment [Soul Eater Mask] (Whiteboard Level) has met the equipment promotion conditions, and has been automatically upgraded to [Soul Eater Mask] (Black Iron Level), and the equipment attributes have changed, which you can check in the equipment column."

As the system prompt fell, Chen Feng hurriedly looked at the black iron level [Soul Devouring Mask].

[Soul Eater Mask] (Black Iron Level, Special Equipment)

Full Stats: +10 points.

Level requirements: No level limit.

Parts: Masks.

Applicable occupation: full occupation.

Special Effect 1: Camouflage, which can re-disguise the face and player ID.

Special effect 2: Devouring, which can devour equipment of the same level to improve quality. (The current quality improvement is 0/1000.) Description

: A mysterious mask with endless possibilities.

"Only promoted to the black iron quality, except for a slight change in the full attribute, there is no essential improvement, and the improved full attribute has only increased by 9 points."

Chenfeng couldn't help but think about whether to improve this equipment.

It took a thousand pieces of equipment of the same grade to improve 9 points of full attributes, and there was no other change, even if the landlord had surplus food, he had to consider the situation of the long-term workers below.

"The black iron and bronze equipment brushes are all brushed, and it is a waste to put them away, first upgrade to the legend. The attribute is a little bit calculated, less mosquitoes are also meat. Immediately

, Chen Feng threw all the black iron equipment of the space ring into the vortex.

Ten seconds later.

"Dingdong,......" [

Soul Devouring Mask] was upgraded to bronze, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly put a thousand pieces of bronze equipment in.



A few minutes later.

The last thousand pieces of epic equipment were thrown into the vortex of the Soul Devouring Mask by Chenfeng.

"Dingdong, your special equipment [Soul Eater Mask] (Epic Level) has successfully devoured 1000 pieces of Epic Equipment, and the distance has been increased to 1000/1000 Legendary Level."

"Dingdong, your special equipment [Soul Eater Mask] (Epic Level) has met the equipment promotion conditions, and has been automatically upgraded to [Soul Eater Mask] (Legendary Level), and the equipment attributes have changed, which you can check in the equipment column."

As the last two system prompts fell, Chenfeng's Soul Devouring Mask was finally upgraded to the legendary level.

Chen Feng couldn't wait to open the attribute panel of the Soul Devouring Mask.

[Soul Eater Mask] (Legendary Level, Special Equipment)

Full Stats: +4000 Points.

Level requirements: No level limit.

Parts: Masks.

Applicable occupation: full occupation.

Special Effect 1: Camouflage, which can re-disguise the face and player ID.

Special effect 2: Devouring, which can devour the divine power of creatures above the demigod level to improve quality. (The current quality improvement is 0/100.) Special

effect 3: Stealth, when actively released, all friendly creatures and objects within 500 meters of themselves can enter the stealth state for a permanent duration, and actively attack or disappear when attacked to stealth, or they can be automatically released.

Special effect 4: Perception, after active opening, you can perceive all creatures within 10,000 meters.

Description: A mysterious mask with endless possibilities.


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