The Dark King floating in the sky still released light and heat to the surroundings.

The Chen Feng in the air also suffered several damage, but fortunately, Chen Feng's current mana canceled out all the damage, plus countless holy light elves and Qiu Qi's healing techniques, this attack was not painful at all.

Subsequently, Chen Feng commanded hundreds of elf kings to release the [Elf King's Barrier].

Brush brush brush brush! ...

Hundreds of colored energy enchantments form an energy shield of more than a kilometer, directly protecting summoners and a few players within the range.






At this moment, within the range of being shrouded by the energy shield, all summoners and the player's head also brushed the font of immunity to damage.

After the Elf King's enchantment appeared, the Dark King's large-scale attack was directly ineffective.

"Is it safe now?"


"Hold the grass! The Heaven-Killing God is mighty! This skill is a cow batch!

"Such a wide range of invincibility, simply amazing."

"Omittedly... The garbage demon lord still wants to seconds me? Look at me with a shovel. "


At this moment, the surviving players all showed happy looks on their faces, full of gratitude to the wind in the sky, and some players swelled up with the protection of the enchantment, and directly attacked the dark king in the sky, but without exception did not even hit a little forced damage.

Players from more demon factions outside the world cannot enter the enchantment because they do not belong to the same faction as Chenfeng and can only be burned to slag under the black light.

At the same time, the Dark King in the sky also discovered that his skills could not break through the barrier in front of him, and his face showed a hint of surprise.

Chen Feng directly released all the summoned beasts stored in the coiling dragon ring.

All of them were the highest quality dark magic dragons, necromancers, elven king-Igapella, arch magician-Louis, and holy light elves, and at this moment, they were like floodwaters that had opened the floodgates.

This picture directly made all the creatures in the demon world gasp.

"Before it was not the full strength of this summoner, this is what he really summoned the army!"

At this moment, the Dark King also frowned slightly when he saw the summoned objects like a tide, although he was a demon lord of the demigod rank, and the level was higher than these summons.

But only he knew that the strength he had now recovered was only one-tenth of his full strength, and it was impossible to kill a legendary summoned creature of 100,000 plus.

"This abyss, summoning me out is pitting me! It seems that an opportunity must be found to slip away. Having

made up his mind, the Dark King began to fight while looking for weak spots in the summoned encirclement.


"Boom..." The

battle continued, but at this stage of the battle, there was a one-sided situation, and Chenfeng began to push back against the millions of demon realm troops in front with hundreds of thousands of summons.

At the same time, tens of thousands of summoned objects also surrounded the Dark King, the lord of the Demon Realm, the highest combat power in the battlefield.

The Dark King is not very comfortable at the moment, although he can be immune to all control skills, but he is not immune to the damage of summons, if it were not for his recovery skills and life-saving skills, I am afraid that the blood bar would have been emptied by tens of thousands of summons.

And even if he has a large number of killing moves, there are too many enchantment covers for summons, breaking one and ten will appear, breaking ten and directly appearing a hundred, it is simply incomprehensible.

"If it goes on like this, it will be very bad for me!"

The Dark King made up his mind that he could no longer find any hope of winning in the battle in front of him, and now he had to find a breakthrough.

As long as he can escape and restore his strength to the peak of a demigod, he will not put these summons in his eyes at all.

Thinking of this, he began to frantically release big moves, forbidden spells, in one direction.

"Black hole of death!"

"Gates of Hell!"

"Meteorite Disillusionment!"


While countless skill attacks were directed towards the summon, he also flew towards the gap generated by the skill at an extremely fast speed.

The Dark King's sudden outburst made the barrier of that location too late to release, and a small gap briefly appeared.



" "-99w" "-99w"


Due to the lack of barrier coverage, a large number of summons were directly killed in seconds.

This picture directly increased the confidence of the Abyss Demon King below!

"Not losing to Lord Darkking, even if you don't recover your full strength, it's still terrifying! What is the use of adventurer summons? Not yet pinched. Just

when he thought that the Lord of the Demon Realm, the Dark King, was about to kill a few rounds in the summoned group.

I saw that the Dark King once again unleashed dozens of heaven-destroying skills, directly tearing open the encirclement of tens of thousands of summons, and then he rushed out at the fastest speed and disappeared into the sky.


This scene directly looked stupid to everyone.

"Is this what a big move means?"

"I'm going to be a demigod, it's rubbish."

"Hahaha, it's still a heaven-killing god, he is the true god."

The players of the Terran race were even more excited when they saw this scene, and the garbage demon lord ran away without a few faces.

However, on the other side of the demon world, after the millions of demon world armies saw this scene, the original battle intent disappeared, and the battle formation formed also turned into nothingness.

One by one, with a look of despair, the demon army close to the battlefield put down their weapons and crawled on the ground, while the army that was still in the rear scattered and fled, and their spiritual pillars were defeated, and they still had the mind to resist.

Immediately, they were escorted one by one by the Terran army that rushed over, and as for the fleeing Demon Realm army, there were flying units to arrest them.

Chen Feng also looked at the direction of the demon lord's running at this moment, and shook his head helplessly, it is still easy to defeat the demon lord who has just entered the demigod level, but it is still very difficult to catch it alive.

After all, the demigod level has the ability to fly, and the speed is definitely much higher than that of ordinary flying mounts, even if they have tens of thousands of summoned objects arranged on the periphery, but the demigod wants to escape, and it is basically impossible to keep it without strong control skills.

"Hey~ my current summoner attack is very strong, but the control ability is not enough to see."

Chen Feng shook his head and ignored the fleeing Dark King, his focus this time was still on the [Defense Medal] on the Abyss Demon King.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng looked at the Abyss Demon King who was controlled by the summoned object.

Seeing Chen Feng's gaze floating over, the Abyss Demon King's face was full of despair, how could he not expect that the demigod-level Dark King had not yet started to fight and run away like this, nor did he expect that this adventurer still had an army of hundreds of thousands of legendary-level summons.

"Is it too late for me to say that it was all a misunderstanding now?" The Abyss Demon King said desperately.

"What do you say?" Chen Feng sneered and looked at the demon king in front of him.


Immediately, countless skills covered the range where the Abyss Demon King was.


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