Chu Jing naturally knew about the incident of Ma Yi's death.

He also knew that this incident was actually somewhat similar.

If he handled it improperly.

His future live broadcast career would definitely be ruined!

And his name would become a shame that everyone would laugh at in the future!

All this...

was thanks to this Sneijder and Crazy Old Liu!

Chu Jing quickly calmed down.

He knew that getting angry would not get him anywhere.

He carefully read the forum again.

He soon discovered something.

At first, those messages directed at him seemed to have low account levels.

And they were all from the same group of people.

There is no doubt that these guys are water troops!

Of course, in addition to the water troops, there are also many people from the Bright Guild.

Among them, there is even the shadow of Liu Yong?

Liu Yong posted a post in the morning.

It was probably also angrily accusing Chu Jing of looking for actors, being shameless, and despicable...

In the post, Liu Yong seemed to have turned into a fighter for justice.

And Chu Jing seemed to be just a low-class little scoundrel...

The content was disgusting!

"Very good! All your IDs! I remember everything I can remember!"

Chu Jing touched the corner of his mouth and sneered: "The most urgent thing is that he contacted the wizard Dongpeng!"

I was led by the rhythm, mainly because of Sneijder.

But if it weren't for the self-destruction of the wizard Dongpeng, the rhythm wouldn't have started.

Chu Jing deliberately added the friend of the wizard Dongpeng.

He wanted to know how he had offended this guy?

Unexpectedly, the friend was instantly accepted.

"You still have the face to look for me? Didn't we say not to contact each other after the last transaction ended?"

The wizard Dongpeng sent a message immediately.

Chu Jing narrowed his eyes.

This guy said something inexplicable again.

It seems that he is afraid that he will take a screenshot as evidence?

It may also be that he deliberately said these things and took a screenshot to use as "evidence"?


Chu Jing was already full of black lines on his head, but he still said: "I don't know you at all, why do you do this?"

Wizard Dongpeng: "You don't know me? Have you forgotten the last time you asked me to act?"

Chu Jing clenched his fists.

It seems that this guy is determined to frame him.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't get any information out of it.

Chu Jing immediately blocked Wizard Dongpeng.

There is no need to waste words on such a chess piece.


GD Province's provincial capital.

In a cheap rental house.

A greasy boy smiled happily.

"Hahaha! Don't be surprised by praise or criticism! What's the use of your amazing skills? In the end, you were still ruined by me?"

The boy smiled extremely ugly.

His skinny body was dancing with excitement!

Chu Jing was very puzzled why Wizard Dongpeng wanted to frame him.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

First, Sneijder gave too many temptations!

One hundred thousand yuan!

Just a false testimony!

One hundred thousand yuan in hand!

For him who lives at the bottom of society, how can he resist this temptation?

Second, jealousy!

This boy has been jealous of Chu Jing to death!

Why can this guy be so glorious and enjoy the worship of thousands of people!

And I obviously have good skills! But I can only live in a rented house of less than ten square meters and eat instant noodles every day?

This wizard Dongpeng has been jealous of Chu Jing for a long time.

This time, watching this idol-like figure fall in my hands, don’t mention how cool it is!

Suddenly, the friend who was not surprised by praise or criticism disappeared.

The boy was furious: "This bastard didn’t ask me for help! He actually blocked me? Fuck! You forced me to do this!"


Chu Jing opened the latest post on the forum.

As expected.

Wizard Dongpeng left a message again.

It is a screenshot.

A screenshot of Chu Jing and the wizard Dong Peng just now.

But this guy is very scheming, and only left his words questioning Chu Jing out of context.

Wizard Dong Peng: "Chong Ru Bu Jing knew that the matter was exposed, so he contacted me specifically, trying to bribe me to withdraw my accusation against him..."


"Another explosive news early in the morning?"

"Can such a thing be done?"

"What a bullshit righteousness, the first dog thief in the national server is confirmed!"

"Bah! Shameless, Chong Ru Bu Jing!"


There are still netizens spitting at him.

This time Chu Jing saw it.

This is not a water army, but a simple passerby netizen.

Well, Sneijder and Kuang Zhan Tian Xia achieved their goals.

He successfully ruined his reputation again.

Even more excessive than the last time.

Chu Jing was very annoyed by this, but he did not get angry.

He must be calm.

There is actually a lot of room for error in this matter.

He may not be unable to turn the tables.

So, after careful consideration, he wrote aThese words responded to the wizard Dongpeng.

"Excuse me, do I know you? I added you just to know why you do these inexplicable things. I want to know how much money did Kuangzhan Tianxia give you? Also, don't you feel bad about making false evidence?"

These calm words were just random, and the post suddenly exploded again!

"Fuck! I'm here?"

"Watch the battle!"

"Shameless and indifferent to praise or disgrace! How dare you come out?"

"Puh, puh, puh! Everyone come and spit!"

There are many people who watch the fun and don't mind the big things.

Chu Jing didn't take it seriously.

He looked at the post wholeheartedly, waiting for the message from the wizard Dongpeng.

In the rental house.

Seeing these words, the wizard Dongpeng was very disdainful.


I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't kill you!

He quickly left a message: "Don't be surprised by praise or criticism! Don't be so shameless! You obviously asked me to act, but now you have to pretend to be innocent, is it fun?"

Chu Jing's face was calm: "Since you said I looked for you, there should be a screenshot of me looking for you, right? Then post it!"

On the surface, Sneijder's side has an absolute advantage!

But those who are interested can see that there is a problem with the whole thing after careful analysis.

After all, there are many details hidden in it!

For example, the so-called ironclad evidence of wizard Dongpeng cannot stand scrutiny!

If Chu Jing really asked him to act.

Where are the screenshots of Chu Jing looking for him?

Where are the transfer records of Chu Jing to him?

Why are there none?

Sneijder also knew that this fatal flaw existed, so he decisively chose to play dead last night and let wizard Dongpeng jump.

Wizard Dongpeng is also hiding these flaws and trying his best to lead the rhythm.

Many netizens were led by the rhythm without even thinking about it.

Wizard Dongpeng looked grim when he saw Chu Jing's words: "I helped you act, then we deleted each other as friends, and didn't have time to save it!"

"No time to save it? Then, where is the screenshot of the transfer I gave you?"

Chu Jing asked again.

"Same! I didn't have time to save it!"

Wizard Dongpeng looked even uglier, but he still chose to quibble.

"Oh! You are such a scheming person, and you actually gave up such a crucial evidence. It's really interesting."

Chu Jing said sarcastically.

Wizard Dongpeng was furious: "Stop talking nonsense! I didn't think of exposing you at the beginning! It's because you are so shameless that I can't help it!"

"Exposure should be based on evidence. You said so much, but there is no evidence that is enough to prove me. You are also trying to lead the rhythm like this?"

Chu Jing sneered: "How about this, you can show the payment record I gave you! Whether it is WeChat or bank card, the flow record is also there, let everyone see it?"

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