Online Game Tianlongbabu Nostalgic Server, Youth Is Back

Chapter 61 Want To Run? The Strongest Field Control!

Digong No. 2 Middle School.

The prodigal sons in the lonely city tasted the sweetness of experience.

They have a lot of time.

If you can hang on this big point for a few days, you can directly rush to level 90, which is very fast.

They don't care what level number is on the opposite side.

What is compared in the underground palace is time!

【Team Channel】

[Prodigal Son of the Lonely City: Nan Yanrou, come here and stand by me. I'll switch positions with you, and their counterattack will not be able to hit me. I didn't expect them to be alive, so back to the point!]

[Nan Yanrou: Alright captain, this point is really comfortable, with so much experience, I'm almost promoted to a level, happy!]

[Zongjian Jianghu: Sister, follow us in the future, and take you directly to level 90, let's brush the books and play together. ]

[Nan Yanrou: Really, then please, take me with you in the future!]

[Crazy Dad: The poison and the antidote should not be living people. They went to the place where they died for five minutes, and they stayed in the underworld for a few minutes before returning. It was operated by the sunflower!]

[Lonely city prodigal son: I also feel like you said that, since it is Sunflower, then I will kill twice in a while, they will definitely not look at the computer frequently!]

[Nan Yanrou: Alright, Captain, I will keep adding blood to you, come on!]

[Prodigal son in the border town: Brothers and sisters, victory is just around the corner!]

Yu Jian Chengfeng was very anxious in the group alone.

You must know that the experience of this point is too high, if you lose this point, there will be no place to hang up!

Su Chen finished reading the news.

Consume points + kill!

Is this going to cause trouble?

The earth spirit bead is sent back to the point.

Lu Bingran sat in front of the computer and finished reading the news.

I didn't eat the angry snacks and threw them aside.

Dare to make trouble on our site, I'm tired of working!

At this time, Ah Ran also teleported back to the point.

Zhuojiuran Qingshan was stunned, why did these two people go to the underground palace 2?

They agreed to venture into the rivers and lakes together, but they left themselves alone.

【Team Channel】

[Zhuojiu dyes Qingshan: Two, what are you doing, you don’t bring me with you, you agreed to be a regular teammate. ]

[Invincible is the most handsome: Underground Palace 2, come here by yourself, someone will grab our point. 〕

[Ah Ran: Yes, come and fight, haha!]

[The turbid wine dyes the green hills: Alright, dungeon 2, right? I'll be there soon!]

At this time, Invincible Most Handsome and Ah Ran have returned to the point of Underground Palace 2.

Both of them saw two bloody knives on the head of the prodigal son in Gucheng.

Good guy.

If you kill someone and don't go back, eliminate the knife as soon as possible.

This courage is also big enough.

This is clearly a naked provocation, a naked show off!

Invincible, the most handsome, and Ah Ran switched between good and evil modes at the same time.

It is not worthwhile to directly declare war and kill the prodigal son of Gucheng, and he will also bring a knife.

After switching to the good and evil mode, it will only attack players with knives or axes.

The good and evil mode is a mode specially aimed at players with murderous intent!

Ah Ran took the lead in teleporting past Xue Wuhen.

Immediately picked up an orchid acupuncture hand, a single attack sealed the target's acupoints, and no operations could be performed in the acupoint-sealed state.

With a set of skills and a set of skills, he hit it in an instant.

Six snowflakes!

Three Plum Blossoms!!

Eagle hits the sky!!!

At this time, the invincible and most handsome man was not idle.

The fairy guides the way!

Jade Girl Shuttle!!

Skills also greeted him instantly.

The border town prodigal son panicked instantly.

Seeing that the blood volume is getting less and less.

My heart beats faster and faster!

The more murderous, the more experience and items dropped.

With two knives on your head, you will lose a lot of experience!

Not to mention losing experience, at the same time the things in your backpack will also drop with death.

Sitting in front of the computer, he frantically pressed F3 (Lingbo Weibu) on the keyboard.

Once the control time is over, you must teleport away!

【Team Channel】

Biancheng prodigal son: MD, I forgot to go back to wash the knife, how did the two of them come back so quickly, you two, Emei, give me blood!]

[Crazy Dad: Alright, I'll take the initiative to add blood to you immediately, you find a way to get the summoning order of the sect!]

[Nan Yanrou: I will also take the initiative to increase blood for you. If you die with a knife, you will lose a lot of experience!]

[Prodigal son in Border Town: That must be done, the beating of these two six-level numbers is too painful, I will go back as soon as the control is over. ]

[Crazy Dad: Don't worry, the two Emei take the initiative to increase blood, they are not so easy to kill. ]


at this time.

The two Emei frantically gave blood to the prodigal son of the border town.

Qingxin's CD is only one second.

It is a very BUG skill. The two Emei actively increase the blood, which directly increases the blood volume of the prodigal son in the border town.

The prodigal son of the border town who was worried at first relaxed, and when Tianshan's control skills were over, everything would be fine.

The corner of his mouth was evil, revealing a victor's smile.

The script is written!

I dodged away with a small step of Lingbo, and at the same time rubbing the summoning order of the sect can go back.

As long as you don't die, everything is fine!

Seeing that the control skills were about to end, Ah Ran used an iron lock Hengjiang again.

(Single-body melee attack freezes the target for 6 seconds. In the frozen state, it cannot move, but can continue to attack.)

The prodigal son in the border town knew that as long as he survived these 6 seconds, everything would be fine.

And at the same time.

Su Chen knew that the two Emei top blood on the opposite side mainly wanted to cover the prodigal son from the border city to escape.

He calmly analyzed the situation on the field and made a plan to deal with it!

Using the mouse, Nan Yanrou was selected.

Click on the character to declare war on Nan Yanrou!

He flicked the sparrow's tail directly to her face.

After Nan Yanrou got the skill, she fell into a coma in an instant, unable to use Qingxin to give blood to the prodigal son in the border city.

After controlling Nan Yanrou, she turned her head and stared at the crazy dad who was still adding blood.

Declare war on Crazy Daddy.

One is released as if closed.

A ray of blue light emerged from the palm of the most handsome character invincible and tied it to the crazy dad.

The two Emei were instantly controlled.

At this time, the blood volume of the prodigal son in the border town without the blood of Emei Ding dropped very fast.

faster and faster!

Unexpectedly, there is still the last feeling of the same degree and year!

This must be his most tormented two seconds!

The blood volume is dropping crazily, and there is only a mouthful of blood left!

In the end, Ah Ran successfully took the head.

At the same time, a sword of justice appeared above his head. (It can be obtained by killing players with murderous intent.)

A package also fell on the ground, Ah Ran immediately picked it up.

Sitting in front of the computer, the prodigal son of the border town saw that his experience had been greatly reduced, so he hammered the computer twice angrily.

"Playing Nima, there are still 2 seconds left, what the hell."

"I have written down this grudge, Ah Ran, right? Invincible is the most handsome."

"I won't let you go!"

Obviously, it is about to level up, and it is still tens of thousands of experience, which is too unlucky.

The experience dropped by 2 blocks in an instant!

You should know that if you go back to the city early to eliminate the knife, nothing will happen.

I blame myself for being too confident, I didn't expect the support from the other side to be so fast, and even come over and blow up the knife!

Quickly opened the package to see what was dropped.

Death will drop gold coins, and at the same time, killing with a knife will also drop gold coins. I lost 10 gold coins together, which is fine.

The Kunyue Beiming I just bought in the backpack and an earth spirit bead just disappeared.

It's okay to lose the earth spirit beads, 100 ingots each.

Xiaoyao's seventh mental method of this skill book is priced at 1400 Yuanbao.

It's not expensive, but it's just annoying and depressing!

The prodigal son of Gucheng dragged Beiming Shengong, Dinghaishenzhen, Kunyue Beiming, these three martial art skill books from the store.

As a 35-level mental method, Beiming Shengong has been learned immediately.

Dinghaishenzhen, who is a monster puller, also learned immediately.

This point is very large, and the effect of using Dinghai to lure monsters is very good.

(Dinghaishenzhen: place a timed trap, the range of action is 15 meters, the target is up to 4 people, attract monsters and PK god skills.)

I'm about to reach level 65, so I can continue to learn Kunyue Beiming, and the skill book is also in the backpack. I didn't expect it to be exploded like this.

Although this mental method only costs 1400 yuan, it is very uncomfortable to be exposed.

Especially when the enemy took the knife and took the skill book!

Seeing that his skill book was gone, the prodigal son of Gucheng patted the table a few times again, making a loud 'crack' sound.

"I won't let you go."

"I must disgust you, so what about the rank!"

"Not yet a brother!"

Teleported from the underworld to Luoyang.

Go to the school field to restore blood volume.

I opened the mall and bought 2 Qingxin Pills, which I ate helplessly.

Fill up the blood and continue to return to Dungeon 2.

Seeing the return of the prodigal son from the lonely city, the teammate hurriedly asked.

【Team Channel】

[Zongjian Jianghu: Captain, did you drop anything valuable? ]

[Nan Yanrou: Yes, if you get hit by a knife, I remember it will drop the items in the backpack. ]

Biancheng prodigal son: MD, I lost my 65 skill book, and I can learn it if I upgrade it, now it’s gone, and it’s not expensive, you’re angry, do you understand!]

[Crazy Dad: This... is a bit of a loss, not to mention the exploding experience, and even lost a skill book. ]

[Qiye: Captain, both of their sixth-level accounts are back, should we continue to spend some money, the sixth-level bosses can't be messed with. ]

[Border Town Prodigal Son: Consumption, I don’t play with them anymore, I have plenty of time, I’m trying to waste this point, don’t care how big the number is, time consumption is the kingly way. ]

[Zongjian Jianghu: Captain Domineering, I will follow you, it is too difficult to find some hang-ups now, if you don’t consume points, there is no point at all, everyone agrees!]

[Nan Yanrou: I will follow you too, and I will give you blood boost. "

[Crazy Daddy: Count me in, I will advance and retreat with the blows, and it will be over with them. ]

[Qiye: Then I will join too, and it will be over if they consume them!]

``. . . . . . "

The prodigal son team in the border town reached an agreement and decided to continue spending points.

At this time, the prodigal son in the border town was very angry.

My cousin is the power leveling of the Bancheng team, if you are bullied, you can go to him.

I came to the nostalgic server because my cousin asked me to come and play.

He told the prodigal son in the border town to increase the level quickly, and try to get to the sixth level if he can get to the sixth level in the later stage.

When the time comes to occupy the point, give him a power leveling point, charge the power leveling fee, and make money!

The prodigal son in the border town was naturally very excited when he heard this.

Some people cover themselves and don't say anything, but they can still make money!

I am an unemployed vagrant, and I am worried that I have no place to make money, so I immediately set up Huabei and first created a five-level account.

At that time, it would be right to mix with my cousin.

The cousin also told him that the boss of the Bancheng team had spent several million dollars.

When the time comes, the team recruits will bring him in directly.

This makes the border town

The prodigal son has confidence, what is the number six on the opposite side!

My cousin has several teams, so if you get bullied, just tell your cousin!

At present, he has only been killed a few times, so he still won't tell his cousin.

After all, the underground palace 3 is playing very well now, and it is really not too late to say that invincible is the most handsome.

After returning to Underground Palace 2, the prodigal son in the border town no longer had any murderous intent.

Re-purchased 5 earth spirit beads, all positioned on the points of the underground palace.

Five earth spirit beads can fly 50 times.

The prodigal son in the border town doesn't believe that he can kill 50 times, and he won't be able to stare at himself for killing all the time, it's over!

If you want to kill, I will kill you, he only needs experience and level now!

The people in the live broadcast room did not expect the anchor to be so powerful.

Is this the understanding of the great god? When fighting, he remained calm and controlled two people in an instant.

If it weren't for these two controls, the opponent would have escaped.

"The anchor's operation is 6, one is to catch the bird, one is to pull the string, two prongs are used, it's perfect!"

"I have learned, I have learned, I am in awe of the anchor's operation!"

"I think Wudang is a very handsome school, with good-looking skills, a lot of control, and it can be punished. I want to play Wudang!"

"The anchor hasn't learned how to gather with the Seven Stars before Tianwai. Wudang in the later stage is even more powerful. There are too many control skills. Both single and group fights are top-notch!"

"I feel that in this version of the nostalgic server, Wudang and Tianlong are the sons of the version. If you have money to play Tianlong, you will be fierce!"

"However, Wudang is too anemic. If you don't have a sixth-level number, the experience will not be high. Patients with severe anemia are too fragile!"

"I don't care, I will play Wudang with Su Chen big brother, female Wudang is also pretty!"

After igniting the prodigal son's knife in the border town, Ah quickly picked up the package.

Opening the backpack, there is a silver ticket and a free 65 sect skill book.

Very happy.

【Team Channel】

[Ah Ran: [Kunyue Beilan hahaha, do you want Xiaoqingshan to send you off!]

[The turbid wine dyes the green hills: Of course! Do the monsters in the underground palace still explode the skill books of the sect? [Why don’t I know?]

[Invincible is the most handsome: Underground Palace 2 not only exploded the skill book of the school, but also exploded the heavy building. extend]

[Zhuojiu dyes the green hills: Brother Junlang made fun of me again, I have reached the underground palace 1, this place is really difficult to dance, I even forgot how to dance. ]

[Ah Ran: I will give you five seconds. If you don’t appear in front of me for five seconds, this book will not be given to you. ]

[The turbid wine dyes the green hills: Sister Ran...don't do it, I'll be there in a while. ]

[Invincible is the most handsome: Ah Ran, I will teach you how to play a routine later, you can kill people for nothing. "

[Ah Ran: There is such a good thing, teach me quickly!]

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