Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 53 The final rise to eighty, anger and continuous slashing!

"Wow, our team is so powerful, this is the easiest swallow I've ever played!"

"Although a certain person has never been able to zoom in, hahaha!

Rumeng (Emei) smiled.

Because the team configuration is high and the coordination is good, it is not difficult at all to pass the Yanzi.

After the whole journey, Rumeng didn't have the hard work of "hoeing grass* in the afternoon, Emei is the hardest, pure heart and universal good mantra, press one for the morning".

Just add some blood occasionally, it's very easy.

She obtained two gem engraving charms of level 3, and a book of falling-horse arrows, and her level was also raised to level 70.

"That's right, it's because someone's face is black, otherwise we can brush the dungeon faster!" Whoever married you (Wudang) was also joking.

Just brushed Swallow three times just now, and Zui Xiaoyao's magnification has only been seen once, and it is really dark.

Cold Biting (Tianshan) also complained: "Yes, I think you are playing a fake happy."

Zui Xiaoyao was teased by the three of them, and he sighed helplessly: "Hey, I also want to zoom in, but I feel that God is targeting me, zooming has not been successful, and my zoom-in method has reached level 60! Alas! 35

The innocent little monk (Shaolin) laughed and said comfortingly: "It's alright, anyway, it's not a big problem for our team to enlarge it or not, but I still recommend you to wash your face or hands, haha.

Su Yu: "Well, agree."

Zui Xiaoyao looked up to the sky and sighed: "Hey, since the captain and Ming Jiao both said so, then I'll go wash my face and hands..."

Zui Xiaoyao really got up to wash his face and wash his hands.

Several people in the team burst into laughter.

After a short joke, the innocent little monk asked: "Well, what else do you want to brush?"

"Our team is so powerful (except Xiaoyao), we can play any dungeon very quickly, why don't we clear all the dungeons?

"What do you think?"

Indeed, this team has a very high configuration, and the dungeon is very efficient, it is best to brush all the dungeons.

Su Yu has no opinion and agrees.

He needs to brush the dungeon now to accumulate experience and upgrade to level 80!

Rumeng smiled and said, "Haha, I also want to continue to play, such a powerful team can't be formed at any time! I'll be a jerk with peace of mind!" 810

After Xiaoyaozui washed his face and hands and came back, he immediately said: "Brush, why not? I want to prove that I am a Xiaoyao!!

Then whoever married you said: "I must continue to brush, but the copy is not clear!"

Biting cold also said: "Well, let's brush all the dungeons.

All agreed to continue brushing.

"Okay! Then let's go to the four bests first!" The innocent little monk suggested.

Si Jue Zhuang is almost a pure experience copy.

Kill the four bosses inside, you can get a lot of experience.

A boss can get about 180,000 experience, the new area comes with double experience, which is 360,000, and double experience pills or Xuanling pills will double again!

A monster is millions of experience!


Everyone agreed to go to the four musts.

So, everyone returned to Suzhou and came to the entrance of Sijue Village to pick up the task.

[Innocent little monk: Have you all opened your pair? Enter! 】


Copy created successfully!

Everyone entered the copy of Sijue Village.

Biting cold and stealth went to "ring the bell" to dismiss the mobs in Sijuezhuang.

If you don't ring the bell, you have to hit the mobs, which will be slower.

After ringing the bell, open the first boss - Min Mo.

Fighting Min Mo is easy, just avoid the traps on the ground.

People pass easily.

Come to the second boss.

This second boss is named Qin Yun, and it is a little more difficult.

At the beginning, you need to disperse your positions. After the boss uses the skill "Shadow of Candles", players need to pay attention to the players who are avoiding the skill; when the boss uses the skill "Golden Dance", you need to take the initiative to run away, and you need to lead the boss away from the monster "Echoes".

Under the joint attack of the crowd, they were also successfully defeated.

The third boss is named Tao Qing.

The main thing is to pay attention to killing the few waves of "Flying Eagle" mobs that appeared from the entrance, as well as killing the four tigers of Ice, Fire and Mysterious Poison. It's not difficult.

The last (dacg) level is to fight the final boss Pang Qi.

At the beginning of the fight against Pang Qi, after he lost a certain amount of health, he would summon mobs from eight directions to heal himself. Just pay attention to killing these mobs.

Afterwards, the five-star dragon pillar will be summoned. It can be pulled or not, and it is also possible to pull and fight. It is not a big problem if it is not pulled.

When destroying Pang Qiyi's tube with more blood, Pang Qi will enlarge the move "ten steps to kill", traps appear at the feet of each team member, remember to avoid it immediately.

Under the combined attack and cooperation of everyone, it was not too difficult to successfully clear the level.

Su Yu picked up the bag and found a Dili Dan, which can increase experience points by 200,000 to 300,000 points.

The experience of brushing the four musts is high, and Su Yu's experience is almost full once he comes down.

You can only click to upgrade first to reach level 77!

After that, everyone brushed the four unique villages again.

In fact, a character can play the Four Unique Villages three times a day.

Just pay 20 more gold to the NPC.

Because the experience and level of the new area are important, and everyone is 3 or 4 level, the 20 gold is still affordable.

Therefore, everyone brushed the four skills a total of 3 times, and everyone gained a huge amount of experience of 10 to 20 million! Several levels have been raised!

Su Yu's level has been raised to level 79, and all the mental tricks have been ordered to level 70!

Now we are only one step away from level 80!

"Captain, shall we brush the pieces first?"

After finishing the three times and the four musts, it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, whoever married you suggested.

Chess brushing: Zhenlong chess game, every day from 11:30 to 14:30, and once at 8:30 in the evening, each character participates once a day.

Kill 200 pieces and ancient chess souls to clear the level and gain a lot of experience.

As for the reason why they didn't brush the box (Loulan treasure hunt), it was because there were still a few people in the team who were not level 75 and could not go to Loulan.

It's okay for everyone to play chess first.

So, everyone went to the NPC of the Suzhou Chess Board and started to play chess.

In this team, it is easy to brush chess, so I chose the "quick version".

In about 15 minutes, 200 pieces and ancient chess souls were cleared, and everyone gained a lot of experience.

Then, continue to clear the copy.

The old third ring, 5 brushes to go!

Now everyone at this level, the dungeons are all monsters above level 75.

This level of Ge Rong drops the 4th level New Mang Rune.

Because almost no one makes a level 72 artifact, this level 4 new mang rune is useless to everyone.

Of course, the main purpose of brushing the old third ring is to gain experience and brush martial arts.

Bosses above level 60 of the third ring have a chance to drop martial spirits.

In the new area, the price of martial arts is very expensive, and one unbound martial soul can sell for more than 600 ingots!

After more than an hour, everyone completed the third ring five times.

More or less some gains.

Xiaoyao drunk brushed to an unbound spirit, and was very happy.

Rumeng brushed to two, one is bound and one is not bound, which is not bad.

The coldness was biting, and I didn't get a single martial soul, and I was a little depressed.

Su Yu also got two martial spirits, which are bound and can be used by themselves.

After all, his martial spirit is only level 5 now, and there are still dozens of martial spirits before it can be synthesized to level 7!

After five times of three rings, Su Yu has more than two levels of experience now!

If he wants to upgrade, he can directly upgrade to level 81!

Because there are two people in the team who can't reach level 75, so they can't go to Loulan to farm chests or new three.

"Captain, what else can we do?" Rumeng asked.

This team is very powerful, and she wants to continue dungeons.

"Now you are only level 73... The only dungeons we can play are the stars. Do you want to play the stars?" asked the innocent little monk.

"I want to brush, brushing the stars can drop baby sets, soul ice beads, etching solvents or Wuhun life extension pills, but they are valuable! 35 Zuixiaoyao immediately agreed with both hands.

Biting cold also said, "Come on, our team is quick to get stars, it doesn't take much time."

"Brush, after brushing the stars, you are almost full of activity, haha!" Whoever married you laughed.

Seeing that all the teammates want to go to the stars, Su Yu doesn't care, agree.

So, everyone came to Dali and began to brush stars.

It is not difficult for this team to brush the star dungeon. After 20 minutes, everyone successfully brushed it twice.

Everyone picked up some baby sleeves and soul ice beads, and if they were lucky, they also obtained Wuhundan and carving etching solvent, which were quite rewarding.

Finally, after the dungeon was finished, everyone in the team added friends to each other, and the team was disbanded.

This round of dungeons is down, and Su Yu's big rhino has risen to level 76.

There are already more than 50,000 HP, and if you wear a level 75 one-star baby set, you can add several thousand more!

It's really a fight! It's very nice!

Of course, the most important thing now is that Su Yu can level up to 80!

He is now level 79, and he still has more than two tubes of experience.


With a ding sound, a colorful light shot up from Su Yu's body.

Full of blood and anger, Su Yu has risen to level 80!

"Finally level 80!!

Su Yu exhaled a long breath, and it was not easy to reach level 80.

Of course, if he hadn't been grabbed by the studio last night, he would have already risen to level 80, so why wait until now?

A chill flashed in Su Yu's eyes.

Afterwards, he grinned, "Let's collect all the Mingjiao level 80 skill books first.""

Every sect reaches level 80, and can learn the eighth mental method and skills.

The eighth mental method of Mingjiao is called: Tianchen Dianji.

Skills that can be learned at level 80 are: Rage Slash, Flame Surrounding (80 circles), Skyfire Burning Dome (80 Attack).

Raging Slash, Mingjiao's signature skill, after using it, the damage of 15 attacks will gradually increase within the duration.

Only after learning the Ming Cult of slashing with rage, can you have the ability to be a second person!

So, Su Yu brushed a few small speakers and collected the secrets and skills of the 80th level of Mingjiao.

Compared with the skills of popular sects such as Tianshan Xiaoyao Emei, Mingjiao's skills are very cheap.

Ten minutes later, Su Yu spent 400 ingots and received a book of Furious Chopping, and other skills were dozens or one hundred ingots.

Su Yu right click and learn one by one.

"The rage slashing, finally there is!

Su Yu grinned.

For Mingjiao, anger and continuous slashing are equivalent to connecting flowers and trees to Tianshan. Su Yu has played for so long, before reaching level 80, it is equivalent to playing Tianshan without moving flowers and trees.

What a "torture" to have to go through!

And now that he has anger, he is not false against any level 5 number, and he can even kill it in seconds!

When the anger opens, life and death you guess!

Like Lei Ting*Tian Shao and Lei Ting*Yi Shao, don't you just chop one up?

So far, Su Yu has learned all the skills of the martial art!

He adjusted all the shortcut keys of the sect's skills.

Su Yu is an old player. He basically uses the skills by pressing the keyboard, unlike many players who use the mouse.

After that, Su Yu mounted his mount and returned to the sect Bright Summit.

Dessert method!

After Su Yu reached level 80, he still had a lot of experience.

After consuming the experience, he raised the eighth mind technique to level 70, and the other mind techniques were also level 70.

Level and mentality are taken into account, perfect!

At this moment, Su Yu's eyes lit up, and anticipation appeared on his face.

"I really don't know what will be rewarded at level 80..."

Su Yu smiled slightly, rode a panda, and headed to the Dali Wuhua altar….

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