The audience in the live broadcast room almost burst out laughing when they saw this scene!

Who are the teammates in Su Yu's group? One is better than the other!

"Hahaha, this female Xiaoyao called Heyi can really be provoked. She even provoked the deputy commander of the puppet army, and even led it to the team. I laughed so hard, she is a superb teammate!"

"It's not a big problem, it's a big deal to be wiped out by the BOSS group, haha!"

"I feel sorry for Brother Su Huo for a second, ask for the psychological area of ​​Brother Su Huo at this time!"


Seeing this, Barbie also covered her face, feeling a little bit of a headache: "I'll drop it, darling!"

The deputy commander of the puppet army is the first boss to run away. Generally speaking, 50 puppet soldiers of the Song Dynasty will be cleared before fighting.

Now that the pseudo-Song soldiers have not been cleared, the BOSS has been brought in first.

If Su Yu was attacked by the mobs while being chased and chopped by the boss, Su Yu would be fine, but these crispy teammates would definitely not be able to handle it!

"Stealth, stealth!"

"Invisibility he won't chase you!"

Barbie said anxiously on the team channel.

But He Yi is obviously a newcomer, and he doesn't know which skill stealth is.

"Invisibility? How to be invisible? Can I be invisible even if I'm a happy person?"

"The primary hidden skill, I learned it from Tianshan when I joined the sect. There is a dark blue skill icon in the common skill column, you can look for it!" Fu Shen Qiannuo and other teammates quickly added.

He Yi hurriedly opened the common skill bar, because the common skill bar did not have many skills, and it was easy to identify. He Yi finally saw the skill of primary recluse.

"really have!"

He Yi is delighted, click to use.

The character is instantly invisible for 5 seconds.

After He Yi was invisible, he could not see the target, and the deputy commanders of the puppet army could not attack He Yi.

Just when He Yisong thought she was saved, she found that the deputy commander of the puppet army had not left, and the halberd continued to swing down, attacking her baby squirrel!

"Oops, put away your baby!"

Quick Finger Huifei and Longhushan Taoist hurriedly shouted.

In Tianlong, the character's baby will also attract the hatred of the red monster.

So if you want to avoid the attack of the red monster, in addition to being invisible, you have to put the baby away.

Because the primary recluse time is only 5 seconds, if He Yi appears after 5 seconds, the deputy commander of the puppet army will continue to attack He Yi.

He Yi is also very anxious now, and he can't click the button of "Recover Treasure Beast" for a while!

But fortunately, her precious beast was the most common squirrel baby, which was hacked to death by the deputy commander of the puppet army.

The deputy generals of the puppet army rode away on high-headed horses and returned to their original positions.

"Finally saved..."

After a while of tossing, He Yi and everyone in the team finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, He Yi's blood volume was less than one-third, and he rushed to the vicinity of the team.

He Yi was very apologetic: "I almost hurt everyone, I'm really sorry!"

Barbie added blood to He Yi with her qi rushing skills, while comforting: "Sorry, girl, you are a novice, just don't pull the boss over next time, haha!"

Ups and downs: "Yeah, everyone comes from a novice, it's no big deal."

Flicking his fingers to fly ash: "Everyone, fight the monsters, don't let the captain worry."


Soon, Su Yu and the rest of the team cleared the remaining twenty or so puppet soldiers.

[Su Huo: You all go to the bridge on the right, I will lead the deputy commander of the puppet army over and fight on the bridge together! If you don't know where the bridge is, press the tab key to open the minimap and you will see it. 】

"Okay!" The five members of the team obeyed the instructions and went to wait on the bridge on the right.

Su Yu rode a panda and went to pull the deputy commander of the puppet army over.

Everyone is besieging the bridge together!

Facing the siege of the crowd, the deputy commander seemed powerless to fight back, and even stood still on the bridge.

[Longhushan Taoist priest: Zoom in, do your best, zoom in with ease! 】

[Heyi: Which skill is zooming in? 】

[Cute little Barbie: Journey to Xishan, it is available when you join the sect, you can let it go as soon as it cools down! 】

[Heyi: It turns out to be this skill, thank you sister for letting me know~]

He Yi immediately released the skills of Xishan Travel, but unfortunately, it was not enlarged.

And the next moment, the flick of the finger fly ash also released a mountain travel skill.

The mind trick of Flying Ashes has reached level 40, and the magnification probability is much higher than that of He Yi, who has no dim sum trick at all, and immediately succeeded in magnifying the puppet army and deputy capital!

After zooming in, all damage the target takes is doubled!

Therefore, if there is Xiaoyao in the team, the speed of brushing dungeons will be much faster.

[Floating and sinking shallow promise: Yes, it's really zoomed in, everyone hurry up and use your skills! 】

Everyone immediately lost their skills, and the blood of the deputy commander of the puppet army crashed down.

Especially the attack of Su Yu and his tiger baby, after zooming in, Su Yu can get 12,000 damage with a flat push, and even hit 20,000 damage with his skills.

Scratch the baby tiger's claws and release a super slam or advanced combo, and the damage is huge!

In a few seconds, the blood volume of the three tubes of the deputy commander of the puppet army was reduced by half!

At this time, Su Yu, as the captain, typed a line in the team chat.

[Su Huo: I will pass, you stay. 】

Everyone in the team, except He Yi, knew what Su Yu meant.

That is, after they killed the deputy commander of the puppet army later, two groups of ten bandits would appear and escape from the two bridges on the left and right.

At that time, there must be people on both bridges to stop them from watching. If one bandit can escape successfully, the entire dungeon will fail.

This copy is called "None of them can run", which is probably what it means.

Generally speaking, 6 people are basically divided into two groups, 123 or 456, and the left and right sides intercept the fleeing bandits.

And seeing what Su Yu meant, he wanted to stop the bandit on the left by himself!

Su Yu is not a big boss. He just really doesn't care about these teammates. He doesn't want to have any more dungeons.

[Cute little Barbie: Brother Su, can you do it alone? Shall I go with you too? 】

Barbie may still be a little worried, and wants to go to the left bridge with Su Yu to intercept the bandit.

[Su Huo: No, I can do it myself. 】

Su Yu directly refused.

It is not difficult for him to intercept the fleeing bandits by himself. When the bandits come, he can use a bloody battle or a tiger's blazing fire and group attack skills, which is foolproof.

[Cute little Barbie: Well, don't go if you don't go [sad]]

Barbie pouted, looking a little resentful.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room almost burst out laughing when they saw that Barbie was directly rejected by Su Yu.

"Hahaha, it's so rare that Barbie is rejected, let me laugh for a while!"

"Could this Su Huo's heart be made of iron?"

"Little Barbie is so pitiful~"

"Brother Su Huo is domineering, enough man! Such a captain, love love!"


Soon, the deputy commander of the puppet army fell to the ground with a scream.

Su Yu made preparations in advance, and directly turned on the sunflower daily acceleration skill and ran to the left bridge.

A few seconds after Su Yu came to the bridge, five bandits on horses charged towards the bridge with big swords in hand.

Su Yu's eyes and hands were quick, and he slammed it down in a bloody battle, and magma-like cracks appeared on the ground, as if they were about to shatter.

5 bandits were hit and turned to attack Su Yu.

But they were all easily cut off by Su Yu with three or two swords!

It's a no-brainer!

On the other side, five teammates had just killed two fleeing thieves...


PS: Thank you Moyue, Young, Zhang Hai, 776, Aojian, Wangge for their monthly passes, thank you for every flower, every evaluation ticket and comment, thank you very much!

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