【Relics of Attaris】

Grade: Epic

Type: Quest props

Status: Sealed (1/2

Role: After revealing the seal, you will get the clues left by [Attaris] in the relic, which may be able to open the secret of the [Cataclysday Monarch] in the past.

Introduction: It seems that the items left over by the first generation [Calamity Monarch Attaris] can only be opened if specific conditions are triggered.

This is a phalange.

It seems that there is a magic seal.

At that time, after Chu Chuan personally killed the [Undead Death Lord], this knuckle bone fell into his hands.

At that time, countless players were still numb in their scalps.

No one knew that the [Blade of Natural Calamity] held in Chu Chuan’s right hand suddenly emitted a faint light.

In fact, it was the [Undead Scabbard of Ataris] that generated the reaction.

At that time, the seal of the first layer had already been completely revealed.

The rest of the way to lift the seal, this knuckle bone has already given the answer.

Hint: You have obtained [Guidelines from Attaris].

After unveiling the first seal, only Chu Chuan could see a mark, which was marked on the world map.

The location is exactly [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead].

Since the [Sea of the Dead Tomb] was still an unexplored area at this time, Chu Chuan could not open the teleportation array for the time being.

As the [Gate of Hell] of the teleportation army, it needs to go to the destination to build before it can be opened.

Not to mention.

[Gates of Hell] For Chu Chuan, it is a package to deliver tickets for the subsequent occupation of [Sea of the Dead Tomb].

For the time being, he is not ready to use it.

Therefore, Chu Chuan made a decision that looked extremely crazy.

Take Finelle into the [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead]!

Is mastering the legendary tier hero class, owning the main city-level territory, angels, dragons, and other powers enough to make Chu Chuan invincible?


If you mean fighting a certain player, or even a player of a certain force.

Perhaps Chu Chuan was already invincible at this time.

But what he has to face is the suppression of all forces.

Compared to cooperating with players, Chu Chuan will only choose a person who is invincible.

The premise of invincibility requires the strength to crush everything.

Obviously, Chu Chuan was not enough to reach that level at this time.

He needs more gold, more classes and more heroes.

At the moment of holding the [Blade of Catastrophe].

It was destined that he had to completely conquer the entire [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead].

Otherwise, it will only usher in the end of being overwhelmed by the boundless army of the undead.

Chu Chuan chose to take the initiative.

He not only has to gain complete control over [], but also opens [the path of the god of death].

It is also necessary to conquer the entire “natural disaster”, and even hell!

What’s more, he knew how huge the number of spirits in the [Sea of the Dead Tomb] was.

If you go in with a group of troops

The plan that followed him would be fatal to him.

It was marching for an hour.

Chu Chuan finally saw the edge of the [Dark Mountain].

Finelle’s speed is far faster than that of Irene Sa and the undead bone dragon who was contracted later.

After all, she is an [Ancient Dragon]!

At this moment, Finelle, who had reformed into the form of a dragon, was very excited.

Previously, Chu Chuan ordered her to guard [Misty City], which bored her for a long time.

It was a joy for her to finally be able to soar into the sky again with her lord.

“Where are we going..”

Feel the spiritual communication coming from Finelle.

Chu Chuan couldn’t help but think of her first transformation before.

Unknowingly, from the earliest dragon cub, she has turned into a huge ancient dragon.

Even, in the face of many high-level enemies, they have extremely high suppressive power.

Thinking of this, Chu Chuan gently stroked her scales like black crystals.

“What we’re going to is…”

“The Land of the Dead!”

The next moment, the light suddenly dimmed.

Tip: You found [Tomb of the Dead Outer Perimeter].

As if entering another world, everything around you changes instantly.

The sunlight quickly changed from its previous brilliance to dullness.

A clear dividing line directly separated the [Dark Mountain] and the [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead].

It’s like crossing the boundary between life and death.

Countless withered trees, decaying bones, dry soil…

All the time they no longer send a message to the outside world.

In the kingdom of the dead, do not enter the living!

Feeling the familiar feeling in his previous life, Chu Chuan at this time is no longer the poor and sour appearance he once was.

At the moment when he first stepped into the [Sea of Tombs of the Dead].

[Ataris’ guidelines] have changed again.

The point of light on the map instantly turned blood red.

Correspondingly, it is a dangerous place!

But Chu Chuan’s gaze was not on this at all.

He found that from the moment Finelle swept into the [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead], the [Blade of Catastrophe] in his hand also underwent some unpredictable changes.

The breath of death instantly suppressed Chu Chuan’s light divine power.

In the continuous spread, Chu Chuan’s whole body turned into the appearance of an undead.

However, Chu Chuan could clearly perceive that his own flesh and blood and vitality still existed.

Nothing has changed.

As he stepped out of the [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead], he returned to the [Dark Mountains] again.

His appearance returned to its previous state.

He understood that this change was only temporary.

It’s not a good thing.

Stepping into the [Sea of Undead Tombs] again, Chu Chuan’s appearance also changed to his previous undead state.

In the outer area of the [Sea of the Dead Tomb], creatures of other races can also survive.

At the beginning, Chu Chuan was here for a while.

Because, most of the undead here are in a state of confusion, and players can easily get some benefits.

It’s just that with Chu Chuan’s step.

Even though the [Blade of Natural Calamity] was in a “sheathed” state, the aura of death that exuded from it also attracted many undead spirits.

It’s not the same as in a previous life.

These undead are not hostile.

On the contrary, he has been following Chu Chuan’s footsteps and the scale has continued to expand.

Tip: You found a contractable class [Bone Warrior], is it a contract?

Tip: You found a contractable class [Undead Servant], is it a contract?

One prompt after another sounded like crazy.

But there was one, which made Chu Chuan a little stunned.

Tip: You found a contractable hero [Undead Hall Mentor Sha], is it a contract?

“Heroes of the Second Undead Faction?”

Chu Chuan didn’t understand how she could haunt here. _

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