Upside Down Mountain, Ronan is not the first time to pass, the last time he took the rear admiral’s warship to the naval headquarters, he had already walked once.

So there is no special emotion about this, anyway, the helmsman commander on the warship is a veteran, and there will definitely be no problems.

However, Namedaschi, along with the two hundred recruits who had not yet entered the Great Voyage, was amazed.

As the saying goes, people go high and water flows low, this is almost a theorem, but now they have encountered the strange situation of water flowing high!

All their faces were full of surprise.

Especially Nami, who is extremely interested in sailing, is even more excited at this time, sticking to Ronan’s ear and asking questions.

And Ronan also knew everything, and by the way, he told Nami the strange sights he had seen on the Great Voyage, and Nami was stunned to hear it.

However, when Nami asked Ronan about the principle, Ronan’s eyes darkened.

The physical rules of the pirate world are somewhat different from those of the earth, and the various strange landscapes on the ocean are known for what the reason is.

If nothing else, it is impossible for such a thing as an empty island to appear on Earth, let alone the Underwater Dragon Palace.

Soon, in Nami’s excitement, the warship passed through the windless belt without any surprise.

After that, Nami experienced almost the same experience as when Ronan first entered the Great Voyage.

What thunderstorms, storms, tsunamis, and scorching suns come in different patterns, and Nami is not lightly shocked.

At the same time, he also felt that the navigation skills he was proud of in the East China Sea did not seem to work very well in the strange sea area of the Great Shipping Route, so he immediately made a decision in his heart to study hard and began to study navigation wholeheartedly.

She didn’t come on board as a vase!

Tina is a commodore and a Devil Fruit ability, and her combat effectiveness is good.

Nami is not stupid enough to compete with Tina, she wants to prove her worth in front of the man she loves, she must play her strengths and advantages!

Nami’s concentration on study, the smell of gunpowder on the ship suddenly disappeared a lot.

As for Nuo Qigao, for some reason, he gets along very well with Yaya, and he can be regarded as self-satisfied.

As for Dusty, he came to Ronan when he had nothing to do, wanting to learn a trick and a half from Ronan.

The big beauty begged Ronan bitterly, this naturally will not refuse, when the mood is good, she will point out a few words to Dusty, and eat tofu comfortably by the way.

However, if Tina sees it, she will inevitably be pulled into the cabin again to hand over the public rations.

Ronan’s punishment of Tina was quite unacceptable, and Tina punished ten times a day.

Soronsmog and the two shouldered the accusations of the instructor.

After all, Smogg has undergone formal training at the Naval Academy, and although he has always been undisciplined, he still has a set of training recruits.

Coupled with Solon’s guidance in swordsmanship, the strength of those two hundred recruits is also constantly increasing.

As Ronan said before, the combat power of a player in the shadow box is definitely not only level and skill, but also skill.

The improvement of levels and the comprehension of skills are not something that can be had if you want to have it.

Only skill training is available at any time.

In this way, everyone on the warship performed their duties and constantly moved towards the goal.


Ronan has now developed a habit of standing on the bow of the boat and looking out to sea.

This blue boundless vastness, for some reason, I can’t get tired of it.

And after seeing the island that loomed in the field of vision, Ronan’s zui corner also appeared with a smile, and finally arrived!

At this moment, in Ronan’s field of vision, a medium-sized island appeared.

There is a huge cactus rock on the island, which is 100 meters high!

The cactus rock is covered with spikes, as if it were a real cactus.

But Ronan knew that each spike was a tombstone, burying the corpse of a pirate!

And this island is the first stop for most pirates to enter the great voyage, Whiskey Mountain. Peak!

This island claims to be the welcoming island of pirates, but it is actually home to a large number of bounty hunters, specifically targeting pirates who are new to the Great Voyage!

But that’s a thing of the past, and at this moment, Whiskey Mountain. The peak has become a pirate town in the true sense.

A few months ago, when the first pirate players poured into the Great Voyage, many people landed and were killed at the hands of pirate hunters.

However, the player pirates have a huge advantage that the two indigenous pirates do not have.

First: Even if the player is killed once, he will not really die, but will drop some experience levels, and only need to wait twelve hours to be reborn, so the meaning of killing the player is not very great, but will accumulate the next enemy for himself.

Second: the exchange of information between players far exceeds the imagination of the aborigines, and the convenience of the Internet makes any intelligence news worthless!

For these two reasons, Whiskey Mountain. The bounty hunters gathered by the peak, after killing the first batch of player pirates, no player will stupidly bump into it.

And, along with the increasing number of player pirates entering the Great Voyage, Whiskey Mountain. The bounty hunters on the peak are getting worse and worse.

There are more than a thousand of them, but pirate players are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and they are not at the same level at all.

So soon, Whiskey Hill. The bounty hunters gathered on the peak were eaten by the wolf-like pirate players, and even the bones were left.

Nowadays, Whiskey Mountain. The peak has become a real pirate town, and countless pirate players who have just entered the great voyage will stay here for a moment to communicate and compete with pirates from the other three seas.

Of course, fights happen from time to time, but they don’t have any impact on the big picture.

Whiskey Hill. The fall of the peak made the Warring States very angry, and they had long been ready to send people to suppress the arrogance of the pirates.

And after learning this, Ronan also directly took the job from the Warring States.

Killing pirates, it’s a fat difference for him! _

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