Online Game Oblivion: Void Emperor

Online Game Forgotten: Void Emperor Chapter 90

For money refund, energy supply, and defensive barrier, Ye Chen can only say one thing about this: 'Legendary buildings are awesome! ! ! '

However, I finally got it...

Ye Chen clenched his fists, and he strode forward, stepping into the building complex of the Star Clock Tower.

This place is sacred, ethereal, quiet, and deep, and when the Star Clock Tower was built, the sky of the entire Yinyue Town changed.

The original bright starry sky is now more gorgeous and dreamy. The endless sea of ​​stars and the colorful star rings and nebulae can almost make anyone standing under this starry sky no longer bow their heads.

What a nice view.

It's so beautiful.


Leon, Huster and the others are alright, but women like Sheila, Vivia, Onifeola are unable to look away and are attracted by the magnificence of the starry sky.

It's really beautiful.

Ye Chen also appreciated it very much. He looked at Sheila and Leon. Liya was not there for the time being and went out.

She has to go to three territories, and she probably won't be back until tomorrow.

Now, everyone, prepare for reincarnation.

Not only Sheila and Leon, but also Ye Chen himself, the three of them will use up the three places in the Star Clock Tower, and immediately reincarnate as children of the stars.

In addition, because of the legendary characteristics of the Star Clock Tower, Ye Chen himself can return more than 120 gold coins, and Leon and Sheila combined have 840 gold coins.

Ye Chen didn't think of this either.

He didn't expect that the Star Clock Tower would be built so quickly. According to Ye Chen's original thought, he would at least have to go to sea to capture those treasures to make up for the cost of the Star Clock Tower.

But now, not only the Star Clock Tower has been built, but also 9000 gold coins in hand.

Even with the reincarnation of three people, plus the 960 gold coins returned by the three people, Ye Chen still has nearly 4,000 gold coins left in his hand, which is still a little bit of assets and can support it.

Soon, Ye Chen walked into the core of the Star Clock Tower with Xila, Leon, Vivia and Ilmina.

It's not the big hall before, but a wider and huge world.

There are countless gears here, and in the center of it, there is a platform, like a broken eggshell, the inside of which reflects the mystery and charm of the starry sky.

It's here.

Ye Chen asked Ilmina and Vivia to stay outside first, and then sensed the Star Clock Tower.

【Reincarnation quota: 5】

[Each star child costs 2000 gold coins, may I ask if you want to reincarnate? 】


Ye Chen was not the first to reincarnate, so he asked Leon to stand up first.

The next moment, a purple-black light soared into the sky, and it enveloped Leon. At the same time, Leon's strength began to surge at an astonishing speed.

When the light dissipated, an aloof young man with a peculiar silver-white mask and long snow-white hair appeared in front of Ye Chen.

He floats in mid-air, surrounded by stars, the halo above his head, and the divine light slate like a gear behind his back, making him as a whole look like a god descending from the heavens, sacred and noble.

My lord, Mortal.

Leon looked at Ye Chen, his feet were off the ground, floating in mid-air.

However, after getting close to Ye Chen, Leon fell to the ground with both feet, then knelt down and bowed to him: Leon, the son of the star world, pays homage to you.

Leon's potential is legendary, which also means that he cannot resist the impact of the reincarnation of the child of the star world.

He is still him, but his personality has changed to a certain extent.

Of course, it's not a bad thing.

The change of reincarnated personality is more like the passage of time in essence, that is, natural change.

Just like Leon, when he started to reincarnate, a lot of knowledge poured into his mind, and his soul seemed to travel through the endless void for tens of thousands of years.

And when he returned ten thousand years later, Leon was no longer a mortal.

He became a learned and stalwart son of the star realm, a loyal servant who only obeyed Ye Chen's orders, fought for him, and died for him.

Therefore, Leon's personality was not changed by external forces, but after a long period of precipitation, his state of mind was completely worthy of the power of the son of the star world, and he could control everything perfectly.

Are you OK?


Leon is still Leon, but more mature: Please rest assured, my lord, I am still me, just...

Just knowing more.

Leon raised his head, and in the eyes that were not covered by the mask, endless stars are falling, annihilated, and created: I understand my own insignificance, so I can grow.

In my opinion, my previous self was like an ignorant child.

The most unbearable thing for me is, Leon looked at Ye Chen, his eyes were extremely hot: I used to call you an adult, my lord, please forgive my rudeness.

Looking at Leon who was still kneeling in front of him with his head bowed, Ye Chen raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: When there are many people in the future, please continue to call me Sir.

My lord, this...

This is an order!


Leon bowed his head, extremely humble: Follow your will, my lord!

Next, Sheila, you go.


The reincarnation of the son of the stars is inevitable, and Leon's character is actually the state of his final consummation.

However, Sheila's aptitude is epic, and she has to wait until she breaks through the eighth-level epic to achieve the perfection of character and state of mind.

Only then will Sheila be the real Sheila and gain a unique stance that is all her own.

Chapter 0107 Don't you think the evil god is called Fat Tiger

Blessings to you, Allah the Great.

Sheila's changes are slightly smaller, but she respects Ye Chen more and is more confident.


Sheila didn't wear a mask, just a veil over her face.

The legend is the ultimate weapon, and if it breaks through again, it will be the only epic.

Theoretically speaking, there are no identical epics in the world.

Even if the same race breaks through the epic, it will get its own exclusive job, or even exclusive race.

Therefore, the legendary arms are the last of the commonality.

However, no matter what kind of legend it is, those who can reach the seventh level are all outstanding without exception.

Men are talented and look down on the world, while women are amazingly talented and beautiful.

If Sheila was just elegant and mysterious when she was a lost girl, then Sheila who became the daughter of the stars has really become a beauty that can move both the reality and the forgotten world.

But she is not a vase, but a legendary powerhouse with 7th level strength, the top legendary powerhouse.

【Daughter of the Stars - Sheila】

Level: Tier 7 top legend

Qualification: Epic

Occupation: Queen of the Stars

Loyalty: 100

Favorability: 90 (life and death go hand in hand)

Introduction: The people of the blood moon who were threatened by evil gods hid in the sanctuary of blood therapy and were saved by the mortal world. They admired their lord very much and were willing to give everything for him.

Skills: Grandmaster Astral Magic, Dimensional Manipulation (dominates dimensions, planes, and time and space), Arcana Power (controls the most mysterious power in the universe), Starry Night Moon (summons two divine swords that rule the Astral), Astral Domain (replacing reality with the astral world)

Talent: Void Incarnation Awakening (two star children of the same gender can be merged and awakened, and Sheila can awaken on her own), astral creatures (great immunity, resistance and reduction to physical and magical attacks), celestial life (will The source of life is fused with the stars, the stars are not broken, and they live forever)

Sheila's attributes are very strong, very very strong.

Tiers 0~3 are just cannon fodder, Tier 4 elites and Tier 5 leaders, and starting from Tier 6 kings, there is a new division of arms.

Ordinary kings, high-ranking kings, and top kings.

Ordinary Legend, High Legend, Top Legend.

Generally speaking, the gap between the three is not very obvious. Generally speaking, the top is compared to the average, 3 to 1.

Between a top king and an ordinary legend, it is like the marshal of the empire, as long as there are 3 people, they can match an ordinary legend.

If this is placed on an ordinary Tier 6 king, it will take about 9 people to barely compete with an ordinary legend.

If it is a top legend, nearly 25 ordinary kings are needed to defeat a top legend.

And just defeat, defeat does not mean kill.

There is a saying that if you double it, divide it, if it is five, you will attack it, and if it is ten, you will surround it.

If you want to kill a legend, you need at least twice the number of people who can attack it and match it.

In other words, 3 Imperial Marshals can defeat the ordinary Legendary Queen of Darkness (Coriana's profession), but to kill the Queen of Darkness, at least 6 Imperial Marshals are needed.

In the same way, to kill a Star Child, 50 Imperial Marshals are needed.

Yes, it's that scary.

Although legend and king are only at the same level, there is a natural moat in the middle, which is difficult to cross.

300 star realms can kill gods.

If calculated according to this ratio, they may be more terrifying than 1000 ordinary legends.

Don't underestimate the power of legends, these guys are monsters that can't be killed by a 'nuclear bomb'.

There are many legends under Ye Chen's command, but there are only a few top legends.

Corianna is an ordinary legend, and Asneta, Vivia, Onifeora, and Aisha are all high-level legends unless they are awakened.

As for the top legends, the two goddesses themselves are top-notch, and now there are two more Sheila and Leon.

Fortunately, most of the legends under Ye Chen's command are extremely qualified, have reached the epic level, and possess the power of awakening.

There is still a relatively large gap between awakened legends and unawakened legends.

Therefore, Vivia and Onifeora of Ye Chen's family can be regarded as top legends, or even half-step epics.

In addition, Ye Chen will soon enter the top legend level, and officially possess the absolute mighty power of the current era, which is enough to make people despair.

So, without further hesitation, Ye Chen walked into the land of reincarnation.


Walking out of the Star Realm Clock Tower, Ye Chen took off the mask on his face and exhaled: I feel pretty good.

In his previous life, Ye Chen also gained power, but he really never thought about being a top legend.

Even after ten years, Ye Chen has not found a way to break through the epic.

At that time, Ye Chen had the legendary Vivia as the most powerful under his command, and he was just a legend who had barely climbed to a high position.

This kind of strength is naturally out of reach compared to ordinary players during the invasion of the evil gods in later generations, but compared with the evil gods, it is really insignificant.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to play.

Ye Chen let go of his hand helplessly, and he walked forward.

At the same time, the Children of the Stars costume also began to disappear, replaced by Ye Chen's ordinary home clothes.

It's still so comfortable.

The legendary dress is still there, but it has changed.

At this time, Ye Chen's appearance changed greatly.

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