Luo Nan knew that it would be difficult for him to think of a way to escape from this Buddha’s kingdom on his own.

After all, his understanding of this divine power was limited to a few brief introductions in the list of flood divine powers, and the details were unknown.

Therefore, Luo Nan could only turn his attention to the guys imprisoned in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda now.

Previously, Luo Nan had never taken the initiative to check who was imprisoned in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

At this moment, he was the lord of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and as soon as his heart moved, the information of all the prisoners held appeared in Luo Nan’s mind!

There are hundreds of thousands of pieces of information, but most of them are the existence of the Heavenly Immortals below, and there is no inquiry value at all.

Soon, Ronan screened out several of these hundreds of thousands of pieces of information.

After escaping into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan was in Shandong and soon came to an elegant house, and inside the house was a beautiful young woman who was hugging (Chang’e hug, you know, the forbidden word is not written).

When Chang’e saw Luo Nan appear, a look of surprise flashed on Qingliang’s face, but she quickly cooled her face: “How long are you going to lock me up?” ”

“Oh, I was going to release you, but now I’m in some trouble, and I’m stuck myself.” Ronan said helplessly.

Chang’e’s eyes flashed with general schadenfreude, and then while stroking the rabbit’s ear, she asked, “What trouble have you encountered?” ”

“It’s a long story, and I’ll have time to talk to you about it by candlelight.”

Chang’e’s face turned red and she glanced at Luo Nan, “Who wants to talk with you disciples by candlelight?” ”

Luo Nan’s eyebrows were raised, and he didn’t care, and directly asked, “Do you know about the magic power of the Buddha Kingdom in your hand?” ”

Chang’e said, “I don’t know anything about magical powers.” ”

“Oh, that talk!”

After Luo Nan finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Chang’e, and the reason why he came to inquire was only to try his luck, after all, Chang’e’s survival time is not short.

But since Chang’e didn’t know, Luo Nan no longer wasted time and soon moved on to the next target.

Nezha, who is now being held in a cell, as long as he wants to break out of the prison, there will be flames burning and suffering.

Seeing Luo Nan appear, Nezha gritted his teeth: “How long do you bastards want to lock me up?” ”

“As long as you can make a small contribution, I can let you out.” Lonan rubbed his little thumb and said.

Nezha looked at Luo Nan suspiciously, “What contribution?” ”

“Do you know how to crack the Buddha’s Kingdom in your hand?”

“Bastard!” Nezha bit his teeth and scolded directly, “Are you playing me?” The Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of my hand is the Buddha’s secret art, and even the monkey can’t break it at the beginning, how can I know? ”

Ronan shrugged his shoulders and flashed away.


The Seven Stars of the White Tiger, imprisoned by Luo Nan in seven places, are also the targets that Luo Nan holds the greatest hope.

After all, the White Tiger was a creature that existed since the beginning of time, and although it was now dead, this White Tiger Seven Stars were exactly the Seven Souls of the White Tiger, and its insight was definitely higher than that of Nezha Chang’e and the like.

Luo Nan interrogated the seven people one by one, except for the Kui Timber Wolf and the Pleiades Star King, who did not open their mouths, the other five Star Lords all said some information to a greater or lesser extent.

However, this information is of little use to Lonan, and it is impossible to rely on him to get out of the predicament.

Since then, Luo Nan’s target of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda has been interrogated.

“Then Li Jing is really incompetent to a certain realm, so bullish in a treasure, the custody is actually all turkey tile dogs, only one has interrogation value.”

Lonan said in his heart.

And the only one with interrogation value was the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

That’s right, the nine-tailed demon fox that led Yin Shang to his demise.

According to the list of gods, the nine-tailed demon fox was eventually beheaded and died, but now it seems that it was obviously suppressed by Li Jing in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

In fact, the existence of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit was not very far away, and its own cultivation realm was also quite low, and there was a good chance that it didn’t know how to crack the Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of its hand.

However, among the Seven Treasures Tower, there was no one else more valuable to inquire about, which made Luo Nan only go to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox to try his luck.

After all, no matter what, this had also done things under Lady Nuwa’s hands.

Lonan’s figure flashed, and he soon appeared in a lush mountain forest.

This mountain forest is full of birds and flowers, and there is a meandering river running through it.

At this moment, on top of the rubble by this winding river, there was a woman snuggled on it.

Seeing the strange man appear, the nine-tailed fox was stunned, and after blinking his big eyes and taking a closer look at Luo Nan, he was shocked: “This Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda has actually changed?” ”

Luo Nan glanced at the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit before nodding, “I am in charge of this place now.” ”

The nine-tailed fox heard the zui horn rise and threw a wink at Luo Nan: “Little brother, we have no revenge in the past, or you will let me go by the way?” I have been imprisoned here for an unknown amount of time, and I almost forget what color the sky is outside. ”

When Ronan heard this, his body couldn’t help but feel a little weak.

Although he quickly recovered, he still couldn’t help but sigh that this nine-tailed fox spirit charm technique was really powerful.

Without responding to the request of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit, Luo Nan asked directly, “Do you know how to crack the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand?” ”

“The Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of your hand? You’re not going to get stuck, are you?! ”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit questioned, and after seeing Luo Nan nodding, he also said very directly, “It’s not that I look down on you, even if I tell you the way to crack it, you won’t be able to run out.” ”

Luo Nan originally just wanted to try his luck, even thinking that this nine-tailed fox spirit actually knew how to crack it.

His eyes lit up at the moment, and he directly promised to the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit, “You just need to tell me the cracking method, and when I escape from the Buddha’s Kingdom in my palm, I will definitely let you leave this tower!” ”

Although the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit did not believe that Luo Nan could escape from the Buddha’s kingdom in his palm, after hesitating for a moment, he still said, “In fact, this cannot be said to be a method, but I once saw a classic book in the Nüwa Palace, which recorded that a person had escaped from this divine power with the cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm!” ”

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