In the most remote northwest corner of the Heavenly Garden, there is such an inaccessible courtyard.

No Immortal Buddha would pass by here, nor would any handmaiden Heavenly Soldier come here.

In this courtyard, there is a very simple decoration room, which is very different from the rest of the heavenly garden.

But in this very simple room, there lived a young and beautiful woman.

The woman holds a white rabbit in her arms for many years, and the simple clothes are worn, but she cannot hide her natural beauty, but she adds three points of elegance and elegance, which has an excellent temptation for any man. Confuse.

The woman is Chang’e.

When the roar of the fierce battle between Luo Nan and the Lingguang Divine Emperor resounded through half of the Heavenly Court, Chang’e naturally heard it.

However, she didn’t care about it.

What about the Heavenly Court, and what does it have to do with her?

Chang’e sat alone in the room, holding the white in her arms. The rabbit didn’t say a word.

In the uncountable years, she had become accustomed to silence and loneliness.

This is true in the Guanghan Palace, and it is also true within the Heavenly Court.

Perhaps the only difference was that every once in a while, the Jade Emperor, who bored her, would come to visit for all sorts of ridiculous reasons.

Other than that, that’s the guy…

Thinking of the young man who inexplicably appeared in his boudoir not long ago, a red halo suddenly appeared on Chang’e’s white cheeks.

Perennial loneliness. Loneliness has long frozen Chang’e’s heart, so Chang’e does not care about anyone or anything, and coldness has become a synonym for this beautiful fairy.

However, Luo Nan’s original move was undoubtedly a powerful medicine for Chang’e, directly smashing a crack in the solid ice covering Chang’e’s heart.

To say that Chang’e will fall in love with Luonan because of this, that is impossible.

But it is undeniable that for a long time to be foreseen, Chang’e, who is indifferent to everything, cannot forget Luonan.


With a light sigh in her mouth, Chang’e threw all her thoughts about Luo Nan out of her mind and stopped thinking about it.

But at this moment, Chang’e’s expression suddenly moved, and she noticed that a breath suddenly appeared in her small courtyard.

In her courtyard, no one would usually come, that is, the Jade Emperor would occasionally bring Taibai Venus or other courtiers over.

But the breath that appeared in the courtyard was not the Jade Emperor.

Therefore, Chang’e in the house also directly said: “Who is it?”

As soon as the words fell, Chang’e suddenly noticed that the breath in the courtyard outside had dissipated, and at the same time a young man’s figure appeared in front of her.

“Fairy this forgot me?”

Hearing this, and then looking at the face that appeared in front of her, Chang’e’s eyes suddenly narrowed!

As the saying goes, what to think, Chang’e just threw the thoughts about Luo Nan out of her mind, and she didn’t expect that the next second Luo Nan would appear in front of her!

“You disciple of Deng, you dare to come here!”

Chang’e’s face was cold and her eyes were extended. Out mixed with a hint of shame and anger, one hand wrapped around the white. The rabbit, with the other hand raised, the plain white long sleeves directly split into dozens of long aya, sweeping towards Luonan.

Luo Nan saw the eyebrows raised and extended. With the gentle tapping of his fingers, the dozens of long ayas were directly fixed in mid-air!

Chang’e’s eyes were full of different colors, and she never expected that her attack would be so easily defused.

You know, unlike those mass-produced fairies above the Heavenly Garden, she ate the real elixir and soared directly.

Although she had never cultivated seriously, the automatic accumulation of a long time had also allowed her cultivation to reach the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

The last time he saw Luo Nan, Luo Nan was not even in the Daoji Realm, so Chang’e didn’t care at first.

At this moment, the attack was defused by Luo Nan’s finger, and Chang’e only then swept Luo Nan with her divine consciousness, but found that Luo Nan was already in the realm of the Seventh Order Heavenly Immortal at this moment!

“This guy, the cultivation speed is actually so fast, it has only been a few months since the last time he saw it, and he actually changed from a mortal to a heavenly immortal, is it also eating the elixir that can soar?”

Chang’e guessed in his heart, but quickly frowned: “But even if he eats the elixir that can directly ascend, but he is only a seventh-order heavenly immortal realm at the moment, two orders lower than me, why can he easily defuse my attack?” ”

Shocked, Chang’e did not say a word, wanting to take back her long aya and strike again.

But at this moment, Chang’e’s cold face suddenly changed!

Because, she suddenly found that her body had actually lost the ability to move at some point!

At this moment, she seems to be like a beautiful sculpture, unable to act and can only be slaughtered.

“What do you want to do?”

Chang’e’s face was a little frightened, especially after thinking about the last time Luo Nan had acted to herself, and a look of unconcealed shyness appeared in the depths of her eyes.

What should this guy do if he takes the opportunity to do something wrong to himself?

Chang’e tried to break free from the invisible shackles around her, but she couldn’t do anything, and the shame in her eyes was even worse.

Luo Nan, on the other hand, ignored the shame in Chang’e’s eyes and laughed softly: “As soon as the fairy meets, she will fight and kill, and I can only add a little restraint to the fairy to talk about things.” ”

“What are you going to talk about?”

Seeing that Luo Nan did not use his hands and feet on himself, Chang’e was relieved in her heart, so she doubtfully inquired.

Luo Nan lifted the wine pot from Chang’e’s table and poured himself a cup, and only then did he drink while saying, “What is the meaning of staying alone in the Heavenly Garden, it is better to go to the lower realm to see the prosperity of the world, how does the fairy mean?” ”

The bitterness in Chang’e’s eyes flashed when she heard this: “The Jade Emperor has tricked me from the Guanghan Palace to here, and will not let me leave the Heavenly Court.” ”

“I’m going to take you away, and he can’t stop you.” Lonan said confidently.

Chang’e sneered, “Hmm, how good are you than the Jade Emperor?” Men in the world are generally colored, and they are not all a hill of raccoons! ”

Luo Nan touched his nose with some embarrassment: “I am not happy if you say so, I am still a little different from the Jade Emperor, such as… My guts are greater than his. ”

With that, Luo Nan approached Chang’e, and his hands directly wrapped around Chang’e’s slender willow waist. _

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