“Great God of Angels, allow us to cleanse ourselves of these unholy filths before us!”

I saw Archangel Michelle holding up the Flame Holy Sword, and immediately after, a holy light fell directly from the air and fell on the bodies of the four angels.

After the holy light fell, the angel’s body emitted a divine golden yellow warm light, and the momentum of his body continued to increase.

Seeing this holy light, everyone in the army of the undead couldn’t help but take a few steps back and move away from these angels.

And Aikasha also frowned, seemingly disgusted with these holy lights.

As a specific race of the dark lineup, the undead are essentially undead, and these holy lights are simply deadly poisons for them.

Even the demon race didn’t like this holy light of angels, and you can imagine how disgusting this thing was for the race of the dark lineup.

The angels seemed to have taken this into account, so they summoned the Holy Light, intending to use the Holy Light to attack and kill these undead.

As an archangel, the holy light on Michelle’s body is even more intense, covering the whole body, and it is simply a walking light bulb.

In Lin Hao’s perspective, the attributes of these angels are also rising.

Yes, angels have a very buggy ability that is not written in personal information, this ability is called “power of faith”, which is specifically harvested by other races when worshiping angels, and these beliefs can be blessed by angels to achieve the effect of strengthening themselves.

The fact that the Light in Michelle was so powerful meant that she had gained a lot of faith from other races.

Of course, this power of faith can not be used all the time, the power of faith is like a consumable, used once less once, and collecting the power of faith, it takes a long time, the process is very boring, even angels, do not like to collect the power of faith often.

At this time, in the face of such an army of undead, the four angels used almost all the power of faith, and you can imagine how important the Angel Temple is in their eyes.

Of course, Aikasha would not sit idly by, watching the angels finish strengthening, she ordered directly.

“Attack! Goal, angel! ”

Countless armies of the undead fiercely attacked the four angels in the sky!

The vampire summoned countless vampire bats, which flapped their wings and flew ferociously towards the angel.

Dozens of bone dragons flew up at the same time, aiming at the angel in the center, spitting out powerful dragon breath.

The corpse witch had already condensed fire magic, and with the staff in his hand, he used one fireball after another at the angels.

Even the skeleton soldiers on the ground drew their bows and shot arrows, and countless bone arrows shot out, like a rain of arrows, covering angels.

Under such a large-scale and huge offensive, no one can survive it safely!

Only Lin Hao, looking at the attack below, shook his head with disdain.

Such an attack, if it encounters anyone, may directly die.

However, angels do not.


Countless attacks touched these four angels, and the explosion generated by the collision shook the entire valley, and the center of the explosion produced bursts of thick black fog!

Just when the army of the undead felt good about themselves and felt that they would definitely hurt the angels, they saw the thick fog clear.

Under the dense fog, the four angels exuding holy light, their bodies, are covered with a golden yellow divine shield, this shield, resisting all attacks!

Archangel skills, divine blessings!

The four angels were shrouded in a sacred golden yellow light shrouded in unharmed!

This is the power of angels!

A true archangel, an archangel with group invincibility, is extremely effective both in terms of the powerful attributes of the individual and as a collective help to the team!

This is also why, countless angels think about it, even if they spend a lot of resources to recruit, they also want to have an angel in their own team.

The power of angels is favored by heaven and cannot be envied by countless races!

Invincible in the true sense of the word!

All the undead armies who had just launched a complete attack were stunned, looking at the four unharmed angels in the sky, deeply shocked.

They instilled an all-out attack, and they didn’t hurt each other at all!

As the light shield dissipated, Archangel Michelle opened his eyes, and a pair of golden eyes with a divine aura stared at the undead on the ground.

I saw her holding up her holy sword and shouting loudly.

“Filthy undead spirits, let me give you, the karmic fire of judgment!”

The flame holy sword in Michelle’s hand continued to burn, the huge flame was extremely palpitating, Michelle shook the long sword violently, and the flame seemed to come alive, separated from Michelle’s holy sword, split into countless flames, and flew away.

These flames flew in the air, and soon, they burned again into huge flames! Even, this flame burned the entire sky into a sea of fire!

The flames burned ferociously, falling quickly like a rain of fire, descending on the body of every undead.


“What is it!”

“Don’t! Don’t be like this! ”

Every karmic fire burned the undead, and the skeleton soldiers on the ground, who could not even survive in this sea of fire for a moment, launched the sound of bones cracking, and the “click” was burned to ashes.

The gargoyles could not withstand such a burn, and even turned themselves into stone statues to resist the flames.

The terrible judgment of the angels burned these dead souls into ashes that could no longer die, and even the souls dissipated!

This is the trial, the trial in which the death penalty is announced!

Lin Hao, who was sitting high in the sky above the clouds, looked down on all this, and after sighing at the strength of the angel, he turned his head and asked Julia.

“Julia, what do you think of the strength of this archangel?”

Julia blinked, thought about it, and finally said the truth.

“Her strength can make me eye-catching.”

“Is it just eye-catching?”

Lin Hao couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Such a powerful archangel Michelle is only a little bit of what Julia can afford, so how powerful should Julia’s heyday be!?

As if sensing Lin Hao’s strength, Julia smiled slightly and said as if comfortingly.

“Master, no matter how powerful I was before, but now, Julia was saved by you, so Julia’s power will only be used for you alone.”

Hearing Julia’s words, Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly didn’t know how to answer.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Julia has become more and more provocative recently, and if it goes on like this, he is a little unable to hold on.

Lin Hao quickly shook his head and forcibly shifted his attention to the hellish scenery below.

At this time, he thought of the undead queen of the undead, Eksha.

I don’t know what this Aikasha has to do to defeat these four powerful angels?

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