Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No97 I'm 'Opening' Again, More Than 40 New Types Of Fermented Rice, Aiming At Eight-S

If it was before, Ye Mo might have a headache at this moment, how to help Feng Xiaoying decompose [Jiuzhilongginseng] and [Yangyanhua] while avoiding energy loss.

Well now...

He is already a six-star [Wine Master Craftsman], for [Wine Master Craftsman], it shouldn't be too easy to decompose spiritual objects!

"Using the diamond-level skill "Brewing" to decompose [Jiuzhilongginseng] and [Yangyanhua] is still not safe...well, it is best to upgrade the level of the skill "Brewing" to Xingyao~ !"

[Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng] and [Yang Yanhua] are related to the evolution of Huang Xiaoying, and there is no room for any difference.

Once there is a mistake, maybe there is no second copy (Jiuzhilongshen and [Yangyanhua help it evolve.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, Ye Mo decided to upgrade the "wine brewing" skill to a star-level life skill here, and then decompose [Jiuzhilongginseng] and [Yangyanhua].

Thinking of this, Ye Mo put [Jiuzhilongginseng] and [Yangyanhua] aside, and took out a whole set of brewing tools and many brewing materials.

These were purchased at the Lingnan Base City Branch of Longteng Trading not long ago.

Ye Mo wants to increase the level of diamond-level "wine making" skills, either by brewing six-star or above wine brewing skill proficiency, or by developing a brand new wine to obtain skill proficiency.

Developing a brand new fermented rice... Unless, like last time, I directly saw the improvement method of the brewing recipe through "Cangtian Shentong", otherwise it must be time-consuming and laborious, and it can't be done in a short time.


Ye Mo is planning to increase his skill proficiency by brewing [Star Jade Dew Brew] and [Ice Fire Wind Spirit Brew] two six-star brews.

Ye Mo has a piece of the key material [Star Blue] needed for brewing [Star Jade Dew].

As for other brewing materials, there are also many brewing materials given to him by [brewing master craftsman] Tie Hu.

The material is complete, just spit it out and dry it.

Therefore, Ye Mo took out another piece of parchment full of traces of time, which recorded the specific brewing method of 【Xingchen Yulu Brewing】.

This is the first time for Ye Mo to 'start brewing' [Star Yulu Niang], so naturally, he has to check the brewing recipe of [Xingchen Yulu Brew].

【Ancient Brewery】

Description: It records the brewing method of the six-star wine [Xingchen Yulu Niang].

Ratio of materials:,'Blue Crystal'X3,'Blue Crystal'X4,'Wuyelian'X1,'Root Grass'300g,'Diyan Lingzhi'X1,'Extreme Explosive Spiritwood'X2,'Star Blue 'X1,' Tianshuang Morning Dew'X500g

[Hidden Information]: Adding two parts of 'Huang Long Zhi' and one part of 'Polar Cold Marrow' can produce a higher level of fermented rice.

Ye Mo: "?????!!!!"

Ye Mo, who was going to check the specific ratio of ingredients before starting to brew, was completely overwhelmed.

When he was in the Longteng Commercial Building, he wanted to improve [Xinghua Niang], but he directly 'saw' the improvement method through the "Heaven Eye".

at the moment.

A repetition of the same scene.

He directly "saw" the method of optimizing [Star Jade Dew Brew] through the "Cangtian Divine Eye"!

The effects of [Star Yulu Niang] can be said to be shocking, and the brand-new wine improved based on it is bound to explode!

In this case, let's brew a 'fart' [Star Yulu Brew] now!

There is only one key ingredient [Star Blue], and in a short period...or even a long period of time, you may not be able to get more [Star Blue].

Then, the only piece left [Star Blue], of course, must be reserved for brewing a new type of special wine that is more advanced than [Star Yulu Niang]!

"【Huang Longzhi】,【Polar Cold Marrow】."

Ye Mo took note of the names of these two special brewing materials.

"Hopefully it's not too hard to find."

Ye Mo now understands one thing. With the "Heaven God Eye", looking for all kinds of extremely special spiritual treasures is probably a normal part of his extraordinary career.

"From the brewing recipes of [Xinghua Niang] and [Xingchen Yulu Brewing], we have 'seen' the specific methods of improvement, so.....whether some other brewing recipes will also have corresponding methods improvement information?"

This happened twice in a row, and Ye Mo suddenly realized the problem.

Immediately, he took out all the brewers who had been gifted to him by the brewer Tiehu.

Counting carefully, no less than fifty copies.

...asking for flowers...

Some of these brewing recipes were collected by [Wine Master Craftsman], and some were created by [Wine Master Craftsman] Tie Hu himself.


In either case, none of these brewers had been checked before.

【Liyunniang Brewing Recipe】

Description: It records the brewing method of four-star wine [Li Yunniang].

Ratio of materials: 'Magic Grass' X2, 'Campanula' X3, 'Fire Melting Crystal' X3, 'Pear Cloud Fruit' X3, 'Earth Mushroom Flower' 400g, 'Snow Spirit Water' X500g

[Hidden information]: Adding 200g of 'Xing Yuhua' and a piece of 'Wanmengguo' can make a higher level of fermented rice.


The first brewing recipe opened is a kind of [Liyunniang Brewing Recipe] that can increase the physical attack of professionals.

And in this wine recipe, Ye Mo really saw the optimization method again!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Mo checked the remaining more than 40 brewing recipes one after another. Except for a very few brewing recipes, there are specific improvement plans!

"If this is like the [Binghuofenglingniang] last time, the new type of wine that has been improved by more than 40 kinds of brewing parties is successfully brewed, and the name is completed, it will not be said that the "brewing" skill will be raised from diamond level to starlight level, maybe it can be upgraded to the legendary level in one fell swoop!"

When the "Brewing" skill level reaches the legendary level, Ye Mo will be an eight-star [Brewing Master]!!

With joy and anticipation in his heart, Ye Mo checked the brewing materials he had. It is found that most of the materials needed to brew more than 40 new types of fermented rice are complete.

On the one hand, this benefited from the gift from [Winemaker] Tie Hu, and on the other hand, it benefited from Ye Mo's extravagant consumption when he was in Longteng Commercial Building.

'Fuck it, I

Ye Mo, who originally wanted to brew [Star Yulu Noodles] and [Ice Fire Wind Spirit Noodles] to brush up his skill proficiency, directly 'transferred' to brew more than forty new types of wine that he 'saw' through the "Heaven Eyes" again! again.

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