"You are from the Royal Dragon Family."

The man looked at Zhang Lan after the disguise with a staring face, and instinctively reached out to take out a fairy ball on his waist.

The man was very vigilant at this time, in order to develop Nazi into a secret card or undercover, he did not want to make a disturbance, but he entered this hall alone.

Team Rocket has a secret base in Golden City, and after a long period of layout around the Golden Yellow Hall, they have successfully arranged all the facilities that restrict Nazi's mental power a few days ago.

The reason for this facility is naturally to let him enter this dojo alone to seduce the girl who is a problem with Nazi, and secretly pull into the camp of Team Rocket.

But the man did not expect that this matter seemed to have been exposed.

Otherwise, as the backbone of the alliance, how could the members of the Royal Dragon family, who especially like the Rocket Team, be here?

"You're Lance, one of the four generals of Team Rocket?" Zhang Lan looked at the man and recognized his identity.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, Zhang Lan suddenly learned the character of Yulongze, laughed, and said rampantly, "Ha, it turned out to be you." "

"As the four generals of the rocket team, in order to secretly woo Nazi, they did not take it."

"Hahaha, this is really the credit sent to me by Imperial Dragon Ze!"

"If I catch you, Big Brother Du will definitely not call me incompetent again!"

Zhang Lan completely learned to speak like no one in the eyes of Yulong Ze, and he was afraid that Lance would not remember his name and said it several times.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, he shouted

"Fast Dragon, destroy the Death Light!"


Kuailong faintly glanced at Zhang Lan, a fox fake tiger power, but his action was not slow, and he quickly condensed a golden energy ball in the facecoat.


"Come out, forked bat!"

Lance's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but secretly curse and release the elf, he didn't doubt Zhang Lan, because his performance, strength and use of elves, as well as clothing were all proving his identity.

The costume was made by Zhang Lan for the Huaxia tailor, after all, Huaxia has the strongest piracy ability.

Of course, this dress can still detect flaws when you look carefully, but Lance is not paying so much attention to these now.

Lance was very annoyed at this time, he did not expect that there would be someone from the Royal Dragon Family here, and he also realized that his mission had failed this time.

Nazi will definitely not be able to be pulled into the rocket team again, thanks to their rocket team also spent so much money to make plans and install special instruments, and the design led Nazi's father Akizukisuke.

Now it's a loss!

"Forked bat, hold on!"

Lance sent his strongest combat power, the Forked Bat, to forcibly block the attack of the fast dragon destroying the death light

The golden pillar of light seemed to penetrate the space, and quickly came to the front of the forked bat.

The forked bat's wings flashed back a distance, and at the same time using the Hold Trick, its body was suddenly covered with a layer of white light.


The golden pillar of light finally collided with the white shield on the forked bat, making a crisp sound.

The two forces froze for a while, and the white shield disappeared along with the disappearance of the golden pillar of light.

At this time, if it is in a pokemon battle, Lance will definitely command the forked bat to attack, because the fast dragon will definitely fall into a state of stiffness for a certain period of time after using the destruction death light.

It's just a Heavenly King-level fast dragon that will definitely not be able to overcome this side effect of using the destruction of death light.

This is the best time to counterattack.

But Lance doesn't want to defeat Zhang Lan now.

In his opinion, Zhang Lan was a member of the Royal Dragon Clan.

The people of the Royal Dragon Family are all battle maniacs, and they are carrying devices to urgently contact the nearest police station nearby.

Lance, who is now just alone, is not sure of winning Zhang Lan, at least not in a short time, so he can only choose to run away if he does not want to be caught.

"Black fog!" Lance gives new instructions to the forked bat!

The effect of the black mist is to zero out the values that the pokemon temporarily increase through the use of skills.

But this fog is black, and naturally it can be used as a trick.


Hearing Lance's order, the forked bat let out a strange cry, opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of black mist, while constantly flapping its wings, making the black fog quickly begin to spread!

As the black fog spreads, Lance quickly hides in it while grabbing the foot of the forked bat and letting it fly using ultrasonic pathfinding.

After doing all this, Lance threw a Poké Ball again

"Go, naughty bomb, big bang!"

"Lean!" Seeing the naughty bullet that rolled to his side and emitted light, Zhang Lan cursed secretly, made a quick decision, and returned to the small world.

"These cadres of the rocket team are really dead, and they like to bring some naughty bombs on their bodies as bombs!"

Back in the small world, Zhang Lan couldn't help but complain, knowing that he felt that time was almost up, and returned to the elf world.

At this time, the position where he was originally standing had an extra crater and a naughty bullet that had passed out.

At the gate of the battlefield, Lance just turned around to look at Zhang Lan at this time, but found that he was standing intact in the pit.

"This person is definitely from the Royal Dragon Family, with protective props."

"Imperial Dragon Ze, I remember you!"

Seeing that Zhang Lan had dodged the big explosion attack of the naughty bullet intact, Lance firmed up the thoughts in his heart, and at the same time firmly remembered Zhang Lan's face and the three words of Royal Dragon Ze at this time.

If Zhang Lan knew Lance's thoughts, he would definitely laugh off his big teeth, and even pat his blue shoulder and say seriously: "Lance, you must remember clearly!" "

"Don't let me go, you are a pig!"

Can let his own even enemies bite, Zhang Lan should not be too happy.

"Fast dragon, catch up, Dragon Fluctuation!"

Zhang Lan once again commanded the fast dragon to attack, while chasing towards Lance.

Doing the whole play, he didn't want Lance to see the flaws.

But at this time, seeing Zhang Lan chasing towards him again, Lance, who was afraid that he would be caught by the people of the alliance after being entangled, took out a button and pressed the red button, while shouting at Zhang Lan

"I advise you to go and save Nazi quickly, otherwise she may die."

The matter of recruiting Nazi was seen by the people of the Royal Dragon Family, and it was impossible to complete this matter in the future, and Lance activated a backup plan to destroy Nazi!

"What do you mean?" Lance's words made Zhang Lan frown, but he still rushed towards the position where Nazi was as soon as possible.


Coming to Nazi, Zhang Lan's eyes widened suddenly, and at this time, Nazi's whole body was wrapped in a dazzling blue light.

But this was not the reason why Zhang Lan was shocked.

He was shocked that several purple light clusters of "Super Power Experience +1000" had dropped around Nazi and purple light groups that were still falling.

This is to be sent!

It was at this moment that Nazi suddenly let out a moan


(PS: This book does not abuse the lord, including the heroine!) Ask for flowers, what a monthly pass! )

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