Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 190 Is This The Righteousness Of The Master And The Apprentice? Goodbye Is The Enemy?

A few minutes later.

Ye Chen's Xuan Battlefield can basically be declared victorious.

The opponent's sixty people have launched several charges, and each time they have been repulsed.

Just breaking through the defense of Ye Chen's group is very laborious~.

Finally got rid of Ye Chen's entanglement, rushed to the aperture of Ding, there were only thirty or forty people left, and it was completely impossible to push off the thirty people who took turns to open the divine blessing in a short time.

When Ye Chen led the team to chase and kill, he was either killed or scattered.

The leader of the Daozu team.

Once broken by Ye Chen, from covering the sky to perfection, after being killed several times, he remembered the pain of the heavy loss and became fearful.

Until now.

The sixty people led by Daozu had already chaotic the formation.

No more swarming.

It's Huluwa saving grandpa, sending wave after wave.

The resurrection came again, the resurrection came again, and the team was drawn into a long line.

I don't want to win either.

It looks like you've worked hard.

When the time comes, you can't blame them for not doing their best.

The heavenly battlefield that listens to the rain and tears has a multiplied numerical advantage.

With 142 to 70, he also preemptively occupied the ding, and he was as stable as Mount Tai.

The opponents are all scattered teams that spend money externally, and they are basically all six to seven configurations.

Strong is very strong, but as migrant workers, don't expect them to fight wholeheartedly for the perfect family.

It's good to say that the crushing bureau is good, the words of the big headwind bureau............ Naturally, it is not possible to work.

No surprises.

Scattered Heaven vs. Perfect Family This time, the former wants to win.

Can be unexpected.

Here it comes!

In the battlefield.

The perfect family team is all bitter melon faces.

Perfect Tianzun, Perfect Supreme, Perfect Assassin, Perfect Xiaoxin, Perfect Tianyan, Perfect Tianjiao.

998888 top-level configuration.

The 64 people he brought with him are also the best gem-equipped elites in the Perfect Family.

Such seventy people, one hundred and two hundred people from the second and third tier families, may be fine.

But he can only be in a daze on the battlefield, gritting his teeth into the air.

Perfect Heavenly Face is not pleased. "Let you not listen to me!"

"Isn't it bad to have a big team for a million?"

"You also spent more than half a million yuan on those foreign aids..."

Perfect Supreme. "Can you not be big, big? We can't play Tenryu without him, can we?"

Perfect Tianjiao. "But whether we are a round trip or not, now it is all up to him."

Perfect Supreme's face suddenly turned black as ink.

Perfect Xiaoxin looked at Perfect Tianzun. "Mr. Wang, only you are the only one to come forward in this matter.

"You are his apprentice, and if you tell him, he will definitely sell face.

Perfect Tianzun frowned unpleasantly.

His eyes looked at the mutant lightning marten carried by Perfect Tianyan.

He spent millions to create a mutant free to give to Tianyan, who was too lazy to bring, but he was carrying the lightning marten he won from Ye Chen.

He doesn't help spend money on skills.

Tianyan spends his own money.

It is also named the big mink.

This made him very upset and jealous.

But he was completely pinched by Tianyan and did not dare to question Tianyan , let alone get angry with Tianyan .

You can only suppress the unhappiness in your heart.


Can't understand, he is much richer than Ye Chen, why do the women he meets please Ye Chen more?

When the team is fixed.

Daji is not demon and spotless, and pays far less attention to him than Ye Chen.

He chose to leave the team, and that's partly why.

Not being the absolute core and focus of the team made him uncomfortable.

Met Tianyan, married Tianyan, and joined perfection.

It turned out that the entire Perfect Family seemed to revolve around Ye Chen.

Gang channel, family members are always discussing how lucky Ye Chen is, how good his skills are, and how good his strategy is.

More striking than his vice president.

He gave a lot of benefits to the family!

Winning the first spirit penguin in the full service makes the entire family more faced.

And his teammates are always telling him how bullish his master is.

Even his wife is always reminding him that you are not as good as the master, and you have to learn more from your master...........


Perfect Tianzun began to hate this master a little.

This time the raiders hero swallow dock, originally wanted to ask Ye Chen for internal raiders, because of this careful thinking, he couldn't speak.

Now let him go and beg Ye Chen, naturally he is not happy.

Don't ask Ye Chen.

The Perfect Family is going to take a tour.

There is no territory this week.

Gang building, the materials obtained by members, the overall upgrade progress of members, and the various benefits of members will all be opened up by gangs with territories.

One is not good.

By next week.

The Perfect Family may have been downgraded from the first tier to the second tier.

Even, you can't even get into the top thirty.

It is no longer possible to participate in territorial battles.

Although Perfect Tianzun became more and more upset the more he was persuaded, he contacted Ye Chen.

Perfect Tianzun: Master, how much the scattered heaven gives you, I will give you three times! Trouble you to deliberately lose the Xuan Battlefield to us.

See this message.

Ye Chen wanted to scold her mother.

Too treadmill to understand.

First of all, this has to make him backtrack, degrade his character, and look down on himself.

Secondly, from the point of view of interests.

The first time he became a foreign aid, he stepped on the horse to collect money to play a fake game, who can trust him in the future?

Do you still want to do this business?

......... Ask for flowers............

Give up a long-term business for millions.

Isn't this the act of picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelons?

At last.

Perfect Tianzun used the word trouble.

But in the first half of the sentence, no matter how Ye Di looked at it, he had the feeling of being thrown in the face with money.

When 8L 14 million buy praying mantises, there is no such Lao Tzu has money, Lao Tzu is your father's tone.

Perfect Tianzun's words violated Ye Chen's three taboos, too incapable of being a person.

Ye Chen: I'm sorry, I can't promise you the trust of others, the faithful things. Next time you invite me, I'll call you back.

Perfect Tianzun: I also entrusted you, shouldn't you help me? I'm your apprentice, they just hired you, not to mention I give more.

Ye Chen: Is that a concept? You are asking me to teach you game techniques, not to clear me as a foundation for you.

Perfect Tianzun: Then you also have a lot of things that you haven't taught me, such as breeding cheats, quest strategies, story cycle mission strategies, quick leveling methods, and so on.

... 0

Ye Chen: I'll answer if you ask, did you ask?

Perfect Tianzun: Master, if you have anything, I will help you speak!

Ye Chen: When you were in a team, when did you make trouble with me and I didn't accompany you? You fought in the steppe, I didn't help? And what about my fight in the snowfield? It's not interesting to talk about this.

Perfect Tianzun: Okay.

Perfect Tianzun: Master, I will ask you, can you sell me face, deliberately lose to us, how much money do you want, you just open your mouth.

Ye Chen: Unable to meet your request.

Perfect Tianzun: Okay, that's it.

Ye Chen also wants to make it clear that friends have been deleted over there.


Perfect Assassin: Master, my cousin said that he broke with you, and he will be enemies when they meet in the future, what happened to you two?

Ye Chen: You don't know?

Perfect Assassin: Eh.......... The master does not want to play fake matches, afraid that the reputation will stink, and no one will invite him in the future.

Ye Chen: You understand, why doesn't he understand? Go to the rain tears for this! What are you looking for me for?

Ye Chen: Is it the Perfect Supreme, they arched him to come to me? They can't put their faces down to me or listen to the rain tears, using your stupid cousin as a gunman.

Perfect Assassin: Master don't be angry.

Ye Chen: I'm not angry, I just think your cousin is very sadistic.

Perfect Assassin: I also think......... Master, if I beat you in the future, will you remember it?

Ye Chen: There will be a fingernail hatred.

Perfect Assassin: Then I was killed by the master, and I only remember hating a fingernail, haha.

Close the call.

Ye Chen sighed.

Although it is a competitor, sooner or later it will become an opponent and an enemy.

But a few words of kung fu turned into this, Ye Chen really did not expect.

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