Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 179 Choose Not To Bring Pets To Win The Champion Of The Martial Arts Tournament!

【The system publishes a new selection.】 】

[One: Get the tournament champion without pets, and reward junior stealth ignoring the monster level. ] 】

[Two: Do not use any recovery to obtain the champion of the tournament, and reward the golden needle to cross the robbery ten times the recovery power. ] 】

[Three: Do not use any recovery without pets to obtain the champion of the tournament, and reward 20 times the protection value of life extension. ] 】

"Brother, you simply let me not resist so that others can fight."

Emei that cannot add blood is like Xiaoyao that cannot be enlarged, Tianshan that cannot be invisible, and gangs that do not have group attacks.

Lost the biggest feature of the profession.

And those who enter the final rounds and can win 67 consecutive games will each be ruthless.

The pets raised will naturally not be bad.

Exporting pets may be equivalent to bringing a character with all 7 treasures to help.

Control pets, sure to be super skill pulled.

Super angry, super inhale, super stumble.

Once he is constantly hit by these skills, Ye Chen will also have a headache.

Even Ye Chen.

There is also no absolute confidence that picking three wins.

So choose three to exclude first.

Compare the reward value of choice one with choice two.

Primary Stealth could only be invisible in front of targets no higher than their own level ten.

Ignoring the seclusion of monster levels.

In other words, Ye Chen, level 62, can use seclusion to eliminate hatred in the face of monsters of level 8090.

This wave of strengthening is a magic skill for a single brush.

At least level 15 of the monster, you can fill up the monster's experience.

Ye Chen can now eat the full level 77 monster experience 453.

But he can't be invisible in front of a level 77 monster and can't transfer his hatred to a single-brush baby.

If you want to brush alone, you can only go to the leveling field where the monster level does not exceed level 72.

A monster at level 72, a level 57 can fill up experience.

There are already quite a few teams from level 55 to level 60.

The golden point of the level 70 monster leveling chart has long been occupied.

A team of people who occupy points have to fight non-stop to keep keeping points, and it is naturally impossible to brush alone.

Ye Chen did not have a big lead in the level, and had a single brush plan at the beginning, but because there were too many people in the leveling hall, he could only give up.

With this skill, Ye Chen can get ahead of the curve because of the more advanced map single swipe without competition.

With the attributes of the lightning marten, the leveling efficiency absolutely takes off.

The Golden Needle Crossing Robbery.

It is an Emei extra skill that requires tasks to learn.

The effect of the skill is to instantly restore the target's health and cool down for up to 5 minutes.

The higher the mental method, the more it is added.

But the highest is a few thousand blood.

It's better to pull a clear heart.

For people with low-grade gemstones, it is a good skill to save lives.

In terms of Ye Chen's blood volume, how much can you add to five minutes, once a second of pure heart? Not used at all.

If you increase the resilience tenfold through the system, it will be useful.

It can replenish tens of thousands of blood in an instant, and it can turn the tide of the battle at a critical time.

"But I have Snow Ginseng Jade Toad Pill..."

Plain as day.

Snow ginseng jade toad pills that restore 100% blood in 3 minutes are better.

This contrast.

Blame which one to choose, there is no need to hesitate at all.

"System, I'll pick one."

Without pets, Ye Chen hopes not to meet the top Tenryu.

Tianlong's silent shadow can pump half of the gas and cool down for only two minutes.

With the pet's super stumbling CD stream, Ye Chen can't keep up with the speed of Tenryu's pumping with Hundred Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

It will be miserable.

[You have been matched with an opponent and teleported to the ring after 10 seconds.] 】

The moment of game prompts.

Ye Chen's pet is forcibly repossessed, and the pet battle option is locked.

The system will not allow him to cheat.

Ye Chen branded himself a god-level and sat still, and all resistance increased by 300.

Using Elixir Wind Gluttony, Shock, Burning Heaven, and Phoenix Dew, all attribute attacks are increased by 240 for 30 minutes.

The elixir Cuiliu that increased by 600 ice attacks can only last for 5 minutes, and there are only 40 left, so you have to save it if your opponent is not particularly strong.


Ye Chen is teleported into the jousting ring.

It is larger than the competition ring in the school field, there are more decorations, there are more points to hide, and there are naturally more obscene tactics that can be used.

The combat readiness time is 30 seconds.

The maximum duration of the battle is 10 minutes.

If you cannot kill your opponent within 10 minutes, you will determine the winner based on the cumulative damage caused by both sides.

This rule, Emei is very bad!

Because when Emei adds blood, the opponent can continue to output brush damage values.

After taking the lead in damage, you can get on the mount and run until the end of time to win.

"If Dinghuashan is also such a rule........"

Ye Chen sighed.

It's not that easy to be the first in full service.

Ye Shen: Ye Shen, I met you in the first game, and I was unlucky enough. (bfbd)

Ye Chen: I was unlucky enough to meet Quan 8 in the first game.

Looks like I'm going to have a round trip, it's really miserable! I knew the card level 59 earlier, and regretted that I went up to 60.

Ye Chen: Your look of being on your back is not like you have thrown in the towel.

Haha, of course, you have to die and struggle: "There are ten miracles in the city?" After all, the rules are in my favor.

It's time to prepare.

More than twenty meters away from Ye Chen, Lingbo flashed and besieged Ye Chen in seconds.

If Ye Chen uses The Walking Dead to relieve the siege, he can't use the Dumb Wood Chicken to offset the amplification of the Khe Shan Journey.

Ye Shen, don't bring pets, is this for me?

He lowered the Seagod needle and inflicted sustained damage on the range.

This skill has no damage, but it has a high attack frequency, a large range, a long duration, and a special restraint against Tianshan.

As long as the sea god needle is put down, it will be particularly difficult to sneak up on Xiaoyao.

See Ye Chen does not solve the control.

He unleashed the Eight Formations.

Wait for the siege to end, and disperse control Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's focus is on pets in the limelight, with fire-maned demon rats, and is not sure of the type of pet.

If it is pure output, there is no calendar.

If there is a belt control, then you have to face it mentally with twelve points, so as not to overturn.


The moment the siege was lifted, the wind did not accurately detonate the small array diagram scattered Ye Chen.

Scatter cannot use skills, but it can move and use props, which can only be regarded as soft control for players.

Ye Chen did not hesitate to exploit the loophole, threw a lime bag with his backhand, and blinded him for 5 seconds.


"Big brother, are you playing with this?"

"How can I still use this thing..."

The striking who was running around suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction.

Ye Chen replied calmly. "You can use it, you don't have it."

Feng Yun suddenly pulled a bitter melon face.

Oh, yes!

Everyone who has brushed Swallow Dock has ah.

Why didn't you think of using it on this?

When I think about it, I can only blame myself for being too naïve.......

Super angry.

The Firemane Demon Mouse does have a control skill, and Ye Chen loses his full state of rage.

Ye Chen came out of the gong first.

Zhaojun came out of the jam, and the second took the trick, and Xizi held his luck for 1.5 seconds.



A level 70 fire-maned demon rat in an instant.

He screamed in fright again. "Groove."

"What does this hurt?"

"My amplified snap of my finger critical hit is also this damage."

Ye Chen。 "I'm sorry, you're dead!"

Perfect blindness continues.




Continued to fall on the moon and lost his sight.

Go on.

Luckily, I didn't get dodged the whole time.

Two controls, the whole eight of the storm will be taken down.

"Lying groove, your output and hit are too BT."

"Horse egg, I have to pull my body a little higher...

Exit the ring.

Immediately brush the horn to buy the handiwork with the body and all attributes.

It was just a battle that made him completely lose confidence in his attributes.

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