Seeing Zhang Ziling leaving, Jiang Yuan continued to ask:

“Didn’t I require the captain level above to level up in the ‘Alchemy Apprentice’s Practice Ground’ in the place of stars? How did they get caught? ”

Lin Feifei’s face was a little embarrassed:

“The guild produced a few traitors, and they were bought by the top ten guilds. The top ten guilds gave them some money in reality, and they were ready to jump to the top ten guilds when our guilds were wiped out. ”

Jiang Yuan sneered:

“So it is. The accounts of these people will be recovered if they are the property of the guild; If it is their personal property, kill until the deletion number. ”

“In addition, I filed a lawsuit on the charge of leaking company secrets, and I will compensate them for the loss!”

“This…” Lin Feifei was taken aback and hesitated.

So far, there is no guild in “Second World” that will send players to jail for in-game espionage and betrayal.

“Let’s do this kind of thing rashly, and the result is difficult to predict. It may cause disgust among a large number of players. Lin Feifei pondered.

Jiang Yuan asked calmly:

“Are they our regular employees? Have you signed an employment contract? Have you signed a non-disclosure agreement? ”

“Yes, all signed.” Lin Feifei nodded.

Now the Youlan Guild is full of regular employees.

Jiang Yuan asked again:

“If, in the real world, an employee of a company maliciously leaks company secrets, causing the company to suffer losses, won’t it be prosecuted?”

Jiang Yuan scoffed.

“It’s also…” Lin Feifei thought about it, then made up her mind and nodded solemnly:

“Okay, I understand, I’ll notify the legal department to deal with it.”

Jiang Yuan nodded, and then explained:

“Since he signed an employment contract with us, he is an employee of our company. So what reason is there to talk about eating inside and outside? ”

“Don’t worry about what other players think, if the Youlan Guild defeats in the frontal battlefield, then I will naturally give everyone some benefits, and the right to scatter the meal. However, this cannot be! ”

“Now that everything has not yet begun, they have begun to rebel, and it is very likely that others will follow suit, and the impact will be very bad!”

“What’s more, if you don’t deal with it seriously, where are the contracts and confidentiality agreements?

Lin Feifei felt Jiang Yuan’s determination, so she nodded and said:

“Don’t worry, Jiang Dong, I will personally keep an eye on it!”

Jiang Yuan said it again, and he didn’t care much about it.

In the future, there will be more and more such disruptions, and several consensuses will gradually be formed.

If it takes place in a non-commercial guild, then espionage between players will be punished in-game at most, not in the real world.

If it happens in a business guild and the player is an employee of the business guild who has signed an employment contract, then sorry, the employee should remain loyal to the company and the guild, you can leave, but still not leak secrets.

Jiang Yuan looked at the floating mountain.

Now the whole floating mountain has changed greatly.

As soon as the news of the confirmation of the suit came out, dozens of scattered guilds from various servers, such as the Tops of the Gods, Dragon Overlord, and the Firmament, immediately formed an alliance, formed a free guild alliance, and gave Jiang Yuan the material support that he had negotiated.

In the past, the construction of the floating mountain all depended on the Ten Thousand Stars Alchemy City, and that group of NPCs naturally did not pay attention to it, and only installed attack facilities for the endless abyss.

And the Youlan Guild is a new guild, and there are not many resource reserves to build a territory.

Now it was different, with the support of the Free Guild Alliance, the Orchid Guild quickly gained a large number of high-level resources.

The entire guild received great help, and the Floating Mountain rose up one by one defensive ancient trees, and a large number of resources piled up a defensive sealing array.

At the same time, a large number of magic herb fields have opened up in the Seven-Leaf Valley.

With the SS-level planting talent of the ‘Little Princess of Shenma’ account, the Youlan Guild attributed all the magical farmland to the account of the Little Princess of Shenma.

Under the simultaneous action of SS talent and [Moon Elf Country], the growth rate is fast, and it is definitely a big harvest.

According to the current rate, it is estimated that the first batch of magic herbs can be produced in five days at most, which is many times faster than those grown by other guilds.

At the same time, a large number of equipment and skill books were obtained, and the Youlan Guild entered a stage of rapid growth.

In order to cope with the upcoming congratulation, the people of the Youlan Guild were still frantically rushing to the level.

Now everyone in Morningstar has a different level of quick comprehension BUFF, and the upgrade speed is faster.

Even so, within the Youlan Guild, like all other players, most of them were not optimistic about the ten major guild crusades that were combined this time.

The enemy is too strong!

The ten major guilds gathered the essence of six servers to attack the newborn guild like themselves.

Dead is set!

The Youlan Guild was faintly leveling up with a sad atmosphere.

In addition, everyone believes that the location of the astral portal is also very bad.

The astral teleportation arrays of the seven servers have all been determined, and all of them are within the core sphere of influence of the strongest light camp organization of each server.

The same goes for the seven-service morning star.

Within a kilometer of this astral teleportation array, there are buildings of the Holy Light Church, and the Youlan Guild is not allowed to build defensive facilities.

At the same time, the Youlan Guild could not open a killing ring, and could only wait for the enemy to leave a certain range, which lost the terrain advantage of half-crossing and attacking.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, the Youlan Guild is dead.

Lin Feifei chuckled:

“If you hadn’t been able to control the astral portal, we would have really died this time. If you don’t read the posts on the Internet, everyone feels that our Youlan has entered the countdown. ”

“Yes?” Jiang Yuan laughed, and he also opened the official website to take a few looks.

It soon became clear that the Ten Great Guilds had issued a new announcement.

Open the post and see that it is a video.

The ten major guilds recorded astral portals for all servers from one to six servers, and countless players gathered in front of each gate.

Each person’s level is not lower than level 70, all kinds of high-level equipment are blinding, and there are various guild logos on their heads, most of them are people from the top ten guilds, and a few are also about members of the servant guild.

The top ten guilds easily gathered millions of high-level players from 6 servers.

The power of the sky alone is 100,000, which has already exceeded the number of people in the entire guild of the Youlan Guild!

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