With the double-suction dagger, his health and mana are almost always 100%, and he can completely hardtop with pirates, as long as he is not killed in seconds.

“This kind of brush monster is so cool!” Jiang Yuan immediately lured out the pirates from the other rooms, and the three sliding step stabs easily killed them.

Now, because of the terrain of the submarine replica, the monsters are divided into small groups, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

“If only it were an empty copy, I could directly lead out hundreds of monsters and kill them all in one go!”

Even so, after only 3 minutes, Jiang Yuan rushed to the captain’s room.

In fact, most of the time I run the map, not killing monsters at all.

Now, the Calamity Crow and the captain have less time to resist.

In just two minutes, the two bosses died helplessly and resentfully, not knowing how many times they fell in front of Jiang Yuan.

The two bosses undoubtedly dropped two more soul gems, and Jiang Yuan continued to upgrade the protective gear without looking at it.

This speed of brushing monsters is simply intoxicating!

Jiang Yuan unknowingly cleared the customs seven or eight times, but in half an hour, he upgraded from level 16 to level 17 by 30%.

At this time, his whole body armor has become +6, the panel physical defense exceeds 600, and ordinary elite pirates do not break the defense at all when they hit him!

He no longer had to hide from pirates.

Jiang Yuan looked at the rank list

In addition to himself, the first group is about level 8-9, and the drunk is just level 10.

“I’ve opened the rank gap with everyone.”

“And if you don’t expect it, if you are drunk at level 10, you must hit the dungeon lord to brush the skill book, and the upgrade speed will be reduced for a while.”

“Keep brushing, the next goal is to equip the whole body +7!”

There is a huge gap between +7 and +6.

+1~+6 are 100% successful upgrades.

+6 liters +7, there is a 50% chance of failure.

+6 liters +7 is fine, failure is just a waste of 1 soul gem.

+7~+9 is all a 50% success rate, failure may cause the equipment to drop one level and rise back.

+9 liters +10 becomes a 25% success rate, and if it fails, the equipment explodes.

Up to +13.

Similarly, after +7, the stats of equipment are increased with each level up, and there are additional effects.

+7~+9, each weapon increases vulnerability damage by 15%, and each armor and jewelry increases toughness by 3% (vulnerability damage reduction).

+10~+13, each weapon increases vulnerability damage by 25%, and each armor and jewelry increases toughness by 6% (weakness damage reduction).

If the whole body is +7, Jiang Yuan’s two daggers can increase the weakness damage by 30%, and 5 pieces of armor + 3 pieces of jewelry can increase the toughness by 24%.

The effect is very good.

Now Jiangyuan’s upgrade requirements are getting higher and higher, 16 levels to 17, 256,000 experience, 17 liters 18 is as high as 289,000.

You must swipe at least 6 copies to level up.

However, as the speed of killing monsters is getting faster and faster, the upgrade speed has not decreased.

With the double-suction dagger, in the subway difficulty copy, it is simply crushed, and all elite pirates have no ability to resist.

After the whole body +6, not only the ordinary necromancers do not break the defense, but even the captain and the calamity crow are not too afraid.

Every time, he directly chopped off the captain’s wooden leg, and then chased the calamity crow and beat it fiercely, no matter what attack it used, he did not flinch.

Now Jiang Yuan no longer cares about linking his body skills and skills, and everything is leisurely to win the gamble with Youlan with brush equipment.

Cleared 1, 2, 5, 10, 24!

Level 19!

Jiang Yuan finally stopped, and he saved 24 soul gems.

“Start equipping!”

Upgrade your weapons first.

“Is the player confirmed to upgrade [Leah’s Crystal Blade +6]? Note: Upgrade +7 has a 50% chance of failure; If you fail, you will lose a Soul Gem. ”


“Upgrade successful!”

“Oh, good luck.”

Jiang Yuan harvested the first +7 weapon.

After +7, the equipment starts to glow.

This glow is different from the reflection of gold-quality equipment, which is the reflected light formed by other light sources shining on the dagger.

After +7, the equipment itself can emit light, and players jokingly call it ‘light weapons’.

Leah’s crystal blade was transparent throughout, and now it emitted a faint silver glow.

“Hahaha! +7 Golden Weapons! Jiang Yuan’s face lit up.

“I mixed up for 10 years in my previous life, and I didn’t mix such a good thing!”

Although the plus 7 equipment has good attributes, the price is too expensive and not available to ordinary people.

His equipment at that time was just a bunch of miscellaneous goods +3+4, and it was not a soul gem upgraded, but other players hit it like the arrogant God of War, and Jiang Yuan bought it.

“Keep upgrading!”

“Is the player confirmed to upgrade [Doom Dagger +6]? Note: Upgrade +7 has a 50% chance of failure; If you fail, you will lose a Soul Gem. ”


“Upgrade failed!”

Jiang Yuan didn’t care, and took out another soul gem.

The 50% success rate is like this, I now have soul gems, not enough, just swipe a few more copies.

“Keep upgrading!”

“Upgrade successful!”

“Haha, next one!”

In the end, after consuming 22 soul gems, Jiang Yuan finally had +7 all over his body.

“Cancel equipment special effects hiding.”

All over the body, sparkling!

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