[System Announcement: The team of players "Unstoppable" from the Huaxia Longteng Guild successfully cleared the elite difficulty of "Shadow Castle" for the first time. Their deeds will be recorded in history forever. ]

[System Announcement: Huaxia Longteng Guild...]

[System Announcement:...]

In the elite difficulty Shadow Castle, as Leoric fell to the ground, the system announcement of the successful first pass of the elite difficulty Shadow Castle sounded over the entire game.

The huge golden announcement font flashed three times in the sky.

All the players who saw the announcement were shocked.

"Oh my god!! The elite difficulty has been cleared?"

"I haven't even cleared the normal difficulty yet, and someone has cleared the business difficulty?"


"As expected of Huaxia Longteng, it is the largest guild in China! It's awesome!"

"What's so awesome about it? Isn't there someone on the forum playing the hell difficulty?" There are always people who brag, and someone immediately brought up the hell difficulty dungeon incident that was fermenting on the forum.

"What bullshit are you talking about? Clearing the hell difficulty at this stage? Do you believe it?"

"Huaxia Longteng has just cleared the elite difficulty, and you actually believe that those hype guys can clear the hell difficulty? Are you too stupid or have you never played the game?"

"Idiot, clear the normal difficulty first!"

Soon, the voice was drowned out by a barrage of curses.

"Oh my god! I was so scared. I thought it was those bastards who cleared the level!" In the office of the Black Dragon Society, Long Xingtianxia was sweating. This sudden announcement was really a bit unexpected.

"Boss, you really worry too much." Bald Dragon was also in shock.

"Damn it, Huaxia Longteng really knows how to pick the time." Yun Zhongyihe cursed, "Take advantage of others to hype up the heat and step on it. Now all the heat is hyped up by Huaxia Longteng."

"Damn! It's true. The bastard Longteng Sihai got the advantage." Long Xingtianxia was stunned when he heard it, and immediately became depressed.

That's right. The most popular thing on the forum now is the challenge dungeon, and the heat has also been pushed up. Huaxia Longteng's first clearance of the elite dungeon at this time is undoubtedly using Wang Yuan and his group as a stepping stone.

The key is that the popularity of Wang Yuan and his group was hyped up by the players of the Black Dragon Society.

In other words, the Black Dragon Society deliberately wanted Wang Yuan to look bad, but ended up being used as a ladder by Huaxia Longteng.

What a case of the snipe and the clam fighting, the fisherman gets the advantage!!!

"Fortunately, it was Longteng Sihai who got the advantage."

But after thinking about it carefully, Longxing Tianxia felt relieved. After all, Huaxia Longteng was the number one guild in the national server, so it was reasonable for them to get this advantage. If it was a garbage guild, Longxing Tianxia would be even more depressed.


"Hahaha! Good!! All great! Everyone come back to my office to receive the red envelope!"

At this time, in the guild office of Huaxia Longteng, Longteng Sihai was so happy that his back teeth were exposed.

Fengwu Jiutian and others were also very excited.

Although the first pass of the dungeon does not have too many direct benefits, at most the equipment explosion rate is a little higher, but for the big guilds, it is very important.

It is a direct manifestation of the big guilds showing their skills.

Whether a guild is strong or not is not entirely determined by its dungeon strategy ability, but if the guild has no strength, it will definitely not be able to clear the dungeon before others.

If a guild can be the first to do something that others cannot do, it proves that this guild has the power to be stronger than other guilds.

A strong guild will occupy more resources. With more resources, it can attract more masters. With more masters, the guild will be stronger.

Direct logical closed loop, virtuous cycle.

For this reason, everyone who plays in a guild likes to fight for the first place.

Things like being the first to establish a guild, the first to clear a dungeon, the dungeon speed pass record, and even the first time to launch a guild war are all fought to the death.

After all, the first place will be remembered firmly.

Huaxia Longteng lost the first place in the normal difficulty dungeon, and now it has regained the place in the higher difficulty. The mood of Huaxia Longteng can be imagined.

"If nothing unexpected happens, no one will be able to break this record within a week." Huaxia Longteng was complacent.

After the elite difficulty comes the difficult difficulty. At this stage, the Huaxia Longteng team is not sure to challenge the difficult difficulty. If other guilds want to challenge it, they will have to wait at least a week.

That is just to have the qualifications to challenge, whether we can pass it is another matter.

"That's right! By then, we will probably be level 30." Fengwu Jiutian said: "We can challenge the next dungeon."

"What do you mean by the first in the national server!" The other players of Huaxia Longteng also agreed with a proud expression.

[System Announcement: The team of player "Niu Dali" successfully passed the "Shadow Castle" Hell Difficulty for the first time, and their deeds will be recorded in history forever. ]

However, just when everyone in Huaxia Longteng was celebrating their guild's first pass of the elite difficulty, suddenly the system announcement sounded again in the sky.

The system announcement was the same as before, and it was still refreshed three times in a row, and the golden font shone brightly in the sky.

The moment the system announcement sounded, all the players in the game were slightly startled, and then the whole game became quiet.

"What did the announcement just now say?"

"It seems that the Hell difficulty dungeon has been cleared for the first time!"

"Those guys who hyped it up? Cleared for the first time?"

"BUG! There must be a bug in the system!!!"

In an instant, everyone's mood changed from doubt to surprise, from surprise to disbelief, and then from disbelief to doubt.

Impossible, absolutely impossible! !

China Dragon is known as the number one guild in the national server, but they have just cleared the elite dungeon. How can this group of unknown passers-by clear the hell difficulty level? Why?

That's right! That’s why! !

In the eyes of normal players, this kind of thing is simply baseless and unreasonable.

It is as if in an S-level competition of a top online game, the author led four passers-by A, B, C and D all the way to the finals, stepped on all the masters in the world, and won the championship. It is incomprehensible. People cannot be trusted.

It's hard to believe if this is a bug or a script.



"What the hell? What's going on?"

As for the Huaxia Longteng office, Longteng Sihai was in trouble.

"The first pass to hell? Are you kidding me by riding a horse?"

"How could this happen? Aren't those guys just trying to hype themselves up?" Feng Wu Jiutian was even more confused.

The Chinese Dragon Soaring players who were still celebrating suddenly fell down.

I was so excited just now, but now I am so depressed, and even a little doubtful about life.

After all, China Dragon is known as the number one guild in the national server, and the elite team of China Dragon is naturally among the top players in the national server.

They spent a lot of energy to finally get through the elite dungeon. They didn't even have time to celebrate when they were far surpassed by others. It was so exciting.

It was no less than him practicing for thousands of years and ascending to immortality, only to be assigned to a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to surround and suppress a monster monkey that had only been practicing for three years, and then was dispersed with a stick.

That kind of strong contrast made everyone in Huaxia Longteng question whether they were the number one guild.

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