【Steel Armor】

Quality: black iron

Armor: 5

Magic Resistance: 5

Constitution +1

Equipment requirements: none

Item introduction: Armor made of stainless steel.

【Steel Helmet】

Quality: black iron

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Armor: 3

Magic Resistance: 2

Constitution +1

Equipment requirements: none

Item introduction: Helmet made of stainless steel.

【Steel Boots】

Quality: black iron

Armor: 3

Magic Resistance: 2

Constitution +1

Equipment requirements: none

Item introduction: Shoes made of stainless steel.

【Steel Gauntlet】

Quality: black iron

Armor: 3

Magic Resistance: 2

Constitution +1

Equipment requirements: none

Item introduction: Gauntlets made of stainless steel.

【Steel Great Sword】

Quality: black iron

Attack: 5

Strength +1

Equipment requirements: none

Item introduction: A long sword made of fine steel.

A set of equipment was smashed down, and the two skeletons immediately completed their transformation.

What were just two frail skeletons a moment ago were now tightly wrapped in a complete set of armor, like two steel knights. They were so majestic that Wang Yuan was so excited to see them.

You know, at this stage, even few players are willing to spend money to buy such a set of whiteboard equipment in the Novice Village, but their skeleton soldiers enjoy treatment that ordinary players cannot enjoy.

Compared with the skeleton soldiers of other necromancers, these two armor-piercing skeletons are simply not on the same level as others.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, our master is really good. I am willing to ride for him." After Xiaobai put on the armor, he stroked the sword in his hand and complimented Wang Yuan.

"Bah! You unprincipled guy!" Dabai said with disdain: "Mud, let me, a mage, play with a sword. This guy is so stupid... This piece of shit is not smooth at all."

As he spoke, Dabai clumsily waved his long sword.

"Babai, you don't seem to be very good at it. It feels like you are struggling to hold a sword."

Wang Yuan heard the conversation between the two, and saw Dabai's clumsy sword-playing movements, and looked at Dabai with a face full of ridicule.

"Mad, he said I can't do it!"

When Dabai heard this, his lungs exploded with anger. He stared at Wang Yuan angrily, the fire of his soul beating in his eyes: "You bitch, do you dare to give me a staff?"

"Teacher Wushuang, don't be like this, don't be like him..." Xiaobai frantically tried to dissuade her from the side.

Wang Yuan wanted to get a staff for Dabai, but that thing was a magic weapon. According to the setting of "Breaking Dawn", magic weapons were high-end goods and could only be purchased in the main city. Now he could only feel aggrieved.


After replacing the two skeleton shotguns, Wang Yuan opened the attribute panel again.

Name: Niu Dali

Occupation: Necromancer

Grade 1

HP: 460

Magic value: 460

Attack 23, Magic 23, Armor 23, Magic Resistance 23

Strength: 23

Constitution: 23

Intelligence: 23

Spirit: 23

Agility: 23


Summon skeletons (LV1), active skill, consumes 5 magic points, resurrects the dead into skeleton soldiers, summons up to 2 skeletons.

Equipment: Broken wooden staff, History of Heroes·Reincarnation

Pets (History of Heroes·Reincarnation):

Dabai (not transferred)

Attribute growth: Strength C, Constitution C, Intelligence A, Spirit A, Agility C

Race: Skeleton Soldier

Grade 1

HP: 390

Magic value: 390

Attack: 20

Magic: 20

Armor: 32

Magic resistance: 28

Skill: Chop.

Equipment: steel armor, steel helmet, steel gauntlets, steel boots, steel sword.

Background introduction: The heroic spirits recorded in the heroic history books have unlimited growth potential.

Novice (not transferred)

Attribute growth: Strength A, Constitution A, Intelligence C, Spirit C, Agility C.

Race: Skeleton Soldier

Grade 1

HP: 470

Magic value: 270

Attack: 26

Magic: 16

Armor: 36

Magic Resistance: 20

Skill: Chop

Equipment: steel armor, steel helmet, steel gauntlets, steel boots, steel sword.

Background introduction: The heroic spirits recorded in the heroic history books have unlimited growth potential.

Character introduction: A destined person with the title of Imperial Warrior.


Seeing his attribute panel, Wang Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

In "Breaking Dawn", the Necromancer is positioned as a mage, but he does not have the powerful output ability of the Elemental Mage, so the attribute panel is very mediocre.

The attributes of the undead creatures summoned by the Necromancer are also inherited from the attributes of the Necromancer itself. Normally, the higher the level of the undead creatures summoned by the Necromancer, the higher the percentage of attributes inherited.

For example, the lowest level first-level skeleton soldier can only inherit 50% of the attributes of the necromancer, the more advanced second-level skeleton warrior can inherit 70%, the third-level skeleton warrior can inherit 90% of the attributes, and so on. The Skeleton Dragon can inherit 210% of the Necromancer's attributes.

Because of this, the Necromancer is evaluated as the strongest profession in the later stage. In the early stage, it is terrible. It is not easy to summon a skeleton soldier.

However, Wang Yuan, who possessed the "Heroic History Book", could not only inherit Wang Yuan's panel attributes, but also, under the effect of the "Heroic History Book", the skeletons could not only wear equipment and learn skills, but also have their own attribute growth talents.

At this time, the attributes of the two skeletons under Wang Yuan were close to those of level 10 players.

It was indeed a "holy weapon" that could determine the life and death of mankind in the legend. It was really outrageous.

"Thank you, two skeleton brothers... Otherwise, if this thing fell into the hands of others, I would be so envious and jealous." Wang Yuan said in his heart.


After preparation, Wang Yuan led two skeleton soldiers in armor to the outside of the town.

"What the hell!"

"Skeleton soldiers? Why are these skeleton soldiers still wearing armor?"

"Mutated? Could it be the legendary steel-armored skeleton?"

"Steel-armored skeleton? Is there such a thing in the official website?"

"No, I just guessed it?"

Along the way, the two skeleton soldiers behind Wang Yuan caused exclamations.

After all, in this era when players can't get equipment and necromancers can't even summon skeleton soldiers, the visual impact of two armored skeletons armed to the teeth is absolutely unparalleled.

Those necromancers who were originally proud of successfully finding corpses and summoning skeletons, saw the two mighty and domineering skeletons behind Wang Yuan, and then looked at the white skeleton holding a rusty iron sword behind them, and immediately felt the disparity of the world.

Came to the outside of the town.

The game has been open for three days, and the novice area is still overcrowded, with players everywhere.

A wild dog brushed under Wang Yuan's feet and rushed towards Wang Yuan.

"Don't even think about hurting my brother Niu!"

Before Wang Yuan gave the order, Xiaobai had already strode in front of Wang Yuan, kicked the wild dog to the ground, and then chopped the wild dog's neck with a sword.



The blood bar on the wild dog's head was instantly emptied, and it turned into a corpse, exploding a copper coin and a ball of dog hair. The surrounding players were all amazed and side-eyed.

"You are such a lackey!" Dabai's tone was full of contempt.

"That's right, I am my brother Niu's lackey!" Xiaobai said: "After all, my brother Niu's mission is to get me equipment."

"Too realistic!"

Wang Yuan was speechless. Just now, this bastard Xiaobai wanted to kill him, but now he is willing to be his lackey.

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