The courtyard is the first scene of Shadow Castle and the only way to the final level.

Now it is blocked by hundreds of shadow wolves, how can we get through?

"So that's it!"

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However, just when everyone was looking at the dense monsters in the yard at a loss, Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes and immediately understood what Ma Saner meant by entering the bridge.

Game designers will not design useless things for no reason.

Every scene and every line may be the key to breaking through the level.

For example, in the current scene, the suspension bridge that suddenly appeared is the breakthrough point.

"Do you think Brother Niu and the others will die here?" Xiaobai looked at the bewildered players in front of him and asked uneasily.

For the professionals in the future end of the world, Shadow Castle is just a very simple secret realm, but for the players of this era, facing hundreds of powerful elite monsters, if they don't know how to fight, it is a very difficult challenge.

"That's hard to say. It is said that people of their generation can be resurrected infinitely, so they don't use their brains much when playing in secret realms. They have to die several times before they can find the trick."

"How about I remind him?" Ma San said as he was about to walk onto the bridge.

"Everyone retreat, retreat to the bridge!"

But just after Ma San took two steps, he heard Wang Yuan loudly giving orders.

"Fuck! Brother Niu, can you do it?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's order, the three skeletons were stunned: "Is this guy so smart? He can see this blocking terrain without our reminder?"

Wang Yuan: "..."

It was because of your reminder that I knew I could block the position, otherwise I would have to die several times before I noticed this bridge.

"Retreat to the bridge? Why go up the bridge? Shouldn't we go inside?"

Shui Linglong was quite puzzled.

"This bridge is swaying, are we going to fight on the bridge?" Random shooting was also full of confusion.

"You can't even stand, right? Falling down is much more terrible than being bitten to death by the Shadow Wolf." The Warrior Wushuang couldn't help but look at the bottomless abyss under the bridge.

Death and Hope didn't say anything, but looked at the Invincible.

Obviously, when Wang Yuan didn't come, the commander of this team was the Invincible.


The Invincible touched his chin thoughtfully and walked to the bridge by himself.

Seeing the Invincible on the bridge, the others stopped talking and followed him on the bridge.

"If you're not Invincible, why are you so obedient?" Suibian Luanshe whispered.

Although this kid got on the bridge, he was still a little dissatisfied with Wang Yuan's command.


The Invincible said: "If it were me, I would let you get on the bridge."

"Ah... why?" Suibian Luanshe wondered.

"Didn't you notice that this bridge is very narrow?" Renzhe Wudi glanced at Wang Yuan and secretly sighed: "You are indeed a tough guy who can hold off an entire guild by yourself. You are so good at using terrain."

Positioning is a terrain tactic that masters must use.

Renzhe Wudi saw Wang Yuan's thinking, but he also knew that if he were to command, he would have to fight several times before he noticed that the suspension bridge could be used for positioning.

And it was also the first time for Wang Yuan to go to the hell dungeon. He was able to notice that the suspension bridge terrain could be used for positioning in such a short time, which shows that this person has been proficient in the use of terrain tactics to the bone.

"Very narrow?"

Hearing Renzhe Wudi's words, everyone also reacted.

Wang Yuan was very pleased. There was no need for too much explanation between masters. This group of masters were very insightful and understood it at once.

"What's wrong with narrow?" Shui Linglong was still confused.

Everyone: "..."

Wang Yuan secretly wiped his sweat, except for this girl.

Soon, everyone got on the bridge.

Wang Yuan pointed at the courtyard gate and said, "Lingzi, go open the door, and when you open it, quickly retreat back."


Although Shui Linglong still didn't quite understand, she ran over and used the [Lock Picking] skill to poke open the large iron gate of the courtyard.


The iron gate was pushed back, and Shui Linglong turned around and ran back.

"Xiaoshe, open the monster!" Wang Yuan commanded again.

"Xiaoshe?" A question mark popped up on Suibian Luanshe's head, and his face was full of dissatisfaction: "Don't call me Xiaoshe!"

"What about Xiaopi?" Wang Yuan scratched his head.

"You fucking horse... Forget it, just call me Xiaoshe."

Suibian Luanshe raised his bow helplessly, drew the bow and put an arrow on it, and shot an arrow at the shadow wolf in the courtyard.


The arrow drew an arc and landed on the shadow wolf's head.


Instantly, all the shadow wolves in the courtyard raised their heads at the same time as if they had been kicked.

Then they swarmed over the bridge.

"Warriors fight monsters!"

Wang Yuan gave the order.

The Warrior Wushuang had already been holding a greatsword and was at the front.

The hope behind raised the scepter and opened three auras.

[Brave Aura]: Increase attack power by 5%

[Steel Aura]: Increase defense power by 5%

[Thorn Aura]: 5% damage rebound.

The aura was added to the whole team, and Shadow Wolf also rushed to the bridge.

At this time, the characteristics of the terrain blocking position were revealed.

Since the bridge is very narrow, only one unit is allowed to pass.

So after the shadow wolves rushed onto the bridge, they lined up and rushed over one by one...

The warrior, the Warrior, was at the front, and he blocked all the shadow wolves at the other end of the bridge by himself, using the terrain of the suspension bridge to perfectly block the position.

At this moment, there were hundreds of shadow wolves on the opposite side, but only one was really in confrontation with Wang Yuan and his group.

Although the shadow wolf was a level 30 elite monster, the warrior, as a level 18 warrior, even if he was not a shield warrior who mainly defended, the armor on his body had extremely high defense power, especially the silver-level armor on the warrior.

Although the shadow wolf's damage was high, the damage it caused to the warrior was not high.

Besides, there were priests and paladins behind the warrior who added blood and status.

There was no need to consider defense, blocking and moving, just standing there and forcibly carrying the shadow wolf with his body.

With the warrior, he could hold off the "wolves".

Wang Yuan casually threw a curse, weakening the leading shadow wolf.

Random shots followed by an arrow hitting the Shadow Wolf's head.

The Shadow Wolf whimpered when it was shot, and the Death God's fireball followed.

"Boom!" The health bar on the Shadow Wolf's head was blown off.

Others attacked, and in just one round, the Shadow Wolf lost one-third of its health.

Ten seconds later, it was beaten into a corpse.

[Found a corpse that can absorb souls, do you want to absorb the soul?]

As the Shadow Wolf fell to the ground, a prompt flashed in front of Wang Yuan's eyes.

"Absorb the soul?"

Seeing the prompt, Wang Yuan was stunned.

He immediately remembered the skill that Zul taught him.

[Soul Absorption]: You practiced the new summoning technique developed by the high priest Zul, which can absorb the souls of the dead as soul fire. The soul fire can be placed in the body of the undead, making it your own undead battle pet. Cooldown time: none.

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