Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 25: Long Xing Tian Xia's invitation

After naming Ma San, Wang Yuan casually opened Ma San's attributes.

Ma Saner (Archer)

Attribute growth: Strength B, Constitution C, Intelligence C, Spirit C, Agility S

Race: Archer Skeleton

Level: 10

HP: 1140

Magic: 1140

Attack: 67

Magic: 57


Armor: 57

Magic resistance: 57

Skills: Basic Shooting (LV1), Focused Shooting (LV1), Triple Shooting (LV1), Dodge (LV1)

Equipment: Bone Bow (Attack +1)

Background introduction: The heroic spirit recorded in the heroic history book has unlimited growth potential.


Seeing Ma San's attributes, Wang Yuan was slightly stunned.

This guy who looks unreliable is actually a skeleton with S-level attribute growth.

According to the current attributes of Dabai and Xiaobai, Wang Yuan also roughly understood the attribute bonus of the growth level of the skeleton soldiers.

C-level and below talents do not add attributes when upgrading.

B-level talents add one attribute for each level up.

A-level talents add two attributes for each level up.

And so on, S-level talents add three attributes.

Although Ma Saner, like Dabai and Xiaobai, adds four attributes for each level up, the game is not reality after all. In the game, the higher the single attribute bonus, the higher the professional strength.

S-level talents are naturally a little stronger than A-level.

I have to buy him a set of equipment.

Wang Yuan was secretly depressed.

It costs money to play a skeleton.

Damn it, I got some money and used it to buy equipment for these ungrateful people who wanted to kill me. I am still wearing the equipment given by the character creation.

After closing the attribute panel, Wang Yuan sighed and left the Hall of Valor.

As soon as he went out, he met Shui Linglong strolling in the library.

"What did you do?" Shui Linglong was curious when she saw Wang Yuan suddenly disappear and suddenly reappear.

"Nothing! I went to summon a skeleton!" Wang Yuan pointed at Ma San.

"Yo! This girl is pretty good!" Ma San immediately rubbed up to Shui Linglong when he saw her, and didn't forget to mutter to Erbai: "I think she is my master!"

"Oh! Your skeleton is so cute! Why are you wearing a straw hat?"

Shui Linglong couldn't help but shout excitedly when she saw Ma San approaching her with a friendly look.

Ma San was even more excited when he heard Shui Linglong's voice, and stretched out his head for Shui Linglong to stroke.

At the same time, he didn't forget to show off: "See, see, the little sister likes me! I want to be her skeleton!"

"She is an assassin!" Erbai was full of black lines.

"Who said assassins can't have skeleton babies? We'll kill the guy named Niu and divide his inheritance. You'll be free again, and I'll follow the little sister to travel the world. Tsk, tsk, tsk, one person, one skeleton, what a beautiful picture."


Wang Yuan was furious when he heard this.

This bastard, he was his biological parent who resurrected him. He kept saying he wanted to kill him and divide his luggage, but now he wants to follow a strange woman who has nothing to do with him. Whose necromancer's skeleton loyalty is so low?

It seems that I have to get a whip and whip him a few times when I have nothing to do, so that he knows who is his real father.

[Player "Long Xing Tian Xia" requests to add you as a friend]

Just when Wang Yuan was gritting his teeth in anger, a friend request suddenly popped up in front of him.

"Long Xing Tian Xia? What a rustic name!"

Wang Yuan didn't even think about it and clicked "Reject".

Now he is a master after all, so he naturally has to remain mysterious and can't add everyone as a friend.

After all, the game will be integrated with reality in the future, and who knows whether the people in your friend list are human or dog.

Besides, this guy's name has the air of a nouveau riche, and he doesn't look like a good person.


In the guild office of the Black Dragon Society, Long Xingtianxia looked at the prompt that his friend application was rejected by the other party, and his head was full of question marks.

This is not right!

Why not follow the script.

The Black Dragon Society is currently the largest guild in Thunderstorm City. As the president of the Black Dragon Society, Long Xingtianxia is still very confident in his reputation.

It has always been others who cried and shouted to add him as a friend to apply for membership, and this is the first time that he took the initiative to add others.

According to Long Xingtianxia's script, the other party should accept his friend application with gratitude, and then apologize to him respectfully, and he should be generous and say that it was a misunderstanding, and finally the other party should bow down, hand over the ring, and then request to join the Black Dragon Society.

Everything is so perfect.

But who would have thought that this guy named Niu Dali would reject his friend application so decisively.

For a moment, Long Xingtianxia was a little confused and was at a loss.

"What's wrong, boss? Did you add him? He still won't return the ring?"

Seeing Long Xingtianxia's expression, Bald Dragon and Old Seven asked nervously.

"He's scared! He's definitely scared!"

Long Xingtianxia said firmly: "He didn't even dare to accept my friend request."

"No way..."

At this time, the pastor who was killed by Wang Yuan and called to walk towards the light said: "That kid is very arrogant, will he be afraid?"

Bald Dragon and Old Seven also looked doubtful.

Of course, when Wang Yuan killed them, he knew that they were members of the Black Dragon Society, and he didn't look scared at all, and even acted more evil.

Will this guy be afraid?

"How about, boss, you said you are here to buy equipment." Yun Zhongyihe, who had been silent, suggested cautiously.

"I'll try..."

Long Xingtianxia sent another friend request, this time adding a note to buy equipment.

It was approved in seconds.

Then, he received a message from Wang Yuan: "Brother, what equipment are you buying?"

Wang Yuan was also wondering, how did the other party know that he was selling equipment? He didn't have much equipment now. Could it be that he was interested in the staff in Dabai's hand? That was indeed a good thing, but I didn't know if Dabai was willing to buy it.


On the other side, Long Xingtianxia's face turned black.

Good guy, it turned out that he, the president of the Black Dragon Society, was not as valuable as equipment in the eyes of this guy, too presumptuous.

"Can we have a face-to-face meeting?"

Long Xingtianxia asked, resisting the urge to curse.

At this time, Long Xingtianxia was still trying to make up for himself. If this grandson didn't dare to meet him, he was afraid of me.


But the next moment, Wang Yuan's message ruthlessly slapped him in the face.

"Hans Tavern!!" Long Xingtianxia sent the address with trembling hands.

"I'm almost there!"

Wang Yuan closed the friend list and walked straight out of the church.

"Hey, hey, hey, where are you going again?" Shui Linglong asked puzzledly behind him.

"To the tavern, if you don't go to level up, why are you always following me?"

Wang Yuan asked puzzledly.

I don't know what's wrong with this girl. I just sold her some things, and she followed me from the wild to the city, and now she follows me again.

Is she afraid that I won't pay her back the fifty gold coins?

Wang Yuan judged others by himself...

And secretly decided that after the money from the sale this time, he had to pay this girl back first, otherwise she would have to follow him every day, and his skeleton would be kidnapped by her.

"Following you, I can always encounter fun things, which is much more interesting than leveling up." Shui Linglong smiled.

This woman is still a fun person.

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