Bai Hao, You Are Confused

After returning to Giant Ghost City, Bai Xiaochun sorted out his depressed mood in the Bai family. He didn’t like the murder, but after he experienced this scene as Bai Hao, he could feel Bai Hao’s aggrieved and angry heart.

Therefore, he wants to make the decision for Bai Hao, and let everything that Bai Hao endured before his death be turned into the price that the Bai family needs to pay, so he has to wipe out the lineage of the direct line.

At this moment, his mood calmed down. After returning to the house, Bai Xiaochun looked at the dazzling treasures piled up in front of him. His breathing couldn’t help but become rapid, and his eyes gradually shone brightly.

Even though he is not a money-grubbing person, and thinks that everything is outside the body, but when faced with the wealth that ordinary people can’t accumulate in ten thousand lifetimes, his heart thumps in disappointment.

Unjust souls, countless soul medicines, countless celestial souls, and countless magic weapons for refining spirits.After Bai Xiaochun glanced over, he continued to inhale.

And what moved him the most was the hidden secret treasures of the three major families.

Just like the spirit jade statue of the Cai family, both the Chen family and the Bai family have their own secret treasures. Among them, the Chen family’s secret treasure is a red jade bottle. There is a drop of blood in this jade bottle, which is said to be able to restore the souls of wronged people. Memories of previous lives, with agility, can become a ghost cultivator

This kind of strange existence like a treasure of heaven and earth is rare in the whole wilderness, and according to the preparation of the Chen family, this thing was originally intended to be transformed into a ghost cultivator before the demigod of the Chen family’s ancestor had no hope of life. She protected the Chen family, but the ancestor of the Chen family failed in rebellion and was imprisoned, so that all preparations were in vain.

As for the background of the Bai family, it is a seven-color lotus pod. There were originally seven lotus seeds in it, but now only two are left. Even if the body is broken, a lotus seed can make it grow a new body like rebirth

Back then, the head of the Bai family and the patriarch of the Bai family recovered from such serious injuries, it was precisely because of this lotus seed

Any one of these three secret treasures is enough to cause a sensation in all directions, which shows the depth of the three major families.

“The three major families are really too rich.” Bai Xiaochun licked his lips, holding a jade slip, which recorded the fire refining formulas of the three major families, from the one-color fire to the seventeen-color fire, all there.

It’s just that there is no formula for eighteen-color fire. He searched all three major families, but he couldn’t find it. In the entire wild soul refining family, there are very few people who have the eighteen-color fire formula.

“Forget it, I can only find a chance to search in the future, maybe I will use Bai Hao’s method when the time comes

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I have already deduced it. “Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, looked at the countless treasures in front of him, he was not depressed because he couldn’t find the formula of eighteen color fires, on the contrary, he was extremely excited.

“It’s really developed this time, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to use it all up in my life.” Bai Xiaochun beamed with joy and danced. He fell in love with this kind of house raiding even more. He found that compared with house raiding, The matter of stealing the soul field is simply too insignificant and too unpursuable.

“In the future, if there is a chance, we should search the house more.” Bai Xiaochun thought deeply, but soon he frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

“No, these treasures are too much. If I take it all by myself, I’m afraid someone will be jealous. I think the giant ghost king will also be unhappy.” Bai Xiaochun hesitated, looked at the treasures in front of him, weighed them, and immediately made a decision.

“Although external things are good, but life is the root.” Bai Xiaochun turned his eyes, and after thinking about it, he suddenly remembered the city lord he met in the Great Wall back then, and remembered some of the city lord’s actions Gradually, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes lit up, he immediately swung his sleeves, took some of the treasures in front of him, and hurried out.

After a lot of work, at dusk, Bai Xiaochun adjusted his breathing, flew straight to the palace of the statue of the giant ghost king, and soon arrived outside the palace, cupped his fists and bowed respectfully, and his voice spread into the hall.

“Bai Hao begged to see the prince.”

There was silence in the royal hall, Bai Xiaochun waited outside, until about half a stick of incense passed, and then a majestic voice came out in a low voice.

“come in.”

Bai Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief, waiting for the half stick of incense made him feel very uneasy, he couldn’t help muttering in his heart, thinking that this giant ghost king really likes to play some emperor’s mind tricks, when he sighed, he couldn’t help but miss himself very much. The scene where the head of the giant ghost king was shot.

It’s a pity that that kind of excitement can only be buried in the bottom of my heart now, even if he is given ten thousand courage, he will not dare to take pictures anymore.

Now hearing the giant ghost king’s summons, Bai Xiaochun immediately put away his thoughts, with a flattering smile on his face, walked a few steps quickly, and after entering the main hall, he immediately saw the majestic giant ghost king sitting on the king’s chair.

“You’ve made a lot of noise this time you’ve come back.” The giant ghost king couldn’t see any joy or anger on his face, and he spoke lightly. Joy.

Bai Xiaochun was a little nervous and bewildered. He found that this giant ghost king was really terrifying after his cultivation level recovered. He always gave him the feeling that if he said a wrong word, he would be beheaded for offending Longyan.

But for such a giant ghost king, Bai Xiaochun also figured out a way to deal with it. At this moment, his expression showed excitement and even more excitement, as if he respected the giant ghost king very much.

“Sure enough, as the lord expected, these three families are indeed very rich, there are innumerable items such as wronged souls, soul medicines, magic weapons, etc. However, these three families are not willing to hand over all of them, so they first took out some to fool the humble officials.

But they don’t know, before the humble job went to them, they had paid homage to the prince, and they had Wang En in their body, as if they were blessed by a god, they could see their careful thoughts at a glance, and they even found their secret treasure.” Bai Xiaochun spoke passionately, as if he could do all this thanks to the Giant Ghost King.

The giant ghost king was expressionless, but there was some helpless eccentricity in his eyes. He glanced at Bai Xiaochun, obviously he already had some resistance to Bai Xiaochun’s flattery, but in his heartStill very useful.

“Then I won’t talk about the Chen family and the Bai family, but the secret treasure of the Cai family is really amazing. It is a statue of Lingyu, which is more than one foot high. It is incomparably magical and earth-shattering. Coming, it is extremely rare in my wilderness.” Bai Xiaochun peeked at the giant ghost king, and showed an excited expression while talking.

“As soon as I took it out, within a radius of a thousand feet, the aura is extremely strong. This is a treasure that can be passed down to a family at a large scale, and can speed up one’s practice at a small scale.” In his mouth, the Lingyu statue has become a unique treasure in the world.

“Well, according to what you said, it is indeed a good treasure.” The giant ghost king raised his brows slightly when he heard this. Although he had never seen this spirit jade statue, he had heard of similar things, but when he spoke, he Still expressionless.

Bai Xiaochun has been carefully sizing up the giant ghost king, seeing the giant ghost king’s demeanor, Bai Xiaochun hurried forward a few steps and spoke in a low voice.

“The statue of Lingyu has been placed in your other courtyard in the inner city. You can go back and enjoy it slowly.”

Hearing Bai Xiaochun’s words, the giant ghost king was also stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on Bai Xiaochun, and gradually a smile appeared on his face, this was the first time he was so gentle in front of Bai Xiaochun in this palace, it was really Bai Xiaochun’s arrangement, which made him very happy He is satisfied, and his eyes can’t help but show appreciation.

“This little slicker knows how to measure. Not only is he capable, but he doesn’t eat alone and is very good at trying to figure out people’s minds.” The giant ghost king thought to himself, when he looked at Bai Xiaochun, he was more pleasing to the eye, as if he thought of something again, the giant ghost king felt hot , coughed dryly.

“By the way, I heard that the patriarch of the Chen family is very lucky, and his wife is beautiful, and she has a rare physique.” The giant ghost king was talking here, and before he finished speaking, Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but He cursed secretly, but he didn’t show anything on his face, but smiled.

“My lord, Mrs. Chen has also been sent to another courtyard for you. You can enjoy it slowly when you turn around.”

Hearing these words, the giant ghost king immediately slapped the armrest of the king’s chair, stared at him, pretended to be angry, and let out a low drink.


“Then Mrs. Chen is the wife of the patriarch of the Chen family. As one of the four heavenly kings, this king is a majestic demigod. How could he do such a thing? If it is spread, how will people in the world think of this king?”

“Bai Hao, you are so confused, send Mrs. Chen back immediately”

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