This Old Pervert

Bai Xiaochun shuddered when he thought of the giant ghost king’s calm and majestic face, and that eyes that seemed to contain endless depth, as if they could see through his mind.

“It’s over, it’s over” He regretted extremely in his heart, he shouldn’t have done it, he shouldn’t have gone to refine the Nascent Soul in a panic, and now the whole world is aware of the commotion, so his legs are a little weak from fear.

especially thinking ofThis consequence is even more heart-pounding. Fortunately, he is wearing a mask, and he has experienced many things over the years. Although his character of fear of death is still the same as before, in acting, he is self-taught and extremely talented.

“The giant ghost king probably doesn’t know my identity. Otherwise, people wouldn’t have summoned me. Besides, my mask is mysterious. After wearing it, outsiders can see the fluctuations in my cultivation.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, While constantly comforting himself, he didn’t show the slightest bit on his face, with his hands behind his back, nodded slightly, and flew towards the giant ghost king’s hall amidst the respect of the patrolling soul cultivators.

Along the way, Bai Xiaochun seemed to be normal, but there were countless thoughts in his mind. In the end, he was 90% sure that the giant ghost king summoned him this time was just a coincidence, not because he knew his identity.

This made him feel more at ease, but when he thought of the possibility of such a 10% life-and-death crisis, the uneasiness in his heart could not be completely erased. At this moment, he could only pretend to be calm and try to make himself look more normal. The patrol team arrived outside the palace of the giant ghost king.

The soul cultivators of the patrol team were in awe of Bai Xiaochun, and immediately bowed their heads and left after arriving here. Bai Xiaochun stood in front of the palace gate, took a deep breath, and walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered, he immediately heard Mr. Wuchang’s voice coming from the hall.

“My lord, the ghost king flower has not communicated with the great celestial master so far. The great celestial master has never agreed that the soul refining pot is only open to us.”

“Go to the Great Heavenly Master again, and tell me that I, the Giant Ghost King, is willing to owe a favor.”

“Respect the king’s order, I’ll deal with it now.” Mr. Wuchang looked solemn, and after clasping his fists to the giant ghost king, he turned around and saw Bai Xiaochun who had entered the hall, with a smile on his face, nodded slightly, and then left.

Until Lord Wuchang left, Bai Xiaochun looked at the giant ghost king sitting on the king’s chair, endured the anxiety in his heart, hurried forward a few steps, cupped his fists and bowed deeply, and spoke loudly.

“Refer to the lord for a humble job.” The Giant Ghost King’s face was a little gloomy, as if he had something on his mind, at this moment his eyes swept over Bai Xiaochun’s body casually, and he let out a little surprise after just one glance.

“Breakthrough.” The Giant Ghost King’s eyes showed a hint of admiration, but after he glanced at Bai Xiaochun again, the admiration in his eyes turned into doubts. With his experience and keen insight, he faintly saw that Bai Xiaochun seemed to be He was a little nervous, which made him puzzled. You must know that when Bai Xiaochun faced him before, he didn’t hide his nervousness, but now, he was actually hiding it, which made the giant ghost king’s eyes flash.

Bai Xiaochun immediately saw the doubt in the giant ghost king’s eyes. His heart was shocked, and he suddenly realized his mistake. Now that his cultivation base has broken through, his expression should not be calm. This is not in line with his character. , more nervous, the thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately chose to amplify his nervousness again, making his whole body extremely tense inside and out, as if he was very scared and uneasy, and he didn’t even dare to look at the giant. The eyes of the ghost king.

The giant ghost king stared at Bai Xiaochun with deep eyes, without saying a word, a sense of oppression immediately filled the entire hall, and slowly, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, and sweat dripped from his forehead, as if he couldn’t hold on anymore. It was indeed the case, Bai Xiaochun felt that the surrounding space, with the giant ghost king’s silence, formed a squeeze, as if he wanted to crush himself into powder.

“My lord, it’s really not the fault of my lowly position.” In this depression, Bai Xiaochun trembled and wailed.

“I don’t want to be like this. It’s really the three major families who attacked the humble family too hard that day. If it weren’t for the humble fate, I am afraid that my life would have been wiped out by them, especially the Bai family.”

“So I couldn’t hold back my humble job. I knew that the lord seemed to have other plans, but I still hinted at others to suppress it.” Bai Xiaochun wept mournfully, as if he was terribly frightened.

The Giant Ghost King was taken aback, he had heard about Bai Xiaochun hinting that others would suppress the three major families before, seeing Bai Xiaochun’s nervous look, he couldn’t help but laugh, he understood that Bai Xiaochun mistakenly thought that he wanted to ask about this matter, so he was nervous .

“Nonsense” the giant ghost king gave Bai Xiaochun a look.

This glance immediately made Bai Xiaochun feel relieved, but on the surface, he still looked at the giant ghost king eagerly.

The Giant Ghost King looked into Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, knowing that he was wronged, but he didn’t say much, but opened his mouth casually.

“This time you are called here because Emperor Kui issued a decree to arrest Bai Xiaochun, the head of the Great Wall of the Great Wall of the Starry Sky Dao Sect, within their respective ranges. You can deal with this matter. If this Bai Xiaochun appears within the sphere of influence of my Giant Ghost King , you capture it.”

Bai Xiaochun’s expression froze, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately raised his head and raised his chest, and said loudly.

“Don’t worry, my lord. When I came here before, I have heard the Bai Xiaochun that everyone is talking about. Hehe, as long as this white devil dares to appear within the range of my giant ghost city, I will definitely take him down.” The Giant Ghost King also nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s not a big deal. If you don’t meet it, it’s fine. After you meet it, you should be more cautious. However, it is a good thing that you have made a breakthrough in your cultivation base. Even if you meet it, you will be more confident.” Giant Ghost King exhorted.

“Speaking of breakthroughs in cultivation, it’s thanks to the lord. If it wasn’t for the lord who let the humble job retreat and practice, it would be difficult for the humble job to break through. It is really the prince’s martial arts, eternal and unparalleled. The words of the prince that day lifted the low job’s spirit, as if eating Like a panacea, pleaseIn the future, the lord will call more low-level officials, such low-level cultivation will improve faster.” Bai Xiaochun didn’t even blush, and said flattering words without thinking.

Hearing Bai Xiaochun’s flattery, the Giant Ghost King snorted, but he felt secretly refreshed. After all, this guy in front of him was a bold and reckless person. When he slapped himself on the head, he was extremely arrogant, and the subsequent change made the Giant Ghost King notice. Here, he is a demigod, aloof and capable of controlling everything. In the past, as a demigod, he has such a broad-mindedness. It has all been taken back.

And strength is the most important thing. In front of him, no matter how strong Bai Hao is, he still has to stand on his back. He is still very useful when he listens to the other party’s flattery from time to time.

As for Bai Xiaochun’s smooth confinement, he didn’t go into too much detail, and he didn’t even think about the wanted criminal Bai Xiaochun he had never seen before. Think together.

Although the time of conceiving the baby was a coincidence, the giant ghost king understands that with his original understanding of soul blood, it is not surprising that he conceived a baby smoothly. At the same time, as his subordinate, the power is born because of the greatness of the king’s grace, and the stronger the strength Naturally the better, he didn’t even search for that weird turtle, when he waved his hand at this moment, he wanted to make Bai Xiaochun back down.

Bai Xiaochun’s heart was completely relaxed, he took a few steps back and was about to leave, but he hesitated for a moment, thinking that since he was acting, he should act thoroughly, so he turned his head again, took a peek at the Giant Ghost King, and opened his mouth as if to say something What, but hold back.

“What’s the matter?” The giant ghost king also saw Bai Xiaochun’s expression.

“My lord, do you want to intimidate the three major families?” Bai Xiaochun looked at the Giant Ghost King eagerly, as if he was unwilling.

The giant ghost king looked at Bai Xiaochun, his eyes revealing a thoughtful look. He did have other arrangements for the three major families. After all, the ancestors of the Bai family and the ancestors of the Chen family, who were cultivated by heaven and man, were also useful to him. He also understands that even without these three major families, there will be other families in the future, and he feels that in his own capacity, it is not easy to trouble those young people.

But Bai Xiaochun’s thoughts here also need to be considered. As he meditated, the scenes of the members of the three major families chasing and killing him appeared in his mind, so his eyes flickered.

“You have indeed been wronged by these three families. They have stood for thousands of years and have a deep foundation. Perhaps this is their confidence to dare to rebel this time.” The giant ghost king looked at Bai Xiaochun meaningfully.

Bai Xiaochun was stunned, and after carefully thinking about this sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up, his heart beat faster, and he thought to himself that the so-called deep foundation means that the wealth of the three major families is profound

And these words, is it implying that I can go to ransack the house? This is a reward for my life and death for the Giant Ghost King

“Don’t worry, my lord, I have a pair of fiery eyes. No matter how deep the foundations of the three major families are, they can’t escape my eyes. If you dig three feet, they will all be dug out.” Thinking of this, Bai Xiaochun was excited, but still a little Not sure, so I said something tentatively.

The giant ghost king was expressionless. If he didn’t hear it, he closed his eyes, but in his heart he appreciated Bai Xiaochun’s ability to understand what he said.

Such a gesture immediately made Bai Xiaochun full of energy. He understood that this was a tacit consent. When Bai Xiaochun thought of the three big families chasing him before, and thinking of his gorgeous turn this time, his heart was agitated.

“I’ve never done this kind of thing before. It’s too exciting to copy the enemy’s home. But obviously, the giant ghost king didn’t give an order directly. This is to let me not do too much.” We are about to leave the hall.

But just as Bai Xiaochun was about to walk out of the hall, the giant ghost king on the king’s chair murmured something casually.

“The Chen family is really hateful, especially the head of the Chen family. Although he is very beautiful, he dares to refine the forbidden banner and hum.” These words seemed to be murmured, but they were heard very clearly in Bai Xiaochun’s ears.

Bai Xiaochun was taken aback for a moment, stopped in his footsteps, and rolled his eyes around. After careful consideration, he felt that the important point in this sentence, besides the forbidden flag, was more important, the four words “blessings are not shallow”

“This old pervert…” Bai Xiaochun realized immediately, and muttered something in his heart, but on the surface he was upright, pretending he didn’t hear it, and walked out.

After Bai Xiaochun left, the giant ghost king who was sitting on the king chair raised his head and looked into the distance. With five fingers on his right hand, he was making quick moves, as if he was calculating something.

After a while, he frowned and murmured.

“Still can’t figure it out, but according to the time calculation, this soul refining pot should also be at the time when the ghost king flower blooms.”

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