Xiaochun, I Can’t Take It Anymore

This terrified feeling lasted all night, even because Bai Xiaochun was afraid, so he called Shen Suanzi, Song Que, and Chen Manyao, and the four of them chatted together.

This conversation came to the end of the night, Chen Manyao and Song Que simply sat cross-legged in meditation, without saying a word, only the magic operator and Bai Xiaochun were there, constantly asking for advice, every time they heard Bai Xiaochun bragging, the magic operator was very excited Bai Xiaochun was quite comfortable looking at his appearance, and couldn’t help but teach the magic operator more about the skills and sayings of fake night burials.

I thought that this time, it would be the same as before, it would take a long time before the monks died, but when the next night came, there was a scream, and Bai Xiaochun almost jumped up.

“What’s that sound?” Bai Xiaochun exclaimed, Shen Suanzi, Song Que, and Chen Manyao were also shocked, and quickly went out to inquire. When they learned that on the fourth floor, a Tianjiao who was ranked more than fifty died, and was arrested. After sucking all the blood from his body, Bai Xiaochun became more frightened.

The matter did not end, but in the next few days, it happened more frequently, and most of the deaths were concentrated in the fourth floor. In the next half month, there were screams from the fourth floor almost every day. Gradually, The monks in the entire boat were panicked, and each and every one of them seemed to be trembling with fear.

This kind of death happens in an instant every time, and the strange scene of the corpse has already made too many people judge that the murderer’s combat power is so strong that it cannot be resisted by Dan Jie.

This awareness made them even more terrified. Bai Xiaochun was nervous and arranged countless formations inside and outside his room, and even asked Zhao Tianjiao to help arrange them.

Not only him, but everyone on the fourth floor did not dare to live alone, but three or five people lived together, which made this bizarre death slowly stop.

A few more days passed, although no one died, but the shadow still shrouded everyone’s hearts, Bai Xiaochun was very worried, thinking that he had fought with that white shadow, he felt that the other party would definitely come to retaliate, and finally he felt that there were too many people Power is great, so I went to invite Gongsun Waner

Ask Gongsun Wan’er to come to her room, everyone is from the Nihe Sect, and they are with each other to tide over the difficulties together.

After hearing Bai Xiaochun’s invitation, Gongsun Wan’er looked a little weird, she covered her mouth with a smile, and didn’t refuse, and followed Bai Xiaochun to live in Bai Xiaochun’s room.

Seeing that everyone was here, Bai Xiaochun felt a little more relaxed.

“With me and Wan’er, as well as Shen Suanzi, Song Que and Chen Manyao’s support, even if that white shadow appears, I can still rush out and call for help.” Bai Xiaochun deeply believed it, time passed, seven days later, when he found that no one had died Finally, here, Bai Xiaochun finally breathed a sigh of relief, remembering the matter of Zhao Tianjiao.

It was also at this time that Zhao Tianjiao came to him. He had a ruddy complexion, a high spirit, and an unstoppable smile on his face. From the eyes of others, he looked like a happy event was about to come.

“Xiaochun, I think it’s almost done. Junior sister Yueshan looks at me differently, haha.” As soon as Zhao Tianjiao stepped into the room, he saw Bai Xiaochun’s place, and there was an extra Gongsun Wan’er.

As for Gongsun Wan’er, Zhao Tianjiao didn’t pay too much attention, just nodded, and happily sat opposite Bai Xiaochun.

“Xiaochun, it’s okay now, what should we do next, do you need me to confess my love to Junior Sister Yueshan?” Zhao Tianjiao asked excitedly.

In the past few days, he felt that he was so happy, he went to find Chen Yueshan every day, the two of them sat together and chatted constantly, and they talked more during these days than in the previous decades combined.

Bai Xiaochun coughed lightly, and after looking at Zhao Tianjiao, he looked serious.He got up and glared at Zhao Tianjiao.

“Don’t be overwhelmed by short-term happiness”

“Brother Zhao, let me ask you, do you want to be youthful in an instant, or forever?” Bai Xiaochun snorted, and hit Zhao Tianjiao’s head like a stick, making Zhao Tianjiao’s heart tremble, a little nervous, and he couldn’t help being dignified stand up.

“I don’t want instant youth, I want forever,” Zhao Tianjiao said seriously.

“Brother Zhao…” Bai Xiaochun’s expression calmed down, and he spoke earnestly.

“I know that you really want to become Senior Sister Yueshan’s Taoist partner right now, but it’s not right for you to do this. Have you forgotten the winning formula I told you? Hold on tight!”

“Didn’t I tell you that when you have caught her attention and given her a sense of security, what you need to do is not to move forward, but to retreat.”

“Now you have to give her a sense of mystery, and you have to retreat to make progress, so that Senior Sister Yueshan can’t stop falling for you. So, you have to hang her in the air and let her take the initiative to contact you.”

“Remember one thing, you must stay away from each other, don’t make rapid progress, take a little bit, accept it slowly, and finally you can give her a hard-won surprise.” Bai Xiaochun said earnestly, hating iron for being weak, Zhao Tianjiao stepped aside. The more reasonable it was, he gritted his teeth in the end.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” After finishing speaking, Zhao Tianjiao took a deep breath and left Bai Xiaochun’s room with determination.

In the next few days, Zhao Tianjiao strictly followed Bai Xiaochun’s request, and began to treat Chen Yueshan indifferently, and sometimes even disappeared for a few days. Even if he saw him, he would become a little more indifferent.

Occasionally, according to Bai Xiaochun’s request, they returned to normal with Chen Yueshan, just like that, sometimes alienated and sometimes intimate, all of which made Chen Yueshan puzzled at first, and then angry.

In the end, after being confused and angry, she felt that something was wrong, and she couldn’t help but want to know more about what was going on. Zhao Tianjiao’s performance made her feel different from the person she remembered.

So I started to take the initiative to get in touch, wanting to find out what happened, so the two of them went back and forth for seven or eight rounds

During this process, a month passed. During this month, the death on the battleship began to appear again. This time it was still the fourth floor. It is from these monks who live alone.

As the screams came out and the dead bodies appeared one after another, the hearts of the people on the boat fluttered, and fear spread on a large scale. When the total number of deaths reached fifty or sixty people, this kind of panic has made everyone People can hardly bear it anymore.

But no matter how much you investigate, no matter how you search, you can’t find the slightest clue. Soon, the trust between everyone is also reduced too much. While everyone is suspicious of each other, the number of dead people has changed from before. One person for one night, two people for one night, three people for one night

Even the most astonishing one was that thirteen people died in one night, and all the blood of these thirteen people was sucked dry, turning them into mummies. This scene immediately shocked all the cultivators on the battleship.

Bai Xiaochun’s fear also reached its peak at this time, he felt that it was too dangerous to be on this boat, and he hoped that the three-eyed old man would come back soon

“If we go on like this, how many people will die on this ship when we get to the wilderness?” Bai Xiaochun cried and felt uneasy, he simply called Zhao Tianjiao’s two followers to his room. He felt that he would be safe with more people here. .

These two followers were also in fear all day long, they were also worried that the white shadow would retaliate. During this period of time, their hearts were tortured and terrified. When they heard Bai Xiaochun’s call, they were immediately excited and ecstatic. They felt that Bai Xiaochun was too kind to them, so they immediately They just came over, and even liked Bai Xiaochun very much, whenever Bai Xiaochun needed, the two of them would complete it immediately, as if it was their duty to do so.

A few days later, when the voyage was nearly halfway through, Zhao Tianjiao couldn’t take it anymore, he felt that he was suffering every day, he obviously liked Chen Yueshan very much, but he couldn’t be too close.

And Chen Yueshan was also extremely persistent, and even took the initiative many times, wanting to ask an answer, every time Zhao Tianjiao wished he could express his feelings immediately, but when he thought of Bai Xiaochun’s arrangement, he could only swallow it.

At this moment, he couldn’t take it anymore. At dusk, Zhao Tianjiao came to Bai Xiaochun’s room again. As soon as he entered, he saw Bai Xiaochun lying there, surrounded by his two followers, one was pinching Bai Xiaochun’s shoulder, One was beating his leg, and when Zhao Tianjiao came in, one of them was still asking Bai Xiaochun in a low voice if the strength was appropriate.

“Xiaochun, I can’t take it anymore. I have wanted to express my feelings many times. If this continues, let alone her, I feel that it will be difficult for me and Junior Sister Yueshan to last forever.” Zhao Tianjiao looked haggard and staring looked at Bai Xiaochun.

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