Open Your Eyes

With the reverberation of Nifan’s voice, the entire starry sky trembled, as if the Tao contained in this voice was enough to destroy everything, cover the starry sky, and completely drown it

Even when the sound spread, even the ruined area occupied by Bai Xiaochun in the starry sky trembled, and the starry sky covered in pitch black was even darker like a tide, roaring in all directions.

And Nifan’s right hand is like the sky at this moment. As it rises and falls, the entire Eternal Immortal Realm is in jeopardy. At this critical moment, when all beings’ minds are blank, but their bodies are trembling instinctively, Song Que and Sheng The emperor was short of breath, although they were also affected, but because they were half-step masters, although the degree of influence was great, they could still struggle.

At the critical moment, the veins on Song Que’s forehead were bulging. He looked at the huge palm that seemed to cover half of the sky. This palm was black, as if the sky had collapsed, making the earth tremble, and the Eternal Immortal Realm seemed to collapse. A roar came from Song Gap, and he raised his head desperately. Even though his body was shattering under the pressure, his eyes were still red, and his body burned again, rushing towards the sky, towards the approaching palm.

Beside him, at this moment, there is still an aura of burning himself, and then it explodes. It is the pale Holy Emperor.

Section reading 818

From a distance, the figures of the two of them are insignificant compared with the big hand of the sky, but at this moment, they still chose to face and resist

The tragedy of this scene, the determination of this scene, although the minds of all beings are blank, they cannot notice and see, but there is a spirit in the Eternal Immortal Realm, and although the Eternal Mother is weak, it can know everything.

A sense of sadness emanated from every plant and tree in the Eternal Immortal Realm, as well as all sentient beings and the heaven and earth. While permeating the world, the bodies of Song Que and the Holy Emperor were already approaching the descending Nifan palm

Song Que roared, the Holy Emperor roared, the two of them erupted with radiant light, but compared with Nifan’s palm, they were insignificant at all, even if they chose to burn, they were still unstoppable.

The roaring sound rose from the sky at this moment. It was the attack of Song Que and the Holy Emperor, but the ending was already doomed. Even if they used all their strength, even if they gave everything, they were still only in the midst of the roar. , can’t stop the hand of Nifan even for a moment

Amidst the loud noise, Song Que spewed out blood. His body seemed to collapse, and he rolled back directly, and was blasted to the ground by the shock. His body continued to collapse during the fall. The same was true for the Holy Emperor, with blood all over his body, even half of his body. They all disintegrated, and their consciousness has dissipated. If it wasn’t for this moment, the breath of the Eternal Mother emanated from the Eternal Immortal Realm, turning into a ball of light and covering the two of them. I am afraid that they would have died before they landed. .

Song Que still had a trace of consciousness. At this moment, with a miserable smile, he looked at the big Nifan hand on the sky, roaring towards him. His eyes showed despair. He wanted to turn around to look at Bai Xiaochun who was meditating, but he had no strength left. , can only watch helplessly as Nifan’s big hand, after covering most of the sky, quickly covered the earth

He could imagine that once Nifan’s palm fell, the first to die would be all living beings in this Eternal Immortal Realm, and then it would be the collapse of the Eternal Immortal Realm, and in the end it might be this collapsed Eternal Immortal Realm that was refined by Nifan’s master, Be the ultimate support for its step into eternity

“Is it over?” Song Que murmured, sadness rising uncontrollably, merging with the sadness of Eternal Immortal Realm, and his eyes slowly closed.

But at this moment, suddenly, Bai Xiaochun, the only one on the ground who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, his eyelids trembled violently, and from his body, at this moment, an astonishing aura erupted directly

This breath spread in a roar, from the previous hundred feet to tens of thousands of feet in an instant, and then without the slightest pause, it spread to hundreds of thousands of feet, millions of feet or even endless

As the booming sound erupted into the sky, the breath of Bai Xiaochun’s body, as well as the original power in his body, continued to spread, and faintly, there was a wave of dominance, which roared from his body.

And the release of the master’s breath is like waste water dripping into the oil pan, causing Bai Xiaochun to spread endless fluctuations.It erupted again in an instant, and the sound was shocking. At the moment when the palm of the rebellious lord approached the sky of the Eternal Immortal Realm, the aura erupted from Bai Xiaochun’s body directly formed a huge light shield, covering himself and covering everything. The sentient beings in mid-air covered the Kui Dynasty, the five great fairy realms, and all the heavens and earth, and exploded directly until they touched the palm of the master Nifan in the sky of the eternal fairyland.

The deafening sound shocked the world at this moment, Song Que suddenly opened his eyes, breathing rapidly, at the same time, the sentient beings covered by Bai Xiaochun in the air suddenly regained consciousness, seeing everything around them, seeing Bai Xiaochun After the light emitted from the body, bursts of excitement and exclamation continued to spread.

“It’s the emperor”

“Quihuang is out”



Countless calls filled the entire Eternal Immortal Realm at this moment, and Bai Xiaochun’s body also moved slowly at this moment, his head slowly raised, and his withered body recovered visibly with the naked eye.

Until he raised his head completely, his eyes slowly opened

The moment his eyes opened and closed, the entire Eternal Immortal Territory, the entire world, and the entire starry sky, there was a sound of resonance, which could be heard by everyone, but some people couldn’t hear the specifics, just like Weng The sound of light, that is the humming from the Eternal Immortal Realm, it is the humming from the ruins everywhere in the starry sky, and it is even more from the humming of countless rules and laws in this starry sky

At this moment, all the ruins in the 50% area of ​​the starry sky where Bai Xiaochun’s Taoist body is located erupted with glaring lights, and they were even more connected to each other, dispelling all the darkness in the 50% area. Dao, who was meditating, was emitting resonance sounds one after another at this moment.

The sound of resonance became stronger and stronger, until finally, in all the ruins in the 50% starry sky, all of Bai Xiaochun’s Taoist bodies resonated. It is Bai Xiaochun who opened his eyes at this moment in the Eternal Immortal Domain

In his eyes, there is no longer black and white, but a bright one that seems to be able to ignore everything, shining all the light, the sense of dominion in his body is rumbling like a storm, shaking the sky, rolling half of the starry sky

The Tao of the Nifan Ruler is to destroy everything and silence everything, just like extinguishing the lights of the entire starry sky, making everything he sees and feels dark.

This kind of way does not need any world to recognize it, or in other words, no world is qualified to recognize it, so as to promote itself, the master of achievement, this is the strongest master

And Bai Xiaochun’s Dao is the same, through awakening vitality, he planted his own Dao seed in the extinguished starry sky, thus condensing the Dao body, emitting light, and re-lighting the extinguished starry sky

This is his way, and this way does not need any world to recognize it, and it is also the strongest way that has no world will and is qualified to recognize it

With this promotion, he breaks through the ancient times in this instant and steps into the master, at the same time, he is already the strongest master who is like fate with Nifan

“Ni Fan” Bai Xiaochun raised his head, he didn’t look at the big hand on the sky that touched his light curtain, but looked farther away, that standing in the starry sky, just like here for a moment, his expression was solemn, with With a strange light, he looked down at his own rebel master.

The moment their gazes looked at each other across the sky and the earth, Bai Xiaochun suddenly stood up, and as he stood up, a more powerful aura erupted from his body. Ni Fan’s palm that fell from the sky touched the light curtain, and before the power exploded, a stronger aura erupted from Bai Xiaochun’s body, and it rushed over. The falling palm actually backed away in shock

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