White Lantern

I made a number mistake again, covering my face, everyone forgive me, I will be messed up if I exceed the number ten, let alone the 24-color fire, I will revise the previous one in the afternoon, and everyone will treat it as 24-color fire. . .

Time passed, and ten years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the dark starry sky, a huge fan emits soft light, and it is moving forward at an astonishing speed. Wherever it passes, a long tail of light is set off behind it. From a distance, it looks like Meteor in general.

Inside the fan, on the Juggernaut’s arm, Bai Xiaochun sat cross-legged and meditated, opening his eyes from time to time, with a bright light in them, looking at the distant starry sky.

Black seems to be the only color in this starry sky. For ten years, Bai Xiaochun has been drifting in this starry sky. Although he has seen some floating ruins and found some souls, there are still not enough of them.

Although Bai Xiaochun was impatient, he didn’t have much to do, especially since the fan followed a certain trajectory. He tried to change it, but even if he changed the direction, he would soon return to the original trajectory.

Gradually, Bai Xiaochun, who had no purpose in the first place, gave up on changing it, and let the fan drift in the starry sky. While meditating, he cultivated on the one hand, and deduced the fire of twenty-five colors on the other hand. formula.

As for Xiao Qi Ling, after ten years of flattery, Bai Xiaochun was finally let go, and he could reconsider the issue of changing its name.

This made Xiaoqiling very excited, so he became even more enthusiastic about flattering, especially for so many years of flattery, so that by now, it has become accustomed to this way of speaking and observing words and expressions, and it has become instinctively

For example, at this moment, behind Bai Xiaochun, Xiao Qiling has a flattering expression on his face, and is giving Bai Xiaochun

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Holding his shoulders, he kept paying attention to Bai Xiaochun’s expression.

“Master, is this strength acceptable?”

“Master, I have developed a new set of massage techniques in the past few days, how about I give you a try later.”

For Xiao Qiling’s flattery, Bai Xiaochun felt very comfortable in his heart, sometimes he would snort, sometimes nod his head, if he was in a good mood, he would give Xiao Qiling a smile of appreciation, often this appreciation would cheer up Xiaoqiling for a whole day .

There is also the ancient slave, although he can only transform into one, but now he is not only acting in this fan, the ancient slave can already be outside the fan for a short time, even if he can’t leave the fan, he can control the entire fan. In terms of defense, it is also very different from when the evil emperor broke in.

And if there are foreign enemies from outside the fan, the protective power of the fan itself is not indestructible, but in the past ten years, all the ruins and dust cannot withstand the impact of the fan.

In this way, in this search like traveling in the starry sky, time passed again, and another three years passed. For the formula of the twenty-five-color fire, Bai Xiaochun had already deliberated and refined it twice with the souls collected over the years. , but too few souls were collected, and after two failed attempts, Bai Xiaochun was unable to start the third attempt.

Until this day, Bai Xiaochun, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, suddenly shook his body, his spiritual consciousness was always in a state of being scattered, at this moment when he opened his eyes, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were bright, and he left the fan in a flash, and when he appeared, he was already inside the fan edge, looking at the distant starry sky.

Soon, the little Qi spirit also noticed something, and it appeared beside Bai Xiaochun, with a moved expression, looking at the distant starry sky in disbelief.

Bai Xiaochun gradually became serious, and soon, as the fan drifted, a white light slowly appeared in the originally pitch-black starry sky in front of him.

This white light looked carefully and it turned out to be a huge lantern

This lantern is thousands of feet in size, no one is carrying it, it floats in the starry sky by itself, and behind this lantern, what makes Bai Xiaochun’s eyes widen is the endless soul

Looking around, the number of those souls is probably as many as hundreds of millions, each with a numb expression, without any agility, in that lifeless, following the lantern in front, drifting towards the distance

Seen from a distance, it is mighty and mighty, extremely astonishing.

Bai Xiaochun’s journey to the starry sky has been going on for many years, but this is still hisFor the first time, seeing such a strange scene, he immediately controlled the precious fan to stop in shock.

“So many souls.” Bai Xiaochun licked his lips. The souls he had searched over the years were not as many as what he had seen before. While his heart was moving, he also felt that the scene in front of him was too weird.

“Bai Xiaochun, have you ever seen a similar scene?” Bai Xiaochun asked immediately.

Although he was very dissatisfied with his name, Xiaoqi Ling was also shocked at the moment and shook his head quickly.

“Master, although I am asleep most of the time, when I am awake, I have never encountered such a thing in countless years. Oh my God, these souls follow the lantern. Where are they going?” Xiao Qi When his heart was startled, Bai Xiaochun narrowed his eyes. The strangeness of this incident prevented Bai Xiaochun from acting rashly.

Especially after he found that those souls seemed invisible to the treasure fan, he carefully manipulated the treasure fan temporarily, and followed these wandering souls from a distance, intending to see where they were going.

This following means that the treasure fan has returned to the original trajectory many times during the past few years, all of which were forcibly changed by Bai Xiaochun, but in the end Bai Xiaochun still couldn’t hold back, during these years of following, from time to time he threw out Soul Gathering Pills one after another, Steal away the long team of souls little by little

And the Soul Gathering Pill is refined day and night by the Black Pill Clan, and Bai Xiaochun now has quite a few of them. In this way, in his stealing, the hundreds of millions of souls were stolen by Bai Xiaochun within a few years.

With enough souls, Bai Xiaochun finally succeeded in refining the twenty-five-color fire after many attempts. Seeing that he had enough time, he began to deduce the formula of the twenty-six-color fire.

At this time, Bai Xiaochun wanted to leave, but he felt that this was a good opportunity, if he could find the end point where the lantern went, maybe he could be there, harvest more souls once and for all, Bai Xiaochun held back his thoughts, While studying the formula, continue to follow.

A few months later, the lantern seemed to have reached its end, and when Bai Xiaochun saw the end, his mind buzzed, and he saw that in the starry sky, in front of the huge lantern, there was an even bigger well

The mouth of the well was ten thousand feet in size, emitting bursts of mist that could distort nothingness. While surrounding the surroundings, the lantern also floated into the mouth of the well.

This is nothing, what makes Bai Xiaochun short of breath is that he is here, and he saw more than ten lanterns from a distance, lined up in more than ten long rows, carrying countless souls, coming from all directions, one by one into the well.

“So many souls” Bai Xiaochun was immediately excited, but now this scene was extremely strange, he hesitated for a moment, and did not dare to rush out to catch the souls.

“Oh my god, what is this?” Xiaoqi Ling was also dumbfounded. With his knowledge, he couldn’t even see what was going on here.

Bai Xiaochun was a little tangled, he stood on the fan and waited for a long time, until those lanterns disappeared at the mouth of the well, Bai Xiaochun struggled, and after a while, he gritted his teeth hard.

“That well is too mysterious, it must be very dangerous, but this is a good place. If I get stuck here, I will charge for a lantern. If I don’t get close to that well, I should be fine.” Bai Xiaochun blinked, knowing that this was an opportunity , although it was dangerous, but when he thought that if he had these souls, he could try to refine the twenty-six-color fire, so madness appeared in his eyes, and he sat there and waited silently.

Without waiting too long, that is half a month, Bai Xiaochun saw a lantern in the distance, and it flew over leisurely. As soon as his eyes lit up, he immediately controlled the treasure fan to approach, and threw a lot of it without hesitation. With the reverberation of the booming sound, when the lantern went into the well, all the souls following after it had been taken away by the red-eyed Bai Xiaochun.

“Prosperous!” Bai Xiaochun was excited, and hurried back to the treasure fan, sat there, carefully, ready to escape immediately if something bad happened, but after waiting for several days, seeing that there was no response from the well, Bai Xiaochun’s The courage also grew up.

“Haha, it’s fine. Could this be my Bai Xiaochun’s blessed land?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he continued to wait for the next lantern with great interest.

A few days later, another lantern came

In this way, under Bai Xiaochun’s crazy search for souls, one after another lanterns with a lot of souls drifting in were directly cut off by Bai Xiaochun, so only the lanterns themselves entered the well, and Bai Xiaochun’s harvest of souls also made him more and more The more excited you are, the more excited you are at the end.

But Xiaoqiling saw all this, and the feeling of something bad kept growing in his heart, and he tried to persuade him many times.

“Master, accept it as soon as you see it, I have a bad feeling”

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