Xiaochun Appears

Just as the news spread throughout Jingzhou City, as countless monks in the city discussed the matter, there were more and more remarks about the slander of Zilinhou.

After the Giant Ghost King heard about this, he was stunned for a moment. The first reaction in his mind was that it had something to do with Bai Xiaochun, and he sighed in his heart. In fact, he also felt that Bai Xiaochun’s actions had no offensive power at all.

“No one will believe this matter at all.” The giant ghost king suddenly had a headache, and hurried to find Bai Xiaochun, wanting to inquire, but before he entered the secret room where Bai Xiaochun was, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, wearing Wearing a purple dragon robe and a crown, Bai Xiaochun, who exuded the supreme aura of heavenly deity from all over his body, walked out step by step as the door opened.

An indescribable aura came oppressively, and the giant ghost king stopped breathing for a moment. He only felt that the Bai Xiaochun who walked out of the secret room at this moment was completely different from what he remembered.

His clothes, and the aura that exudes from his body seems to be above all living beings, especially his eyes seem to be permeated with thoughts, as if all life is just ants in his eyes, as if standing on the peak of a mountain, controlling The pulse of the world, the power to grasp the soul

When the Giant Ghost King paused for breath, his heart was even more shaken. He couldn’t utter a single word from his mouth at this moment. He could only stare blankly at Bai Xiaochun, who had never appeared in such a posture in his memory. .

This robe is the Taoist robe of Tianzun

After Bai Xiaochun became Heavenly Venerable, he was rewarded by the Holy Emperor. Looking at the entire Holy Dynasty, counting Bai Xiaochun, there are only five people who are eligible. They don’t wear them on weekdays, but only at the grand ceremonies once every ten years, or it is extremely grand. Taoist robes are only worn during the ceremony.

Including the crown, the same is true.

At this moment, with the Taoist robe, which is considered a treasure in itself, Bai Xiaochun’s temperament changed drastically. He glanced at the giant ghost king, and the shock in his eyes made Bai Xiaochun feel a little proud of himself, but he remained solemn and turned towards the giant ghost king. Ghost King nodded.

“Follow me.” Bai Xiaochun knew that his aura could not be broken at the moment, after speaking, he walked toward the gate of the mansion boldly.

The Giant Ghost King’s breath quickened, and he faintly guessed Bai Xiaochun’s plan. Although he was hesitant at the moment, seeing Bai Xiaochun’s words, there seemed to be some kind of unquestionable meaning, especially at this moment, the momentum of Bai Xiaochun’s body made the Giant Ghost King feel in his heart. For the first time, there was a kind of shock like the first time I saw Kuihuang back then.

At the earliest time, when Kuihuang was not overtaken by the great celestial master, as the emperor, he was awe-inspiring, and his gaze could calm the roaring world.

Looking at Bai Xiaochun’s back, the Giant Ghost King’s eyes showed a strange light. After taking a deep breath, he lowered his head slightly, and followed behind Bai Xiaochun like a courtier accompanying the emperor.

As Bai Xiaochun walked all the way, all the servants in this mansion, after seeing Bai Xiaochun, were shocked immediately, and each of them seemed to stop breathing, completely suppressed by Bai Xiaochun’s dress and momentum, and they couldn’t help Bow your head and bow down.

In this way, after Bai Xiaochun walked out of the mansion all the way, everyone in the mansion knelt and did not dare to stand up. At the same time, when he walked out of the mansion and stood on the street, Bai Xiaochun’s aura not only did not decrease, but exploded even more. Walk slowly to Lingjiu Tianzun’s mansion.

Wherever he passed, all the cultivators in Jingzhou City who saw Bai Xiaochun around him, no matter what their cultivation level was, were all trembling at this moment, shocked by Bai Xiaochun’s breath, all of them took a deep breath and paid their respects one after another.

“Greetings to God”

“Greetings to God”

The voice of “meeting Tianzun” was scattered at first, but soon, there were more and more voices. It was not their willingness to do so, but their instinct under coercion

Fortunately, the place where Bai Xiaochun lived was not far from Tianzun Lingjiu’s mansion, and soon, when Bai Xiaochun’s aura reached its peak, he had already walked in front of Tianzun Lingjiu’s mansion.

Without even looking at the stunned elders guarding there,Bai Xiaochun walked in one step at a time, the giant ghost king got excited, and hurriedly followed. As for the celestial cultivators guarding here, their duty should be to stop them, but now under Bai Xiaochun’s aura, they simply can’t bear it. No thought of resistance.

In this way, Bai Xiaochun walked calmly and smoothly into Lingjiu Tianzun’s mansion. The moment he entered here, he felt that there were more than ten people in a large hall in front of him, including Zilinhou. , seeming to be discussing, the aura of one of them seems to be hidden, but in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, the existence of the other party is like a torch in the dark night, extremely conspicuous.

Almost at the moment when Bai Xiaochun felt Tianzun Lingjiu, in this hall, Tianzun Lingjiu, who had some headaches, suddenly raised his head. The moment his head was raised, the door of the hall where he and the demigods were located creaked. It was slowly pushed away, which attracted the attention of the ten demigods and Zi Linhou here. When they turned their heads subconsciously, each of them seemed to be bombarded by thunder, and they all stayed there, staring blankly at the moment standing outside the gate. , wearing the Taoist robe of Heavenly Venerable, wearing a crown, Bai Xiaochun looks like a god who descended into the world.

Zi Linhou was also among them, gasping for breath at this moment, his mind blank.

Bai Xiaochun directly ignored the ten demigods and Zi Linhou, and as the door opened, his eyes fell directly on an old man sitting at the top of the hall.

This old man is also wearing a purple robe, but it is not the Taoist robe of Tianzun. His whole body exudes the pressure of Tianzun, which seems to be able to affect the changes of the world. He is sitting there, but it gives people an unreal sense of illusion. Whoever watches it for a long time will have a feeling in his heart that the other party is a god

But at this moment, the more than ten demigods in the main hall were all buzzing in their minds. First of all, they did not expect that Bai Xiaochun would come, and secondly, they did not expect that Bai Xiaochun, who was coming, was wearing the Heavenly Venerable Daoist Robe, with an imposing aura that oppressed the Holy Emperor. The status of the throne given is extremely thorough.

What made them even more uncomfortable was that they were sandwiched between Bai Xiaochun and Lingjiu Tianzun at this moment. The two gods looked at each other at this moment, and the coercion formed made these demigods and Zi Linhou secretly complain.

Lingjiu Tianzun narrowed his eyes, his face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, staring at Bai Xiaochun, to be precise, this was the first time the two met.

“I’m sorry, I’m late for this regular meeting.” Bai Xiaochun and Lingjiu Tianzun stared for a while, opened their mouths lightly, and walked in. Suddenly, countless stones appeared out of nowhere, and under everyone’s eyes, they melted together in an instant, forming a huge seat

After shaping the seat with magic techniques, Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeves and sat directly on the chair. He and Lingjiu Tianzun looked at each other again across the square of the main hall.

At this moment, in this hall, there are seats on the front and back sides, and each has a deity.

“You can continue. This king is just performing the duties given by the Holy Emperor, so don’t worry about it.” After sitting down, Bai Xiaochun said lightly.

Everyone in the hall was fluctuating in breath, as if the city gate was on fire and the fish in the pond were on fire, everyone dared not breathe, how dare they speak, and the Marquis of Zi Lin, he also saw the giant ghost king behind Bai Xiaochun, he could only hope that his spirit would With Jiu Tianzun, Bai Xiaochun can be intimidated.

Tianzun Lingjiu looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly, and suddenly smiled. This smile was indifferent, and even more contemptuous. He looked away, and only said two words to the demigods in the hall.


The demigods in the hall hesitated for a moment, seeing Tianzun Lingjiu speak, they could only bite the bullet and speak again.

“My lord, the matter against Zi Linhou has been investigated, this is slander”

“That’s right, it is a conspiracy commonly used by the evil dynasty. If we question Zi Linhou because of this, we will really fall into the poisonous scheme of the evil dynasty.”

“My lord, please give me an order to declare to the Second Immortal Territory, and return Zi Linhou’s innocence.”

After everyone spoke one after another, Lingjiu Tianzun spoke lightly with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

After saying “Zhun”, he got up and was about to leave, but at this moment, Bai Xiaochun raised his head and said something slowly.

“slow down”

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