One Step to The End

Chapter 900: Doomsday Highway

"Fei Lao Leng in the blue sky, I am looking at Bianjing from the northeast..."

Captain Jack of the high imitation used a mouthful of the taste of the northeast big ballast, wearing sunglasses while singing and twisting on the co-driver. The fake foreigner Zhao Guanren who drove the same was the same, wearing sunglasses and shaking his head and humming, except that their sunglasses were projected on the night vision screen. , The lights are as bright as daytime without driving.

"Oh! It's nice to go back to the earth once in a while..."

Datou Lu turned off the music on his mobile phone, lit two cigarettes and split one out, and said with a lewd smile: "You said I am a highly imitation version of Depp. If you encounter some college girl fans, it shouldn't be a problem to get a few free shots. , Then my trip is a journey of hunting for beauty!"

"What's the meaning of a little girl? To be a man must be compelling. Isn't she popular with actresses, policewomen, models, executives..."

"Why didn't you mention flight attendants? Isn't flight attendants your favorite..."

"Trust me! Foreign flight attendants are old ladies, and it's uncomfortable to stir a big tank with a mop..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and shook his head, Lu Datou immediately began to discuss with excitement, and the two burst into laughter from time to time. It was the mother fly who was the mistress of the dung beetle-the smell was similar! These two guys don't know what loneliness and danger are when they are together.


"I'm a little hungry, or find a place to have a late night snack, just to change my drive..."

Lu Da’s hair is now past eleven o’clock at midnight, and no ghosts can be shot on Australian highways. The surrounding area is empty except for the stone mountains and wasteland. There are few cars, few people, and few living corpses. There are only a variety of corpses and animals everywhere. But when he navigated Zhao Guanren to drive, he discovered the danger in time.

"You have to find a gas station. This broken car is too expensive..."

Zhao Guanren clicked on the car navigator twice, and there was still a half-and-a-half away from the destination, but the nearest gas station was only a few kilometers away, so he turned and drove on a small road. The surroundings were flat enough to see things hundreds of meters away. Worried about being attacked by corpses.

"It seems to be a small village, there must be a lot of sheep..."

Lu Datou tapped his sunglasses to enlarge the image, and he saw a huge sheep statue from a distance. Next to the statue is a gas station. You can see hundreds of houses, almost every house has its own. courtyard.

"This is not a village. A town of this size is already very large abroad..."

Zhao Guanren slowed down the speed of the muscle car. Fortunately, the gas station was built on the outskirts of the town. The two drove the car directly to the gas station. With the night vision function, there was no need to turn on the lights. When they got off the car, they began to slaughter the corpses and turn them into animals. The living corpse in the car was not let go.

"Yo~ there are humans moving around here..."

Lu Datou pushed the door and walked into the convenience store at the gas station. When he saw that several living corpses in the store had their heads headshot, there were two dead dogs lying on the counter. He hurriedly put on a mask to drive away flies and found that there were Many commodities have been taken away.

"A failed operation, it is estimated that someone was bitten..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the broken rear window, and a living corpse rushed out abruptly, but it happened to hit the tip of his knife and slid on the window sill for a few times. It turned out to be a man in tactical equipment. Carrying a rifle.

"I'm telling you, I'm going to pretend to stutter so that there will be no accent problems..."

Lu Datou opened the freezer carelessly, unbuttoned his pants, and peeed into the refrigerator. Zhao Guanren took off the gun and some equipment from the living corpse, pushed open the door of the small warehouse and walked in, with a **** scab lying on the ground. Woman in a desert-colored tactical camouflage.

"Then your idol person design can be crossed..."

Zhao Guanren opened the zipper and peeed on the shelf. Unexpectedly, after the liquid splashed on the female corpse’s face, the female corpse took two slightly. This was a sign that he was going to scam the corpse. He turned around and took a pee and held it up at the same time. Cut the knife in his hand.


The female corpse suddenly let out a scream, unexpectedly rolled out and shrank to a corner, hurriedly took out the flashlight, and at the same time stroked the gun at the waist, but when the flashlight was shining on Zhao Guanren, both of them were shocked and stupid. Eye.

"You, who are you, what do you want to do..."

The woman drew out a dagger in a panic, Zhao Guanren quickly put on her pants and put away the knife, and tried her best to use the correct English word sequence to say: "Survival! Just passing by here, we thought you were dead!"

"Hi~ Nice to meet you..."

Lu Datou turned on the flashlight and walked in. The woman breathed a sigh of relief, put away the knife and wiped the liquid on her face, got up and complained: "Damn it! How can you pee on the face of the corpse, forget it!" It's Shia, adventurer at Camp Kuka, how about you?"

"I'm Jimmy, this is Jack..."

Zhao Guanren shrugged and said: "We are both from Broken, but I grew up abroad, so my English is not very good, Broken is the only two of us left!"

"I heard it, you speak like a Japanese..."

Xia took two steps forward with her injured head, and was suddenly surprised: "God! You are Depp or his imitator, it's really amazing!"

"You can call me Jie, Jack Boat, Captain..."

Big head Lv deliberately pretended to stammer. He is a serious education bureau official at any rate, and basic daily conversations are still fine.


Xia chuckled out and said, "I'm sorry! I didn't laugh at you deliberately, Mr. Pirate Captain, can I find a first aid kit for the lady? I need to clean up the wound!"

"OK! Come with me..."

Lu Datou shook his head and shook his head to imitate the pirate captain. As soon as Xia followed out, she found the living corpse on the window sill and said frustratedly: "Damn! I knew he was bitten. We really shouldn't risk coming here. We can't swallow this place. !"

"what happened?"

Zhao Guanren leaned on the shelf, Xia leaned against the wall and said dejectedly: "We were attacked by gangsters. When we shared the fruits of victory, they opened the iron cage with corpse dogs. I hid in the warehouse and wanted to fight back. , Someone knocked me out from behind!"

"There are traitors among you..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and said: "The window was not damaged. The attacker was behind the shelf. He knew that there was a zombie dog coming in, and then knocked you out. Finally, something went wrong and they ran away too!"

"What you said makes sense, it must be George, **** traitor..."

Xia kicked the wall angrily, walked to the gate and took a photo back and forth, and turned around and asked, "Can you take me to Wright Town? It's a small stronghold of the gang. My companion should have them arrested. Just put me near there!"

"Sorry! There is another possibility, you are the attacker..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head, grabbed some merchandise, and left. Xiya had a **** expression, but Lu Bu put down the first aid kit and walked out. The two found some tools to refuel the car, while Xiya squatted in the convenience store to wash her hair and face. In the end, even the shirt was taken off.

"Hey~ Two gentlemen, can you help the lady treat the wound..."

Xia walked out wearing only a bra. After washing her face, she looked a lot better. She was more than 1.7 meters tall and very firm. She not only had abdominal muscles but also had wheat-colored skin. Although she looked like a light mature woman, Zhao Guanren I think she will not be younger than thirty-three years old.

"Sorry! There is no gentleman here, let's pour disinfectant on your head..."

Zhao Guanren opened the beer and took a big gulp. The two of them were already sitting on the hood to eat. Lv laughed softly, "I knew she was uneasy when she was undressed. Sitting on the ground can absorb soil!"

"The woman who wanders through the rivers and lakes, few words are credible..."

Zhao Guanren casually ate canned food, Xiya came over with a first aid kit, and said angrily: "You can go to the stronghold with me, and I will prove my identity to you. I am not a gang member. I want to save me. Friend, she is a young girl!"

"Not interested! Good luck..."

Zhao Guanren smiled politely. Xia got into the co-pilot in frustration and turned on the top light to clean the wound in the rearview mirror. Zhao Guanren smiled without looking back: "I bet a dollar, she wants to steal ours. vehicle!"

"You think I don't know, I don't bet..."

Lu Datou walked into the store with a wicked smile. As he entered the door, the car door was suddenly unlocked, and Xia had quietly climbed into the driving position, turning the car key in a hideous face, but no matter how she turned the car. There was no response at all.


Zhao Guanren knocked on the windshield with a pistol, and raised a car key with a smirk. The key inserted in the switch was not for this car at all, but Xiya froze all of a sudden and said with a pale face. : "It's not what you think, I just want to try the performance of this car!"


Zhao Guanren loaded the bullet and aimed it at her head. Xia hurriedly opened the door and walked down. She raised her hand with an iron face and said, "I'm sorry! I'm just eager to save people. You can do whatever you want. Please don't hurt me. ?"

"Get on the car and lift your butt..."

Lu Datou also walked out with a smirk, Xia walked to the front of the car very obediently, bent down and supported the hood with her hands, pouting her **** and said, "Hey~ it doesn't have to be this way, we can go to the warehouse and have a good time. It's too dangerous outside!"

"Don't be clever, you are the stupidest here..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her jokingly, Lu Datou walked behind her and held her waist, followed her legs all the way down, and pulled out a small pistol from his boots.

Xia suddenly desperately said: "I will be very cooperative. Would you please wear a cover?"

"What if you don't wear it?"

Lu Datou got up and hugged her waist, slowly eased her belt, Xia trembling fiercely, nervously said: "Listen! I will let you enjoy the service, everyone will be very happy, besides, I also have it. Unclean Merry Disease!"

"Keep down and hold your head, a hundred frogs jump..."

Lu Datou retreated to the side with a smirk, Xia straightened up in disbelief, and after looking at the two of them back and forth, she suddenly covered her face and complained: "Oh! Damn gay, I... I'm taking bad luck. Leapfrog, please, satisfy you!"

"We are not gay, but we are not interested in old women..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and stood up. Xia didn't know what to say, and honestly hugged her head to leapfrog. The two wicked ghosts got into the car with a laugh, turned on the lights and drove to Xia's side.

"You made two stupid mistakes..."

Zhao Guanren lowered the car window and smiled: "One is that he overestimated his charm, and the other is that he can negotiate terms. After all, you are in good shape. Why do you want to grab a car?"

"Send me to the stronghold! Anything is fine, please..."

Xia hurriedly stood up and begged. Zhao Guanren waved her hand and stepped on the gas pedal and left. Xia cursed angrily from behind, but when the vehicle was driving on the road, there was a bleating sound from the rear, and there was a group of corpses. The sheep rushed over.

"Help! Wait for me..."

Xia yelled in horror. The car stopped at the side of the road. Xia ran over at a speed of 100 meters. Who knew the door could not be opened. Zhao Guanren opened a window and smiled: "Madam first! You! The seat is on the hood!"

"Hurry up! They are here..."

Xia squatted on the hood in a panic, grabbing the wipers tightly with both hands, Zhao Guanren stomped the accelerator and rushed out, asking loudly, "Xia! Are you a bad **** who loves to steal cars?"

"Yes! I'm bad bitch, let me in..."

Xia's tears came out, and her long hair was wafting around in the strong wind, but Lu Datou asked again, "Do you want to have a haircut with us?"

"Yes! I think, you can make as many shots as you like..."


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