One Step to The End

Chapter 823: Fight ancestors

Most of Kuya Island is covered by virgin forests. Its area is comparable to that of a large county. It looks like a pristine island with pleasant scenery on the surface, but it has undergone many transformations in secret, and various semi-underground buildings are not counted. Even abruptly opened up an airstrip in the mountains.


The bus stopped in front of a garden by the sea. Zhao Guanren led his men to get out of the car one after another. There were no more or no less than two dozen people. Their weapons were taken away politely. The villagers were still stranded on the dock. How to resettle is still unknown.

"Oh~ this small garden is not bad, it's very delicate..."

Zhao Guanren strolled into the garden. In fact, this Japanese-style garden is already very large. Of course, it was placed at the county level in the Han Dynasty. There are two unlucky white lanterns hanging in front of the orange courtyard. A very old plaque-Xianji Garden!

"Thanks to your mercy, you didn't blow up this monument with a history of more than 300 years..."

Luo Zixuan and Wolfe also got out of the armored car. Wolfe always kept a distance from Zhao Guanren. A large number of heavy gunners followed. Li Qin and Morty followed Luo Zixuan. As soon as they walked in, they saw a group of men and women in kimonos. Welcomed.

"Welcome your Excellency to Xianji Garden!"

A group of people bent over and bowed collectively in two rows. The middle-aged man in the lead spoke a standard Mandarin, but Zhao Guanren did not despise others. He bowed his hands in accordance with the rules of the Han Dynasty, and also said a sentence in Japanese. !


A group of Japanese descent bowed again in a slight surprise, almost bending their waists to ninety degrees. On the contrary, Luo Zixuan and others did not know what to do. After all, they were also saluting to them, but Zhao Guanren lifted up calmly. Hand, said something-flat body!

"Uh~ Brother Ren! Let me introduce..."

Luo Zixuan introduced embarrassingly: "This Xianji Garden was built in Japan during the Edo period. For generations of great-great-grandsons, Shimadzu is a family with a very cultural heritage, and now this is also their family's property!"

"Hay! I am Shimazu Hisaki, please take care of me..."

The headed middle-aged man bowed again, and the young man behind him finally revealed his true colors, all with arrogant expressions, and the eyes of people looked like a leopard, so before bowing and saluting were fake and polite. The same goes for Zhao Guanren's return of courtesy.

"Ha! Dare to talk about the cultural heritage in front of us..."

Zhao Guanren sneered and said: "Whose family hasn't seen a few emperor relatives, Zhu Mingzhu's ancestor is Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the eight classics, can your little vassal kings compare? There is gold on your face, Shimadzu Shimazu, it sounds like a fisherman!"


Zhu Sanshui let him say it for a moment, and kept blinking his eyes back to the family tree.

"Yes! There are not many emperor ancestors in anyone's family..."

Zhou Fafa also yelled: "My old Zhou family is not a trafficker. The ancestor is Zhou Yu, the famous general of the three countries. In the next few weeks, the emperor is also the ancestor of my family. I can't find a few!"


Shimazuki Hisaki smiled and said without a smile: "I have heard of Mr. Zhao's skillful tongue. I didn't expect that the cheeks of his subordinates are so thick. I'm afraid that if he goes on, Mr. Zhao will have to say that his ancestor is The emperor of the Song Dynasty, right?"

"Not bad!"

Zhao Guanren said arrogantly: "The Zhao family naturally came from the same line. Thousands of years ago, they were the same ancestor. However, Xiao Zhao’s family is a distant relative of our old Zhao’s family. To put it right, our family is the oldest. His ancestor is an emperor...Qin Shihuang!"

"The First Emperor Yingzheng? Hahaha..."

Shimazu Hisaki raised his head and laughed. It seems that this guy not only speaks Mandarin, but also studies history. The two middle-aged people next to him also understand. Translate to other young people.

"Brother Ren!"

Luo Zixuan said dejectedly: "You're a bit nonsense, you can say that you are a descendant of Zhao Kuangyin, but Qin Shihuang's surname wins, what does it have to do with your old Zhao family? It is shameful to make the Japanese laugh at us. ?"

"Last name, surname, understand the difference between the two, and then come forward with me..."

Zhao Guanren ridiculed: "The first emperor wins the surname of the Zhao family. The ancestor of the Zhao family is the Cepheid of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The surname is the Cepheid of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Zheng, Zhao Guanren’s Zhao, Understand?"


Zhao Guanren was shocked by what Zhao Guanren said. All the old Japanese were speechless, and even Luo Zixuan looked at him dumbfounded, with a surprised expression of "How could you be so literate", it was as if they didn't know him anymore. Same.

"Human! You can have no diploma, but you must have a culture..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to a young man in a kimono and said, "You have to use snacks if you plagiarize our culture. Confucius has a cloud, and we have a micro tube. I will wear Zuo Jian. This means that only barbarians can The civilized person is the left jun dressing and the right jun, okay?"


Shimazu Kuki turned around and slapped the boy on the face. More than a dozen people put on the wrong collar left and right. Obviously, he didn’t wear a kimono for a temporary attire. As a result, Zhao Guanren caught a slap in the face. The old devil's eyes are red.


There was enthusiastic applause in the courtyard immediately, Zhou Fafa and others applauded desperately, Zhao Guanren's disobedience, although he forcibly put gold on his face, he said that it was reasonable and well-founded, so that uneducated people would be ashamed of themselves.

"Get off!"

Zhao Guanren proudly held his hands back and walked forward in all directions. He had been a prince in the Han Dynasty for several years. His ministers were either champions or second-place winners. Although he didn't dare to talk about culture with them, he also learned under the influence of ears and eyes. A lot.


Wolfe whispered in doubt: "What are you talking about, why did Shimadzu hit his own person?"

"Shimadzu wants to highlight the family's cultural heritage, so as to suppress Zhao's momentum in the negotiation..."

Luo Zixuan shook her head helplessly: "Unfortunately, Shimadzu failed. Zhao used history to tell things and laughed at them as the descendants of the fishermen, and he himself was the descendant of the emperor. It happened that the beaten broke the dressing tradition, so Shimadzu became angry. !"


Wolfe asked in surprise: "But you said that Zhao Guanren is just an ignorant and uneducated street gangster?"

"Zhao Guanren has been missing for a year and a half. God knows what he did..."

Luo Zixuan frowned and said: "He used to have obvious low-level, swear words and obscene, but now he is like a superior, his aura and conversation have undergone great changes, of course! He has only become educated. Hooligan!"

"Evelyn! The reason why I stand here is only because I and my superiors trust you..."

Wolfe solemnly said: "You must not let Mr. Carl down. The price of disappointment is death. I am not afraid to tell you that I feel a terrible breath in him. I feel that he is not here to negotiate. It's here to kill!"

"Hey~ Wolfe! Calm down, you look nervous..."

Luo Zixuan helped him adjust his collar, and said with a serious face: "Since Zhao Guanren is here, it means that his hole cards are running out, otherwise he will never bow to anyone. Now we have the initiative, as long as we look at the refugees and His woman, I can convince him!"

"He is definitely a devil, I hope we are not digging our own graves..."

Wolf took a deep breath, and accompanied Luo Zixuan to a Japanese-style house. The house was covered with tatami mats full of straw mats. Zhao Guanren arrogantly sat on the main seat with a long table in front of him. Lin Zirui and Song Qian are two beauties.

"Li Qin! Do you have nothing to say to me..."

Luo Zixuan stopped under the wooden steps, and Li Qin walked down from the door and said in a low voice: "Zhao Guanren has prepared for the worst. In case of collapse, he will turn his face directly. I think even if there is a missile bombing, he has a way to guarantee himself. Immortal, so Shen Qingwen was allowed to stay on the boat!"

"Send someone to send a supper to the boat, keep an eye on Shen Qingwen..."

Luo Zixuan took off her shoes and walked up the steps, holding two knives and walking into the big house. Zhao Guanren's men were all sitting on the right side. A dozen Japanese people were sitting on the left. A beauty in kimono was showing the tea ceremony to Zhao Guanren, kneeling. The flowing water performing in front of him.

"Hey? That's weird! Why doesn't this girl fight? Is she an infantry but not..."

Zhao Guanren jokingly lit a cigarette. The smelly men immediately burst into laughter, and Zhou Fafa laughed lewdly: "The movies that the old beautiful watched must not be coded. I have subtitles in my eyes. The blood-red FBIWARNING develops according to the plot. It should be the "Undead" series! Hahaha..."

"You are boring, not boring, teasing a little girl..."

Luo Zixuan walked to the middle, waved to make Lin Zirui go away, but Lin Zirui straightened her back and said, "Ms. Luo! You don't need to worry about such trivial things. The boss has always been waiting for me while drinking tea. He is not used to drinking tea!"

"Lin Zirui, right? A third-line young model developed in South Korea..."

Luo Zixuan said with a faint smile: "Your father is a reporter for a TV station, and his mother works as a nurse in a private clinic. You met the rich second-generation Zhang Zelin in a nightclub. In the end, he tried to threaten the boss and didn't succeed. Instead, he published a video of playing with you. Has the boss enjoyed it? I have all six videos!"


Lin Zirui paled in shock and anger, but Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "You girl, dare to be jealous with your sister Zixuan. You haven't debuted when she was serving me, right! Are there any videos of Song Qian? , I can pay a big price to see it!"


Luo Zixuan drove away Lin Zirui with a smile, sat down on her knees and poured a cup of tea, and said: "Of course you have to spend a lot of money. I am a first-hand resource. Ms. Song has such a great body. As long as she is a man, she wants to appreciate it! "

"Miss Luo!"

Song Qian frowned and said, "Please don't spread rumors and slanders. I have never filmed anything like that. I have only talked about two boyfriends since I debuted, and they are all serious people!"

"I don't know if they are serious, anyway you must be serious..."

Luo Zixuan took out a mobile phone from her pocket and put it on the table with a smile: "Brother Ren! This includes your domestic women. If you order me to broadcast, I will lose if you don’t broadcast it, but you have to promise me every time you watch one. One condition, do you want to see it, dare you to see it?"

"Why don't I dare to look at my girls? I haven't seen any of them..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her disdainfully, but Luo Zixuan leaned in front of him and smiled: "Aren't you afraid to see the cheating video of you after you leave? If you don't dare to watch it, just treat her as if I didn't say it, and I will quit. This negotiation was hosted by Wolff and Shimazu Hisaki!"

"When did you switch to being a paparazzi..."

Zhao Guanren squinted his eyes slightly, and Luo Zixuan smiled again: "This is the power of the Eagle Head Society. It is not a tool of violence, but its power is beyond your imagination. If you are willing to become the global president of the Bald Eagle, the Eagle Head Society will Will become the scepter in your hand!"

"Are you sure who has the film?"

Zhao Guanren stared at her a little unbelievingly, but Luo Zixuan firmly said: "I'm pretty sure! I also specially prepared a photo of my private house for you, afraid that you will forget the beauty of the past, of course! My free of charge, and then give it away for nothing. You have a piece of Song Meiren!"


Song Qian also firmly said: "I have never photographed anything like that. It's not a fake PS, or it was taken by a dirty reporter!"

"Since you are so confident, let's make a bet..."

Luo Zixuan said domineeringly: "If I have your restricted video and you take off your clothes and go for a lap, otherwise I go for a naked lap and withdraw from this negotiation, dare you bet?"


Song Qian stared at her with a green face, and by looking at her expression, she knew that she was quickly recalling whether she had been photographed. Finally, she said loudly: "The sneak shots are not counted. Who knows if there is any nasty thing. A camera is installed on the cruise ship. !"

"Okay! Candid photos are not counted, dare to bet..."

"Bet! I've never done anything like this before, and I'm not afraid of the shadow crooked..."

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